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Voice communication on ded serv

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Hail !!!

I start a dedicaded server with the "-dplay" for use the in-game vocal comm. but don't work !

I Launching normal server will work!

What should i do ?

Thanks !!!

Hail !!!


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as far as i know, comms for dedi servers was disabled in later versions of ofp. it created to much lag. i could be wrong somewhere. anyway, the best way for you and anyone playing to talk would be to get Team Speak or Roger Wilco. i would suggest team speak. if u don't have it or don't even know what it is go to www.teamspeak.org and check it out.

you'll need a server for TS and if you don't have one or know where to find one let me know, u can use mine

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as far as i know, comms for dedi servers was disabled in later versions of ofp.  it created to much lag.

No, it was not - it was only not implemented in OFP sockets network layer. It is fully functional when using DirectPlay.

I am afraid you need to provide more information about what exactly are you trying to do, and what does not work as expected.

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Hail !!!

So i start the server with this command line:

"C:\gamez\OperationFlashpoint\OFPR_Server.exe -mod=finmod;nam;i44demo;wint;stuff -config=server1.cfg -dplay"

Here's the config:


passwordAdmin = "rebel"; // password to protect admin access

hostname="OFP BKD Server # 1";



"Welcome to BackDoor OFP server.",

"Hosted by BACKDOOR and ALIAS",

}; // Welcome message


voteThreshold=0.33; // when one third agrees, this is enough to confirm a vote

reportingIP=""; // private server - no reporting

voteMissionPlayers=1; // start voting when 3 players connect

MaxMsgSend = 256;

MinBandwidth = 1536000;

// descriptions of more missions may follow



the server start with no error

loggin with 2 o more clients all with vocal communication configured and working

while in game i open the communication and talk but no one will ear me.

then i start a serve with my pc (not ded serv) made the same thing and all hear me !

what should i do ?

thank you all for help ! smile_o.gif

Hail !!!

Behoram Uallas

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Hail !!!

Yes the mic, the audio settings in windows mixer and the voice communication on resistance setup are made correctly and working.

Hail !!!


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THe voice chat only works in the privately hsoted game, (create server option) and in direct play mode.

I dunno why BIS havn't supported it with sockets yet, it be good if they did and just have a option on the clients were they can choose to block people or whatever, maybe a tick box on the player lobby/screen I dunno..

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Dedicated servers can have voice comms, the Kyllikki server has it (sockets)

Our server uses DirectPlay ;)

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