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bonko the sane

Sea demon mig29 v2.02

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My opinions about Vit's addons.

The guy works very hard and he has produced more addons of the msot needed aircraft than anyone else. His addons incorporate features like countermeasures, airbrakes, afterburners and such. Therefore I think of Vit as one of the most productive addonmakers in the OFP community.

However his modelling capabilities leave something to be desired. It looks as he makes all his models by the hand without the help of any blueprints.

Why Seademon's Mig-29 is better than Vit's

-It has 6 weapon hardpoints. Vit's has 10 - two of the missiles are even mouted on wingtips!

-Seademon's has 3 different types of correctly modeled air-to-air missiles: AA-10 Alamo, AA-8 Aphid, and AA-11 Archer. Vit just uses some missiles that appear to me as common Sidewinders

-Seademon has an accurate 3d-modeled cockpit with working gauges and HUD textures (not working tho). Vit seems to have just copied a cockpit texture from Jane's USAF and slabbed it on a flat surface.

-Seademon's canopy opens correctly. The canopy frame and the front part stays put.

Some things that are better on Vit's Mig

-Speed Brake

-Multiple camo schemes (altho not all entirely accurate)

-AI can take off and land with it

What is this, flaming or constructive criticism? And is it justified?

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I didn't mean you, Wonder. I like the rational way you put the things. I was talking about reconmercs who might reconsider his posting what was everything else but helpful.

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well, wonders opinion is pretty much mine...he just seems like Vit just rushes to get things out the door without even looking at them...sorry I don't blow sunshine up peoples 6's just because they release something like most people...sea demon and footmunch for that matter are prob some of the best fixed wing addon guys the community has and thas my opinion and nothing more...I give praise where praise is due

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I Wonder when Deadsoldier&Marine are going to release their Mig-29! smile_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]well, wonders opinion is pretty much mine...he just seems like Vit just rushes to get things out the door without even looking at them

Well, this sounds more polite than your earlier posting, reconmercs. See, it's good to have different opinions and criticism, but what I don't like is offensive language.

In German we say "Der Ton macht die Musik" what means something like "It's the way something is said that determines how it will be recieved". No need for an argument here, you agree? smile_o.gif

Btw, I agree with you: The D&M MiG looks VERY nice...


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Is it just me or does Sea Demon's Mig-29 seem kinda small? I placed one of his migs along with a RAD F/A-18 and Vit's Mig-29, and I noticed some size discrepancies. Sea Demon's mig seems slightly smaller than the F-18, but in real life I think the Mig is slightly larger. On the other hand, Vit's mig is huge (maybe too big). Also it will be cool when Sea Demon adds a working HUD and counter-measures (hint hint wink wink)...

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Thanks for remarks. Really my mig29 was is small a little. I have corrected it.

I too have corrected the chassis. Now the pilot at landing lets out Gear  the chassis automatically

Has added 3 more kinds of a camouflage. 2 German. 1 Belarus

Has corrected names of rockets

Has changed parameters of model.






this is mig 29 v2.03


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Yes there are problems with FTP apologize.

But the some people can download. Let will share.

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Excuse for my English.

I now work above different kinds of a camouflage.

I now am excited with elimination of defects in symbolics and numbers more.

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Just a question:

I thought it was impossible to add more than 1 type of real "missiles" to a vehicle in ofp, but here you have 3 different?

I thought the others would have to behave like bombs or rockets? How did you get around this problem?

Great plane smile_o.gif

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Whoa cool Mig , i love it hope you improve on it more Seademon.

D/lding v2.3 now. smile_o.gif

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I had an animation scripting error that shows up every time I fire a missile at your MiG-29, any clue on why?

Just a problem I noticed, BTW great work on this addon.  This addon beats Vit's aircraft addons hands down.  This is an excellent update of your first MiG-29 which has been used as the prime threat in the missions of my fighter campaign.

For all you combat fighter aircraft enthusists, I'm doing a private beta testing of my fighter campaign.  If you are interested in particpating, PM me.

I really wish NAA US Marine and Deadsoldier would do some minor updates to their F-15E addon.  It needs longer range AMRAAM's and automatic CM deployment.



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I do not look planes From VIT. After he has stolen my model MIG25. in his planes of any similarity with real prototypes.

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