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we will see who is right! I stick to my attitude that I trust people untill the last moment. Full Stop!  smile_o.gif

same here. wink_o.gif

but with the pics you're still wrong. read from this post. sad_o.gif

Fair enough. But that is not the resolution nor size that Bals presented it to us! Jesus people, stop making assumption till he comes back to us. Hope he is fast in clearing things up!

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we will see who is right! I stick to my attitude that I trust people untill the last moment. Full Stop! smile_o.gif

same here. wink_o.gif

but with the pics you're still wrong. read from this post. sad_o.gif

Fair enough. But that is not the resolution nor size that Bals presented it to us! Jesus people, stop making assumption till he comes back to us. Hope he is fast in clearing things up!

ok, let's wait for his comemnt on that. but i already see a mod saying "stay on topic" crazy_o.gif

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at the moment I realy dont care. Fact is that he IS in a pretty bad sitution, I hope the truth is not too far away from what he told us. I am not gonna offend him nor accuse him I simply want to know the facts, not about him,. but about these pictures and "his" mission in Afghanistan. AND I really hope he is allowed to post the truth here and hasnt got to lie to us again! If the americans are allowed to put so much confidence in their soldiers then we should too!

Back on topic, Hamas declared they will not accept nor accept the peace-agreement of today. WHAT A SUPRISE!

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we will see who is right! I stick to my attitude that I trust people untill the last moment. Full Stop! smile_o.gif

I'm not trying to say Bals or you is either right or wrong...I just think he owes an explanation to the community that he lied to and htat has respected him for so long. What was the need/rationale for going throught he trouble of Photoshoping fake photos, and coming up with a "story" for each photo?

Quote[/b] ]Back on topic, Hamas declared they will not accept nor accept the peace-agreement of today. WHAT A SUPRISE!


Wow. That almost NEVER happens.


What is it going to take for them to realize that neither side is going to get what they want by blowing each other up. Utterly ridiculous.

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we will see who is right! I stick to my attitude that I trust people untill the last moment. Full Stop!  smile_o.gif

I'm not trying to say Bals or you is either right or wrong...I just think he owes an explanation to the community that he lied to and htat has respected him for so long. What was the need/rationale for going throught he trouble of Photoshoping fake photos, and coming up with a "story" for each photo?

Quote[/b] ]I'm not trying to say Bals or you is either right or wrong...I just think he owes an explanation to the community

Absolutely correct Akira. He owes an explanation to us longterm members. Of course the internet isnt the most trustworthy and private way of communicating. But after a few years being here, and having discussed a lot I really feel connected to this board, not to the newer ones, but to you, to raedor, to Avon and all the other loyal members. Would be silly to assume that because this is the internet we cant feel some kind of connection yet. But I want to say that we have to give people a chance. And we know that especially in germany and their rather "secret" participation in the war against terror we cannot expect Bals to come out with the full truth. He dissapointed once, but he is still a grown up man who showed that he is a logical thinker and not a CounterStrike pretender! I simply refuse to give up confidence in him

(I know I am not the smartest person on earth to explain what I am thinking but I dont want to hide)

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Come on... he claimed that he was recruited by an completely unknown, top secret international unit when he was only 19 or 20 and serving as a private (without any special forces training).

Then he claims that unit has it's operational HQ at Bad Reichenhall where members from sondereinheiten.de have served for years and noticed nothing.

Then, there are the pictures he used. They were indentified on February 6th as pictures from the homepage of Gebirgsjägerbataillon 232 taken in the Kosovo, and only after that, Balschoiw admitted the pictures were not taken in Afghanistan.

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Fun is not the word i would use personnally, i am really disturbed by what i read in the translation of that thread, and what it would mean about someone i trusted before.

I strongly hope to see the real truth , whatever it can be at the end of this.

I am really fed up of reading lies on the internet , after having to deal with hearing lies in the real life

would you all please shut the fxxx up! And trust me you can still believe what Bals said so far on this forum.

He himself published images he thought would be simillar enough to those images he made in Afghanistan.

Now due to security reasons he didnt post the actual pictues but those taken on a different mission. Now every smart person would have guessed that it would take him months to get clearence for the real pictues and he would never risk his job nor to be sued and post the real Afghanistan images here.

But of course the OFP-community was so horny for real images and indirectly pressured him into posting at least "something". He did so but never told us that those are simillar but not the real pictures.

And for the newer ones on this forum: dont even dare to question or criticise Bals since he is one of the loyal and trustworthy forum members since years and gave us many insights into military operations.

He never asked for attention or recognition but simply responded to our desire to see something from afghanistan. He himself came out with the truth and you shouldnt forget that the one who posted these images in a different forum is the real bastard (sorry for my language).

Now get back on topic or I call Al Quaida!

Whatever you are thinking you have no right to tell me to "shut the fxxx up!" just because i want to know if someone i always thought to be a reliable source of informations had always lied in the past , as he lied about his recent photos.

You can continue to believe him on everything i have nothing to say to you about this, that is your choice , but i have the full right to expect an explanation about this situation without having to "shut the fxxx up!" according to you, even if i expect no one to be forced to give me that explanation.

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what about a 24h lock of this thread? rock.gif

there's no point discussing it. we need a statement of Balschoiw.

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what about a 24h lock of this thread? rock.gif

there's no point discussing it. we need a statement of Balschoiw.

Exactly , i already PMed placebo this afternoon suggesting to lock this thread until further clarification about the truth , but he seems to have not been around today.

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Just to inform you I already PMed Placebo about the issue before I posted here but it seems like he's not very "interested" in this case. Maybe the things have changed now but I won't await to much. Anyways he didn't said I shouldn't post here so I was so free to put the things into the right light after a short "consultation" in the other forum.



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whatever! I just dont want assumptions till the accused had the chance to speak up... untill then it is... well... just assumptions!  mad_o.gif and seriously, nickless, what the hell do you know? (nothing personal. You have every right to speak up in every discussion but step back and leave this to the people he owes something to)

now someone please lock this thread untill tomorrow !

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 mad_o.gif and seriously, nickless, what the hell do you know? (nothing personal. You have every right to speak up in every discussion but step back and leave this to the people he owes something to)

What I know?

I know that Balschoiw came to the message board on sondereinheiten.de , tried to convince the people there of his story, failed (because he was caught lying) and then deleted his posts and left as quickly as he came there.

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 mad_o.gif and seriously, nickless, what the hell do you know? (nothing personal. You have every right to speak up in every discussion but step back and leave this to the people he owes something to)

What I know?

I know that Balschoiw came to the message board on sondereinheiten.de , tried to convince the people there of his story, failed (because he was caught lying) and then deleted his posts and left as quickly as he came there.

point taken. But there are people here who are "personally" hurt. I am sure you know the difference! smile_o.gif

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I say, short of Placebo locking it, we try to show some restraint and voluntarily not post in this thread for the next 24Hrs or so, or until something comes from Bals....whichever comes first.

Restraint people...

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Hi !

It´s funny. You go out for carneval, come home drunk like a skunk, wake up the next day with a head bigger than the Eiffel tower and see that the hell broke loose.

First: I have come clear about the pictures. Noone made me do that, nor did I feel pushed to do it by anyone else than myself.

Second: I don´t feel to elaborate everything that is part of my private life on the Internet. That includes my life with my girlfriend and job details.I have been contacted by a civil UN worker from Peru back in the 90´s and that´s where my engagement with the UN began. It´s not about a SF anti terror unit. I never claimed that. Neither here, nor elsewhere.

I got named "schizophrenic" at the other forum and that´s why I didn´t feel the need to post there anymore. My decision.

I guess people who know me over the years do know what I am doing and why.

And just for the record, that´s the last statement you will get on this from my side. Why ? Because it´s my choice to do so. Simple as that.

Unfortunally people like Ran are not around here anymore...

Anyway, that´s it.

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pretty useless last comment!


I saw Ran here just yesterday.

EDIT: OK! OK! Change the subject - er - I mean - back on topic.

America's friend, Pakistan:

Quote[/b] ]Pakistan pays tribe al-Qaeda debt

The army believes some tribes have been supporting al-Qaeda

Pakistan says it has paid 32m rupees ($540,000) to help four former wanted tribal militants in South Waziristan settle debts with al-Qaeda. Military operations chief in the region, Lt Gen Safdar Hussain, said the payments were part of a peace deal signed on Monday with tribesmen.

It is the first time Pakistan has admitted making such payments.

Also on Wednesday, wanted militant Abdullah Mehsud rejected Monday's peace deal signed by others in his tribe.

Offer rejected

Gen Hussain said four former wanted militants had insisted they needed the money to pay back huge sums to al-Qaeda.

Haji Sharif and Maulvi Abbas received 15m rupees each, while Maulvi Javed and Haji Mohammad Omar were each paid one million rupees.

Gen Hussain said a sum of 20m rupees was also offered to tribal leader, Baitullah Mehsud, who signed the peace deal, but that he rejected it.

The commander said the militants had initially sought 170m rupees.

The peace deal offers an amnesty in return for the tribe's pledge not to support al-Qaeda and Taleban militants or attack government installations.

Embarrassing incident

However, on Wednesday tribal militant Abdullah Mehsud, wanted for kidnapping two Chinese engineers last year, told the BBC he did not support the deal signed by Baitullah Mehsud.

Abdullah Mehsud said only a holy war would evict "US agents" from Pakistan.

Speaking to the BBC's Haroon Rashid in Peshawar by phone from an undisclosed location, he said: "Baitullah's thinking might be that he can achieve his aims by signing the peace agreement, while mine is that only a holy war against the US and Pakistani government could achieve this."

Abdullah Mehsud spent about two years in US custody in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before being released.

He fought for the Taleban in Afghanistan, losing a leg in a landmine explosion a few days before the Taleban took Kabul in September 1996.

He is wanted for masterminding the abduction of two Chinese engineers in South Waziristan last year, one of whom was killed in a rescue attempt.

The incident was highly embarrassing for the Pakistani government, which has close ties with Beijing.

Abdullah Mehsud, condemning those who appealed to China to grant him amnesty, accused Beijing of killing Muslims.

The Mehsud tribe is the dominant clan in the Afghan border region.

Shortly after Monday's accord, two journalists who attended the signing were killed when gunmen opened fire on their vehicle in Wana.

Abdullah Mehsud said on Wednesday: "My people are not responsible for the killing of the two journalists."

Pakistan believes hundreds of militants, including Arabs, Afghans and Central Asians, are holed up in the South Waziristan region.


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Look at this thread's subtitle and you'll know why this is on-topic:

Quote[/b] ]Ikea store opening in London marred by rioting customers; 1 stabbed, 20 injured

LONDON (AFX) - The opening of Ikea AB's biggest store in the UK, in Edmonton, north London, was marred by rioting customers and violence which saw one person stabbed and 20 injured, emergency services said.

Unable to control the crowd, Ikea was forced to close the store only a half-hour after it opened.

Some 4,000 people were queuing outside the store, which opened at midnight, and the violence was sparked by customers pushing to be first through the door, firemen said.

The person who was stabbed was in stable condition, while other victims had suffered mainly bruises or were in a state of shock after getting caught in the crush.

Some shoppers had parked their cars on a nearby bypass, causing major traffic jams that slowed up the arrive of rescue vehicles.



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I was about to post this, Edmonton's my town!

I live about 20 minutes walk froem there. I'm mildy suprised but not that much.

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Sorry, I just could'nt resist..

Quote[/b] ]

Latest Bin Laden Videotape Wishes America

'A Crappy Valentine's Day'

WASHINGTON, DC—A new videotape of Osama bin Laden broadcast on the Arab satellite news channel Al-Jazeera Monday beseeched Allah to grant all Americans a "crappy Valentine's Day."

Above: Bin Laden tears up a "putrid Western Valentine's Day trifle" during his videotaped message.

"This Feb. 14th on the Western infidels' calendar, may all Americans receive no valentines from their beloved ones," bin Laden said. "May the homemade construction-paper mailboxes taped to the desks of the American schoolchildren remain empty, as well. May whomever you ask to 'bee yours' tell you to 'buzz off.'"

Bin Laden called for "romantic humiliation for all Americans of courting and betrothal age."

"Allah willing, embarrassment and tearful rejection shall rule this day," bin Laden said. "Paper hearts shall be rent and trod upon, and dreams of love delivered stillborn. Body language shall be misinterpreted, crushes unrequited, and sincere expressions of affection mocked. Invitations to dinner will be rejected, just as Americans have rejected Allah, the one true God."

During a speech before the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, President Bush condemned the al-Qaeda leader's remarks.

"[bin Laden's] sinister call for romantic disappointment on Valentine's Day is yet another demonstration of the ruthless hatred this evil individual harbors for the American way of life," Bush said. "He directs rage at even our youngest and most innocent citizens, asking God to quash children's joy by making them receive, and I quote, 'only unwanted valentines bearing the laughable likenesses of out-of-favor pop-culture icons from the recent past, such as the Backstreet Boys and the creatures from Monsters, Inc.'"

"Bin Laden's depravity knows no bounds," Bush added.

According to state officials, bin Laden demonstrated an uncanny knowledge of Valentine's Day customs, in spite of the fact that the holiday is not celebrated in the Arab world. In addition to his allusions to classroom valentines, bin Laden cited heart-shaped candies, valentine personal ads in free alternative weeklies, and foot massages.

"In this infamous February, may all American hearts be crushed like a box of conversation hearts that is tossed carelessly into the bottom of a fellow student's schoolbag," bin Laden said. "We soldiers of Allah pledge with our blood and souls that all pink and red carnations shall wither and drop from their stalks before they make their way to the desks of America's secretaries. Instead of receiving hugs and kisses, they and their extended families shall be besieged with boos and hisses."

Bin Laden added: "May your special Valentine's Day dinner be spent at an overrated restaurant that impoverishes your purse and leaves your stomach churning with indigestible Western cuisine."

Bin Laden did not overlook the innocuous custom of giving stuffed animals as gifts.

"The teddy bear that holds the 'I love you' heart does not love you at all," Bin Laden said. "It is an unliving, unholy thing filled only with stuffing. Just as the Western infidel is not bestowed with the blessings of Allah, so shall he go unloved by the false bear."

The release of the bin Laden tape is consistent with the al-Qaeda leader's inclination to speak out before major American events, such as the 2004 U.S. presidential election.

"Perhaps whoever told bin Laden about Valentine's Day exaggerated its significance," departing Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said. "Or, I don't know, maybe he was just itching to release another tape."

The Department of Homeland Security did not raise the terror advisory, recommending that Americans proceed with their Valentine's Day plans. This is in spite of the final words of bin Laden's address.

"Come Monday, as you pry open your fancy, red Russell Stover box, take heed," bin Laden said. "For in the place of tasty caramels and buttercreams, you will find the flaming sword of righteous jihad!"


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After Balschoiw's statement everyone goes quiet .... huh.

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After Balschoiw's statement everyone goes quiet .... huh.

Because people have formed opinions about Bals. that they wish not to discuss... rock.gif end of subject

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After Balschoiw's statement everyone goes quiet .... huh.

What would be the point? He's made his statement. No point arguing about it. We've made our conclusions, and to deny that Bals will be tinted with this for a long time is no underestimation.

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