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Working laser sight (lam)

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I downloaded that "build your own M4" pack INQ provided. Played with it a bit and thought I'd make the LAM module work as I never seem them able to turn on in any of the addons.

So I have it mostly working, I say mostly because there are some faults like it shows up in the day, it requires a magazine and it doesn't give off a lot of light at night.

Anyway I was wondering if any of the new weapon packs out there are going to be using working laser sights? The high-detail weapon pack would be great if the LAMs worked smile_o.gif



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The "LAM" in INQ's pack is actully a AN/PEQ-2 Infa-Red pointer. It has no visable beam, nor is the "dot" visable to the human eye. Military NVGs or IR gear is needed to see the dot.

Now, if some one could make IR pointers and strobes that could only be seen with NVGs, that would be very cool! smile_o.gif

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Although it´s not a real LAM it looks quite nice. It would be a great feature for a HK SOCOM or other sidearms smile_o.gif

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Maybe someone can explain why the beam is visible through thin air? It's not exactly a benefit if you are shining out holograms from your exact position is it? smile_o.gif

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Beside the point it's real or not (visible, i thought a laser DOT was visible  rock.gif  )..i would be nice, but only if it's possible to switch it on/off. Or as redhawk_six said: visible (the beam) with NV. Anyway, would be great for night urban conflicts where scopes are useless, i guess.

Wasn't there a G36laser version?  wink_o.gif

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Well.. you can switch it on or off in the one I made. I did not make it with any intention of releasing it. (Hey it's just INQ's gun with some crap added on by me).

The laser is switched on or off by pressing space. The laser is effectively another mag in the gun. e.g like the Masterkey shells are a nother mag to allow the shotgun attachment to the ACOG's in BAS's pack to work.

They could probably be linked to NVGoggles via scripts, so that they are only switched on on clients that have the script running for the NVGoggles. ??

Just thinking out loud..

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Srry, but something confused me. You (Lt_Damage) said you switch it on/off with "space" (so Mag type, althought i didn't know that's possbible and how it works as a laser (???)...anyway, how do you shoot then (when the Mag is a laser) or does it have also the weapons Mag (see M4A1 SD+LAM on picture). Hmmm, this is interresing...like to see more of it. (+ if it's NV visible  tounge_o.gif )

PS: even dummer question  tounge_o.gif  : is there a way this (Mag+Light) could modified for a "searchlight"? (for exp. a police heli with a "searchlight" weapon? Don't know this makes sence  biggrin_o.gif

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I made something like that on an old gun I made a long time ago, the laser could go through walls tounge_o.gif

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Yeah, it also went throught the top of the car the unit was in.

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You can turn it off via pressing "space"

Yes, it is like a MAG, when you change ammo to the third available option it will say "M4A1 SD+LAM" which means it is a normal M4SD Mag but because there is a "MODSpecial=/" command in there it also changes the model of the gun. It still fires SD rounds like a normal SD mag, but as it is laser-guided i made it a tiny bit more accurate.

The model of the gun (there are two, one normal and one with the laser added on, the one with the laser is switched when you change to the +LAM mags) has been altered to have a long thin "rod" extend out from the laser module, it has been textured red and the properties have been changed to "shining" to be seen better at night.

This is the ONLY way I could think to do it due to the limitations of the weapon class, you can't have hidden selections sad_o.gif

The problem with this method as you have discussed is that the rod that extends from the model goes through walls and other objects, and because it is visible in daylight and night without needing IR gear it can be a giveaway for position.

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