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Adf mod s-70 beta release

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We have released the first version of our S-70 BlackHawks. There only a beta version as the pilots are being re-done from scratch.


Re-aranged cargo for quicker exit of the helicopter. Troops exit on both sides of the chopper....


Top view....


Side view...


Our MAG58, which cam be removed from the chopper and used...


Jettesoning the external fuel pods (LR version). This is also automattically done if the helicopter is engaged by AA missile as part of the countermeasure script


The two helicopters also come with animated cargo doors that automatically open and close depending on the height and speed of the helicopter, animated foot steps, and an animated rear rudder. crazy_o.gif

DOWNLOAD NOW: http://adfmod.opflashpoint.org/

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Looks really good so far!

i know these are images of beta-version but please don't forget to let the model cast shadows.... there are already enough addons (tanks, helos, planes) that don't cast shadows....especially for air vehicles i think shadows are absolutely necessary to get a feel for altitude....

Keep up the good work!!!! :-))

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The model should cast shadows, I think I just have the option turned off in the 'options' menu.

I'll get on to StuKa an make sure just incase..... crazy_o.gif

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How exactly do you use the MG from the plane? I see the thing in the action menu that says Remove from chopper(sometin like that), and when I click that, the MG disappears and the thing it was on scoots back, but I'm not equipped w/ the gun, nor do I see it lying around anywhere rock.gifghostface.gif

PS: It's not in the readme 'cause I checked.

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Yes, after a quick play with this last night, it does look like the Beta has quite a few bugs. The pilots seem to have missing textures also...

I will try to compile a comprehensive bug report, post it here and email the ADF guys. They're a quality addon team, so I'm sure they will address all bugs before the final release wink_o.gif

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Thanks, that would be most helpful. As I said its still a BETA and the pilots are being completely re-done from scratch.

There are some bugs we already know of such as the pilot not being able to jettisen the fuel pods without the 'manual fire' option selected.

To correctly remove the MAG58, the chopper needs to be landed,nd the player (pilot or gunner) selecting the option from outside the chopper.

The bug could be due to some problems with the pilots not being finished yet...... anyway..... we'll get on to fixing them straight away.... wink_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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They should spin exactly the same as the OFP Uh-60 unit, if it doesn't it is correctly set to the specs I was given from Sikorsky (the manufacturer).... wink_o.gif

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How exactly do you use the MG from the plane?

Plane? rock.gif

From what I've seen, you cannot grab the MAG58 if you are already equipped with a rifle. If you do the MAG58 just vanishes.

If you do have a rifle, drop it first, then grab the MAG58.

Dont forget to grab some ammo too. wink_o.gif

Nice work guys, those camo colours look perfect!

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I have the weapons pack(and all their other stuff) and still get that. sad_o.gif

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I get the same, model special, but where in the hell can i dl the ADF weapons pack, or what ever its called, can any of you guys get me the Link? Thanx.

Great looking choper from the Pic's, but i do think it might need some work on some of the parts, maybe you could change that other weapon, the MAG, and put a M134 Mini gun! Like BAS M134??!?? Or what ever, it would be sick if you could make it where we could us BAS M134 Mini Gun as a Personal Weapon! Just some thought on that new option! unclesam.gifghostface.gif

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I get the same, model special, but where in the hell can i dl the ADF weapons pack, or what ever its called, can any of you guys get me the Link? Thanx.


D/L the Browning HP addon and the ADF Rifle Pack addon.

You must have these two pbo's to avoid error messages. (ADF_Browning.pbo, ADF_F88.pbo)

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OK, after I d/led the brownings, it works fine smile_o.gif. Pretty, good, especially for a beta, but the pilots need some work(missing textures is annoying especially when they cover your eyes when flying). Maybe a feature to put the MG back in the helo after you've taken it out. And look at making the visors work w/ the BAS dust scripts. Other than that, pretty good. smile_o.gif

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Tanks for the input.

No, we are not going to replace the MAG with a M134 or whatever, MAG58's are what is mounted to he heli in real life so thats the way its gunna be ingame... wink_o.gif

ShadowGhOst, we are the ADF MOD not the BAS-ADF MOD, If you want to use a BAS weapon with our units I suggest you make the thing yourself (from scratch, don't edit our models without permition... please). biggrin_o.gif

The pilots will be finished in the final version.... remember its only a BETA, the soldiers are being completely re-done from scratch the same as all of our other soldier units.... wink_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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