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Nogova police units - update

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That riot cop is exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you!

One small request though... could you give them FALs instead of AKs, please? I personally think that would suit them better.

Yeah I second that, and I am glad that you just forget to tell them to bring the FALs for the photo shooting. wink_o.gif

What I'd like to see for small adjustments would be "policie" signs on the side of the brdm and maybe a little more green on it (maybe paint the wheel caps green, too?).

The riot officer could get some policie sign as well, either with some white stripe around his helmet having "policie" written on it at the front side, or maybe with some sort of white policie badge either on the protective vest or around one arm (like the ofp medic).

Anyways, looking very promising, keep up the good work!

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Indeed, something denoteing that they are police officers. So that the mob will show some respect. Or so that the civilians wont think that they are being invaded tounge_o.gif

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true true, and if i cant see how they are i will throw a rock and if i threw a rock at there faces they get hurt mmm what could we do about that rock.gif A shield, A Glas Frame on there helmets maby mmm  rock.gif

This on the vest like we got in Holland


And For protection of the face and other parts



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As it stands at the moment, the next version of the pack is in Beta Test at the moment.

What I will do, is see how this version of the pack is recieved, and if people start to make some missions with it I'll update the riot cops to have a visor and a bit more neck protection.

At the moment, the pack contains:

- Bike (Police - L/S)

- Jeep (Police - L/S)

- GAZ 24 (Police - L/S)

- Uaz (Police - L/S)

- BRDM (Police - L/S)

- Boat (Police)

- Cessna (Police)

- Man (Police - Riot Gear)

- Man (Police - Sweater)

- Man (Police - Plain Clothes)(CZ75)

- Man (Police - Plain Clothes)(Skorpion)

- Man (Police - Biker)

- Man (Police - Pilot)

- Man (Police - Boat Crew)

In the next update the BIS Bus, Jirkus' Skoda van (needs a lot of work) and possibly a version of Martins Bell-47.

There will also be some "other" items in v1.2, but what I want to do is get the current version out there and played with smile_o.gif

Expect release soon.

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I just started making a few missions for this pack (with the old DMX policie pack, and a few standard units as placeholders) At the moment I am making a single player car chase mission wich is kinda simplistic at the moment. And a mission were you play a cop on the daily beat. Wich needs alot of work. I intend to make it span over most of Nogova with new calls coming in as your progress.

P.S If anyone would like to do some voice acting for the radio calls and your partners chats with you imbetween the calls I would appriciate that. You should put on your best Russian accent  smile_o.gif D.S

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Got a couple idea's

Example if there is a Winter Nogova Winter Clothing, like Long Jacktet, Leather Boots, gloves

Idea 2

A small zodiac Boat with light and siren

Link For Zodiac this is not the one i mean but i will look for a better and other pic

Idea 3

Spike Strip

more will come wink_o.gif

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Excellent ideas, especially for the winter units uncle sam, I'll definately take them into account biggrin_o.gif

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A small zodiac could indeed be a neat thing.

Just a basic rubber boat with some metal gear atop for radio and sirens.


Just like in Flipper. wink_o.gif

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Very good pack again DM.

Two things I would like to see:

1. I would rather have the CZ pistol as a standart weapon instead of the scorpion for most police officers. I mean normally cops use normal pistols.

2. Give the pilot and boat crew pistols too. It's a bit annoying without a weapon and when you used all the gernades the binocular comes up and you can only drop it.

If anything of that was discussed already I'm sorry. But I don't have the tiem to read the whole thread now.

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Other Idea's Are


Rain Coats

Safety Flares

Riot Crew Shield

Picture of Spike Strip

Crime Scene Kit 1Crime Scene Kit 2

Crime Scene Overal

1 : Lightstick for the night Traffic can see the cop

2 : Rain Coat for when it rains their uniform wont get wet

3: Safety Flares on the ground for night times to put on the ground for safety of other officers

4 : A Riot Shield For Protection

5 : Spike Strip

6. Crime Scene Kit 1 - 2 for evidence collecting

7. And a Crime Scene Overal biggrin_o.gif

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boat - remove handgrenades from cargo, maybe add fal with some clips instead. furthermore change the pk sound to the actual sound of a pk, not from a ofp .50cal.

police sailor - give him at least a pistol.

visuals - use same font for policie sign, and try to get a tad more green on some units, even if it's just by making the green stripe wider.

riot gear - add policie sign at helmet

civilian cloth officer - increase loadout capacity from 4 to 6.

Oh yes, and here is some code i modified from the BAS blackhawks, which allows to change seats even while flying/moving. This script would be kinda handy for the boat, as it is sometimes kinda weird or even impossible to change seats, and with the water apparenty being toxic you can't just get out and get in again.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class UserActions {

class 2Cargo6


displayName="To back seat";



condition="((driver this == player) or (gunner this == player)) && (local this) && (count crew this) <= 9";

statement="player action [{getout},this]; player moveincargo this";


class 2Gunner_boat


displayName="To gunner's seat";



condition="(driver this == player) && (player in this) && (local this)";

statement="player action [{getout},this]; player moveingunner this";


class 2Driver_boat


displayName="To driver's seat";



condition="(gunner this == player) && (player in this) && (local this)";

statement="player action [{getout},this]; player moveindriver this";



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Love the new additions to the pack! Lovely work.

I have a few suggestions regarding the tear gas however, it would be cool if they induced the same effect as the BAS choppers do (caughing and blinking, but perhaps add some panic-ish screams and moans to the sound effect) as someone already mentioned. Also a tear gas launcher would be awesome, preferrably a 6G30 or something. (Major fubar was working on something a bit more modern though)

And another suggestion along the tear gas lines, perhaps you could add a riot geared officer with a gas mask, so he wouldn't be affected by the tear gas.

EDIT: A slightly "off-topic" suggestion, but here goes. What about adding a prisoner model? Like a cop overall but with black and white stripes, would make an excellent addition to many missions. I.E catch the crazy escaped convict smile_o.gif

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@Uncle sam - most of the suggestions in your second post (lightstick etc) are all far too modern, so no...

@Donnervogle - Yeah, the loadouts can easily be changed, will bear it in mind for the next version.

@Nyles, the Policie text IS in the same font on every vehicle, and on all the men who have "POLICIE" on them wink_o.gif

About the PK - yes indeed, that'll be fixed in 1.2

And the boat currently inherits its Ammo loadout from the BIS East Boat, so thats wrong, will be fixed in v1.2

The teargas grenade is included atm to see if people will use it in missions. If people can prove to me that the teargas will be used in missions, I'll put the effort into scripting it.

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the early civilian model with complete white clothes could easily converted to a prisoner, if you want to go by the black/white stripe clicheé.

Regarding that Bell 47 Conversion as police chopper which was mentioned somewhere above: I wouldn't do this. Nogova police already has a very old chopper in the form of that Mi-2. It would not make much sense that the police bought a western chopper which would be even older than their present eastern block remnants. Instead, maybe go for a conversion of Martin's Bell 206B as some sort of replacement chopper for the aged Mi-2?


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I think, that Mi-2 from Airwolf (PL) is enough. Nogovian police do not need another chopper.

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Whilst the 206 IS a relatively old helicopter, I feel its a bit too "new"/modern/western for the Nogovans.

You have a very valid point about the 47, it is indeed a much older western airframe than the Mi-2, so I may, I may not do it. If I did, it would be as a seperate pack, so that if you didn't want it, you dont have to have it.

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To Modern ??

mmm i fought the used this already in the past but this are all new things , but the have older brother that have a few pics

but if you say so

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Yes I agree about the 206 having the feel of a somewhat more modern chopper, but if there are any plans to do another police chopper, it should still be one of this. Most people will identify the chopper with 70's-80's tv series like A-team and thus would accept it for the OFP timeframe. It would at least go along nicely with the police jeep, which is also kinda new looking for early eighties. Like Lenin I think that the mi-2 should do alright, but if you ever plan to add another chopper, I really suggest that 206.

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I meant things like the Light sticks, and the "Stingers" (the tyre spike-strips) they are all fairly recent western inventions/additions to mordern western police forces...

The boat doesnt have a siren or light as its meant to portray mainly a transport boat, that is sometimes used for patrol work.

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Allright But an are you gonna create a lil' zodiac then one with working lights and siren for pursuits or stopping large container boats biggrin_o.gif

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It would be nice to have a new animation for the police officers:

If they raise an arm to signal stop (done by action menu) all civilian units (men, cars etc.) within a certain range (like 30m) stop for a certain time (like 15sek).

Like this it would be possible to search for certain persons/faces. I think in missions like serialkiller it would be verry usefull!

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