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Ofp online vietnam pack

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OfP Online has created its first

OfP Pack for you!

OfP Online Vietnam is a collection of Addons by various authors dealing with

the Vietnam-War period. The Install-program does not modify any original

file of the games and limits itself to installing the files of this pack

into their respective folders.

Attention: these files are not official and so CODEMASTERS bears no

responsability whatsoever for any eventual misfunction of the game itself.

This mod is not underlying any license so it is free to use but its

commercial reproduction and distribution is strictly forbidden.

OfpOnline Vietnam Pack consists of:

Seb Nam Pack 2

116 various Nam Addons

249 Multiplayer missions

20 Singleplayer missions

2 Singleplayer Campaigns

1 Multiplayer Campaign

OfpOnline Vietnam Pack is not only intended for singleplayers but also for

people who like playing online, infact, like mentioned above there's also a

whole Multiplayer Campaign to be played on our server: IP:

Port: 2254

Given the fact that the OfPOnline Vietnam Pack is the webs most complete

Nam-collection, it is pretty huge, that's why we've made two versions: the

complete version (209 MB) and the basic-version (81 MB). To speed up the

download the pack has been uploaded to a special and faster server.

To have a fast download of the pack you'll have to register at our forum

and post your email-adress: here

<a href="http://ofponline.altervista.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=349" target="_blank">FAST DOWNLOAD


You will receive the download link to our server via email.

Remember that we possess a system to track the ip-adress of everyone

downloading the pack.

And that the OfPOnline Pack is protected by copyright and it is strictly


to pass the link to person which are not authorised by OfPOnline.

We hope you'll enjoy the Pack!





MORE INFO = http://ofponline.altervista.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=431

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i think it would be nice for him to get permission, but he doesnt really need it. all that hes doing is amalgamating all Nam addons into 1 pack. its not like hes modifying their units.

Good idea btw, but i hope its a 1.92 server, as i only seem 2 be able to cope with a lot of addons in that version

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more of this should be done as its a real pain to send someone out to track down the umteen million addons out there...more packs in logical catagories is a very very smart idea...say ww2....vietnam....desert....modern warfare non-desert schemes etc....i'll even go as far as saying the major addon repositories need to also do a "re-catagorization"...to make it easier to track stuff down...but packs would certainly take care of that problem.

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What I wish more is that they bothered to post a list of what Vietnam addons they included. I'm willing to bet that they either left some out or added some that nobody will use.

There are also some that have multiple versions made by different addon makers (like there are multiple F-4's and F-105's). I probably would disagree with some people on which ones are better.

Also Footmunch is working on the SEB NAM Air pack so I think this pack is a little premature.

At any rate, it would be nice if they listed what addons are in the two packs aside from the SEB Nam2 pack.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Did you ask permission to use the Nam Pack? As ive certainly not heard anything about it.


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Nice pack you made but next time give more info on it no ofence ore some thing.

And choose from evry addon thats made more then one time's one and the best so the rest is for what it is.

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