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Kills/death overall record

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A little something I would like to see in OFP2 would be an overall record of all your kills and deaths.  In some sort of un-editable file, but you can still copy from it.


Kill Record :

Killed <Playername/AIclasshere> with <weaponname> from <distance>

Giving the player's name you've killed.  Or if it was AI, either don't record it, or just giving the classname.  Obviously you'll probably be killing a lot of AI, so not recroding most of those would be preferable.  Or seperating AI records and then having another MP/Player kill record file.

Death Record :

Killed by <Playername/AIclasshere> with <weaponname> from <distance>

I know it would be a little overboard, especially for the vietnam setting, but maybe counting the total shots you've fired, and the total amount that have actually hit.  Would be intresting to see IMO  biggrin_o.gif

But seriously, I would really like to have some sort of Kill/Death overall record.  I'd like to record some of those spectacular shots we get from time to time.  Then you'll have some written proof you've done it.

And the ability to sort through your kills, IE, Killed who with this weapon, or killed who from over x meters.  Maybe even see who you've killed specifically. Or the day you killed them smile_o.gif It would be cool to see your progression.

Just a though that would be a nice little extra.  smile_o.gif

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Perhaps for AI just a record of most impressive stats: eg longest distance, most AI killed in one mission, etc. Accuracies as well for various weapons.

I think there are two ways to go about this: try to make it totally un-editable OR just a basic text dump. I prefer the text dump because it stops people doing nothing but concentrating on their stats: they couldn't brag about them because they are so easy to falsify they would only be good for personal records.

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Good idea as long as there won't be some sort of stats tracker, cause that would only make people compete about it and OFP isn't that type of a game.

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Good idea as long as there won't be some sort of stats tracker, cause that would only make people compete about it and OFP isn't that type of a game.

my thoughts exactly.

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MAybe also that If your score is put in a global acrhive.

That if you kill 5 Teammates in 1 game so that everyone can see it in this 'Archive' + your ID. So that you get a bad ID like in America's Army unclesam.gif So that TK, Spawnkillers,Cheaters ect... can be avoided as much as possible. More like an Honor score, cuz I'm sick on some public servers that ppl blow up others in a Co-op game mad_o.gif

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I don't know if this is possible yet but maybe it would be an idea to have the ability to show your all-time score/ranking etc. on multi-player servers? It would be cool to see how you rank among others who frequent a server. Or how you have performed across servers.

Also, if somehow player-specific stats carry over with you as you come onto a new server, people won't assume you're a noob. If you're good but not completely plugged into the community, it would make it easier to be invited by a clan to join perhaps.

Hit-rates (hits/bullets fired) etc. would be nice to know as well. Or how long you have been playing the game, how many missions, all-time total played etc.

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