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Can't patch to 1.92 using us goty

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I have a fresh install (a few days old) of OFP on my computer of Operation Flashpoint... but whenever I try to patch to 1.92 I get this error:

Verifying Operation Flashpoint, version 1.91...

Error found in file FlashpointResistance.exe (1fcb09b0!=70085865)

One or more files in game instalation are modified or dammaged.

Reinstall game from original CD disc and try again.

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What Resistance 1.91 version are you using (US/EU - Resistance/GOTY)?

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Oh, silly me. smile_o.gif I read whole message very carefully several times, but I missed the topic somhow.

But as it is impossible a smart person like me could do such a stupid mistake, I think we should introduce a new forum rule: Repeat any information given in the topic once more in the message body.  wow_o.gif

Back on the topic: I will check if any specific handling is required for US GOTY.

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Thanks Suma... I'll try patching to 1.92 on the other computer and see if I have the same problem.. (also uses GOTY, different CD keys of course!)

Edit: Patch installed on other computer successfully, but still there is no reason why my executable should be any different from the one on the other computer... hmmm - the only difference is that my computer has flashpoint installed into C:\Flashpoint...

Very strange... very strange indeed.

CRC32'ed the OperationFlashpoint.exe's and FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.exe's on both computers (running GOTY)...

Mine (can't patch): 0x3a69a939 (ofpr), 0x26fb8ae1 (ofp)

Other (could patch): 0xb32f5e43 (ofpr), 0x72c8ce2c (ofp)

Could it be because I'm running OFP:GOTY off of an OFP:R CD-ROM?

Additionally, I can continue running the patch procedure and it applies successfully, but this error shouldn't happen I woudl guess...

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Quote[/b] ]Mine (can't patch): 0x3a69a939 (ofpr), 0x26fb8ae1 (ofp)

Other (could patch): 0xb32f5e43 (ofpr), 0x72c8ce2c (ofp)

After PM communication with blackdog~ the conclusion is as follows:

His computer was infected by W32.Pinfi virus, which modified OPF exe. He cured the virus, but even after removing the exe was not identical to the original one (it was slightly larger, rounded up to nearest sector).

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