BoonieRat 0 Posted August 22, 2003 When I start a mission with a BAS helo (tried chinook & BHawk so far) with fuel set to zero(so it does'nt fly straight off to the first waypoint or start hovering) it gets a fugged up audio sample(the unique start up whine)repeating~n, and when the trigger is activated to setfuel to 1 it fuggs up the animation so theres only 1frame every few seconds. Are BAS aware of this problem?, I can't access their site for some reason, I get a timeout or a 401 error ... Thanks for any enlightenment ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted August 22, 2003 wow_wow And i thought it's just the tweaking for the graphics card of my new PC, causing this effect. You're absolutely right here, i got the same problem in combination with no fuel at the start and setfuel 1 from a trigger. :edit - and btw - if a anybody enters the scene now and suggests that this is an addon related thread, yes indeed it is one, but then think again - only mission editors will use commands like setfuel 0/1 I'll leave Eviscerator a private message at OFPEC, as i think he's the right one, when it comes to choppers + BAS :edit:edit OK, i just found that Boonie also posted this message at the BAS_thread in AddonsMods/complete, so this one may become useless. ~S~ CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoonieRat 0 Posted August 24, 2003 Yeah I posted this before I found the BH thread, I'm not familiar with the Addon threads so I posted here as I read this forum more. I found out that this question seems to have been pointed out before by Shadow , and ignored by people ... Is there a way of 'synchronising' the 1st waypoint and the trigger being activated?so it does'nt 'see' the waypoint on mission startup? Basicly this only happens when there's a waypoint given for the helo at mission start, if it's just on the ground it's OK. They give an 'out of fuel' status~message... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingN 251 Posted August 24, 2003 Yeah, I experienced this too but I found out how to avoid the fps drop down. Just put a waypoint for the bas chopper near or over itself and put the condition of the wp the same as the the trigger's that sets the fuel of the chopper to full. And of course set the wp as the first one of the choppers wp queue. This should be an easy solution until bas has fixed the bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoonieRat 0 Posted August 25, 2003 I tried doing that(making the helo start at the first waypoint) before I discovered setfuel to 0 for making the helo stay on the ground, but it always started up and hovered over it! (I wanted it on the ground to load!). Does this fix stop the 'start up' sound from playing? That's what's causing the trouble is'nt it? Is there a way of removing the spool/start up soundfile? Is it seperate from the 'helo flying' file?... Are we the only peeps who start of from the ground with Helo insertions?... PS, how do I make a helo keep the rotors turning when landing at a waypoint? (or make it hover a metre off the ground?) It always turns off the engine when all I want is for it to unload the troops then fly off ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingN 251 Posted August 25, 2003 I tried doing that(making the helo start at the first waypoint) before I discovered setfuel to 0 for making the helo stay on the ground, but it always started up and hovered over it! (I wanted it on the ground to load!). No, I ment that put it start at the waypoint AND set the fuel to 0. This way the lag won't come. The lag comes when it tries to go to a waypoint further away with no fuel, at least in my comp. And what come to the unloading with engine on, use the unload transport waypoint. Then it unloads the troops from the cargo hovering above the ground and after all troops are unloaded it lifts off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted August 25, 2003 Quote[/b] ]PS, how do I make a helo keep the rotors turning when landing at a waypoint? (or make it hover a metre off the ground?) It always turns off the engine when all I want is for it to unload the troops then fly off Well, for this one i'm always using a special thingy; Let's say the player is the group commander and the whole group is mounted into cargo of the chopper. Now there's a transport unload waypoint for the chopper. Chopper lands, player will be unloaded and would have to manually order the other loonies to disembark. This was always some kind'a annoying to me because of: a) having to select all b) having to order them to disembark (4 - 1) c) having to hear all this stuff in my headphones (all disembark 2 - ready - 3 ready - blablabla) Therefore i'm always using a paradrop script to eject all those peeps automatically from the chopper as soon as the player's vehicle is the player himself. I'm at work right now, so i don't have the script with me (i'm gonna post it later at the day when i'm back home). Meanwhile i'll give ya a quick summary of how i'm doing it: 1 - chopper with seperate group (player's group) in cargo flies to an "unload transport" waypoint 2 - trigger with condition: vehicle player == player onactivation: [player,choppername] exec "jumpout.sqs" 3 - jumpout.sqs is a paradrop script, making all groupmembers unassignvehicle and eject the chopper in a loop from 1 to 11 (usually it would start from 0 but that's not necessary as the groupleader {player} is already out of the chopper) The first line of the script btw - tells the chopper to flyinheight 1.5 meters, followed by ~3 to ensure the chopper has some time left to reach this height. As soon as the group has ejected the script tells the chopper to go back on whatever height i need there. :note - off course this can be done aswell with no player groups, but then it would be enough to only use an unload transport waypoint. Also instead of using a trigger, you could have the script running right from start of the mission with an @ condition as it's first line: @vehicle player == player Also you could use this during the mission by starting the script, once the player's group has boarded the chopper. hope this helps (will post the exact script later) ~S~ CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted August 26, 2003 OK, as i promised, here's the script: btw - this is no advanced thingy, it's even the very first script i was using in OFP editing but sometimes the simple things can get you far <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;<jumpout.sqs> ;[leadername,vehiclename] exec "jumpout.sqs" _leader = _this select 0 _chopper = _this select 1 _group = units _leader _i = 1 _max = count _group ;if your player's group is mounted right from start ;into the chopper's cargo ;you can start this script from init.sqs ;and don't need any trigger to detect ;if the player has left the chopper ;just enable the condition below by removing ;the semicolon ;@vehicle player == player _chopper flyinheight 1.5 ~0.5 #loop (_group select _i) action ["EJECT",_chopper] unassignvehicle (_group select _i) _i= _i + 1 ~0.5 ?_max>_i:goto "loop" _chopper flyinheight 30 exit ~S~ CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigershark_BAS 0 Posted August 26, 2003 Hey there....we are aware of the issue and will be addressing it in our next releases. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites