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Hummer avenger

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smile_o.gif Just wondering if anyone is working on the Hummer Avenger anti-aircraft missile systems with the two quad box stinger missile launchers. unclesam.gifstinger3.jpg

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Due to OFPs engine limitations, it is extremely hard to equip a wheeled vehicle with any sort of guided missile (AA or AT).

The best workaround at the moment seems to be to create a "fake" wheeled vehicle from a tank-class (tracked) vehicle, but the drawback then is that it steers and handles like a tank instead of a car...

Still, I hope someone starts making this kind of stuff, even if it's a static object or tracked vehicle class.

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Not possible to make in OFP, or at least coded how it would normally be (to act like a car that fires missiles), the OFP engine doesnt allow this, the only way it would be possible to have a moving avenger is to code it like a tank, and it can then swivel on the spot and the wheels no longer rotate as the car turns, the other way to do it is to make it a static AA object, although thats pretty useless...

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unclesam.gif Can anyone make it as a static model with a remote control ( if Possible) so if it gets hit you dont blow up too.

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Well im sure you could do a script somehow that would atleast make it look like it would fire missiles. and even if u cant it also has two miniguns on it which could be used for AA. Atleast u would have one with something on it.

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I just don't get people's opposition to having these kind of vehicles as tank-class.

The Swiss mod Piranha does this pretty successfully. IMHO, not handling exactly like a wheeled vehicle should is a small price to pay for having a vehicle ingame which would otherwise not exist. rock.gif

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rock.gif Wierd, I posted over 10 minutes ago, then my browser froze, never got the message.

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I don't know about you, but if it looks like a car...but steers like a tank I find it extremely off-putting.... sad_o.gif

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unclesam.gif The tracks thing does not matter. There is a Humvee ( over snow version ) that is fitted with mini triangle tracks for each wheel for use in snow, like the back of a snowmoble. But on dirt I don't know.

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I´m sure Footmunch will Break the engine limitation and with the missiles.

Then the avenger System will be posible.

Keep your fingers X

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Ok this is a crazy idea from the beginning. Take the hull of a Bradley ( the bottom part ) replace the turret with that of a LAV-AD




Make it all-terrain and amphibious and you have got one hell of a anti-aircraft killer. The Linebacker is ( OK ). But it has a 25mm bushmaster and Stingers (four of them ready to fire). The LAV-AD has a GAU-12 25mm Equaliser gatling gun with 1,800 rpm fire and Mistral missiles or Stingers with 8 ready to fire. And with the limits on firing missiles from a wheeled vehicle this may work. Hell the U.S.Army may like it enough to build some of there own.  Like I said before just a crazy idea.

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