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Turret turn speed

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I think the amount of time it takes a turret to turn 360 degrees should be a statistic added to the vehicle class.

Would be nice for those making WW2 tanks and also add some survivability to AT soldiers.

(The direction the turret turns to look for the AT soldier should be somewhat random if the AT gunner's noise is outside the hearing range of the commander when turned out or turned in. Of course, if you get hit you have some idea which direction the shot is coming from.)

Also, tanks should at least point their turret at someone firing a rifle at it to look at their enemy and decide whether he is a danger.

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Would a tank in RL turn its whole turret to look at a rifleman who clearly poses no danger to them? Surely the commander would just use his periscope?

BTW I like the idea of the turret turn speed being a variable that would be realistic.

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Would a tank in RL turn its whole turret to look at a rifleman who clearly poses no danger to them? Surely the commander would just use his periscope?

That's what I don't know. If the turret is facing a direction in which there is no danger, and I was its turned-in commander, I would bring that coaxial machinegun to bear on that rifleman and swat that pesky fly who might kill some of my fellow soldiers.

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I think every soldier is a threat to a tank. He might be packing a sat charge and ambush you later on or he could follow your tank a ways and when you have to get out he might pick you off but I don't think the ai is that smart. A bit off topic but I think a mass of infantry should be able to overwelm a tank.

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If its one tank and 50,000 infantry (not AT) in a head on assault the infantry would win but only because the tank would run out of ammo!!

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Not really, with frags and rifles you can disbale a tank with enough soldiers, have you tried? tounge_o.gif

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