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.jpg pic not working

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I'm making a 007 James Bond mission (which will hopefully be released later today).

There is just one final thing to do to the mission before it is complete & I begin to upload it. Can someone please help with this small problem, as the quicker it is sorted out, the quicker I can release the mission.

I am using this 170 x 64 jpg picture for the Mission Front/overview (Bond pic here).

The picture is the right size because it is the same size as the real OFP Mission Pics. I placed the picture before the Overview in the mission folder and this is the Overview HTML:

Quote[/b] ]



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"

content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


<h2 align="center"><a name="Main"></a>James Bond: D & D</h2>

<p align="center"><img src="Bondlogo.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p>


<p align="center">

<! --- struèný popis mise>

<b>You are Bond. James Bond. A group of Hamas Terrorists have a Nogova High Security Airfield at their mercy. You must stop them and find out who sent them!</b>


<! --- konec popisu mise>



Anybody see why it's not working?

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the name of your pic if i look at it up there is bond.jpg

And in your overview, you typed Bondlogo.jpg

Quote[/b] ]<p align="center"><img src="Bondlogo.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p>

can be an answer

Edit , i tested in one of my mission , i have an error that do not display bond.jpg at the mission illustration in the menu

To solve this i made a 256*128 version of your picture and then it worked like a charm.

So it seems that you cant use a 170*64 jpg picture directly

My solution is : make your bond.jpg a 256*128 picture , then you can use it perfectly to have a menu 170*64 illustration

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]<p align="center"><img src="bond.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p>

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Could someone make it that size please as neither of us have a program to do it in.

thanks once again.

Sorry if this is going off Topic

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Sorry to rush you Bosun, but is the graphic resize nearly ready? Our mission is complete, but we are just awaiting this pic to be able to release it.

No pressure, or anything, lol biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

Thanks again, by the way.

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I made one for you


Here it is 256 X 128 picture , feel free to use it (click on it and Save AS..)

The name i put is BondLogo.jpg , change it according to your Overview

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I'm afraid it's still not working. I must be doing something wrong:

I saved and named your new logo: Bondlogo

and once again, this is the Overview:

Quote[/b] ]<html>


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"

content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


<h2 align="center"><a name="Main"></a>James Bond: D & D</h2>

<p align="center"><img src="Bondlogo.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p>


<p align="center">

<! --- struèný popis mise>

<b>You are Bond. James Bond. A group of Hamas Terrorists have a Nogova High Security Airfield at their mercy. You must stop them and find out who sent them!</b>


<! --- konec popisu mise>



I exported the mission to single missions and this is what it said on the description:

James Bond : D ?ny popis

mise> You are Bond. James Bond. A group of HAMAS Terrorists have a Nogova High Security Airfield at their mercy. You must stop them and find out who sent them!

Hopefully, you may be able to see what's going wrong now! Thanks for all your help so far.

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try changing this line;

<p align="center"><img src="Bondlogo.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p>

Change the 170 to 128.... that might be it.

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sorry, tried that for you and it doesn't work... sad_o.gif

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i compared your overview with some of mine in missions i have released and where the pic works fine. I noticed one difference:

Your overview has this line:

<h2 align="center"><a name="Main"></a>James Bond: D & D</h2>

My overview would has this line:

<h2 align="center"><a name="Main">We Stand Alone, Together</a></h2>

change this and you should be set.

Hope this helps smile_o.gif

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Compared your overview with one of mine

By replacing my text with yours, here is the Overview you should try

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"

content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="VB">



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


<h2 align="center"><a name="Main">James Bond: D-D</a></h2>

<p align="center"><img src="Bondlogo.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p>



<! --- struèný popis mise>

You are Bond. James Bond. A group of Hamas Terrorists have a Nogova High Security Airfield at their mercy. You must stop them and find out who sent them!



<! --- konec popisu mise>



It seems that the "D & D" you put gave a problem in the menu , that is why i typed D-D

This overview works for me i tested it with a quick mission ,

change some details according to your wishes

EDIT important

the copy paste is wrong here , because of accentuated characters that this OFP forum take wrong

, in the line

Quote[/b] ]<! --- struèný popis mise>

it should read

Quote[/b] ]<! --- struEný popis mise>

With the E is e accentuated in the direction left , the forum code dosent know it

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I just noticed that myself and was about to post it. Thanks. You cant use the "&" character in briefings or overviews as it tends to screw it up.

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Darn! It still won't work.

I've tried everything everyone has said and changing the pic sizes.

I'm using the Bond pic Sanctuary posted just up the page and I've uploaded my Overview file for anyone who wants to help. It's only 642 bytes:

My Overview

Perhaps this way, we'll finally be able to figure out what's wrong with it!

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You cant use the "&" character, use the overview that sanctuary made.

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IF you want, PM me your mail adress, i will send you my modified overview that works for me with your text

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Forget my last post. The thing you said worked! Thanks a lot for all your help. I know I've been a bother, but you've all been credited in the mission ReadMe.

The mission is being uploaded now!

Thanks again!


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The forum members defeated the evil overview file smile_o.gif

Good luck with your mission

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Yeah, thanks again guys. It's great that the people on this board are so supportive and helpful to one another.

I would just like to tell you the mission has been released now, so hopefully people will enjoy it. Just in case you are interested, you can download it from here, lol!

biggrin_o.gif  smile_o.gif

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