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The Frenchman

Have an idea

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How about a CTI game on the newly released BHD map? Instead of WEST VS EAST it could be WEST VS RES.



BAS or Lasers Deltas (defualt)

BAS or Lasers Rangers

BAS Desert armor pack or UN pack (soon tounge_o.gif )

BAS Littlebird

BAS Blackhawk

Rifleman's Desert Hummer pack


Bimini's (to be rereleased) African goverment forces

BIS jeep with machine gun

RHS desert T55 (for balance)

a desert Mi24 ( rock.gif realistic?)


Bimini's African Militia

Toyota hilux


WEST should be at the airbase as a un-movable airbase hanger.

RES should have a building at the start that is un-movable but is automaticly at the start of the game defended by AA.

I would like to start this but I dont know how to make a CTI game.

So....... what do you think?

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Have a link to that new BHD map?

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Quote[/b] ]No one thinks it is a good idea?!?!?! crazy_o.gifmad_o.gifsad_o.gif

I think its a great idea, pitty i dont have time to make it though.!

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No tutorials out there afaik. You'll just have to do it the way I do it, by editing hundreds of scripts... be prepared for a LOT of work if you're planning on making the resistance act like east and west.


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I have seen RTS mission on this island before, but have different vehicles like hummvs with mgs and things. it might be on RTS3 thread where I saw that but do not remember.

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try finding karrillion and emailing him

he MADE the rts missions

and OWNS


i'll go away now

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