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Any way to enable trilinear filtering in ofp?

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If any game needed it, its OFP. Long roads and runways look terrible as the mip levels change. The video drivers don't have any over ride for this, only AA modes I don't care for.

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I'll take that as a 'No'. I'm very surprised no one has tried to enable this, or requested the feature way back when the developer still supported the product.

I remember people boasting about how they run OFP at Blah x Blah resolution with Blah x FSAA etc. Yet the sudden texture res changes you see regularly on the roads, runways and terrain look butt ugly without trilinear filtering. (A feature that could almost just be 'turned on' if the developer so pleased.)

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way back when the developer still supported the product.  

I think that's rather uncalled for, sure you have a gripe but if this game isn't supported anymore why is 1.92 being released?

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if your video card supports it, try Anisotropic Filtering, works great.. smile_o.gif

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way back when the developer still supported the product.  

I think that's rather uncalled for, sure you have a gripe but if this game isn't supported anymore why is 1.92 being released?

Yep, I do have a gripe. But you and I know there wouldn't be a 1.92 if it wasn't for such a critical bug to be fixed (DPlay HDD Partition corruption). Something that could cause lose of face to the company or even potential law suits. But I do completely understand the business reality that the developer must move on and not devote time ($) to products that no longer generate profits. OFP is still a great game, but there are many tiny issues that (if dealth with) would significantly improve it.

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Let's see what happens with V1.92.

The README file for BAS' Blackhawks mention an unreleased official island, so we may see significant additions and changes in the patch when it is released. That would nicely explain why it is so late. It would not be unlike the guys at BIS to give us something new for free.

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Quote[/b] ]The README file for BAS' Blackhawks mention an unreleased official island

It does? Where?

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Quote[/b] ]The README file for BAS' Blackhawks mention an unreleased official island

It does?  Where?

DOH! My bad!

I just went back and re-read the file (Readme-BAS_Blackhawks1_SOAR2.txt), and I misread:

Quote[/b] ]1) Moving map display:

-The addon comes with inbuilt support for all BIS islands, Ia Drang and possibly a new BAS island, (yet to be released as of this date)

Somehow my feeble mind turned BAS into BIS when I read it. Never mind...

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Hehe, yeah that's what happens sometimes when you glance over documents. You should have done a double take and re-read that. tounge_o.gif

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Woa, people, we're going way off topic. I just wanted to know if there's a way to enable Trilinear in OFP. If not, I wished we'd asked for the feature around the time the game was released.

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OFP has so many features and is a coding masterpiece,surely there must be a good reason for it not being there if thats the case, I don't believe all users experience what you are seeing, altho I do and I know what you mean.

Its just that you are gonna get people upset coming here and saying the developer doesnt support the product ..your not making sense.I play many games and OFP has got to be one of the most supported products out.Has had several patches to fix users requests and bugs and things they didnt have to.Recently gave out modeling and land making software and has created oodles of modding gurus, just get real will ya

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OFP has so many features and is a coding masterpiece,surely there must be a good reason for it not being there if thats the case, I don't believe all users experience what you are seeing, altho I do and I know what you mean.

Its just that you are gonna get people upset coming here and saying the developer doesnt support the product ..your not making sense.I play many games and OFP has got to be one of the most supported products out.Has had several patches to fix users requests and bugs and things they didnt have to.Recently gave out modeling and land making software and has created oodles of modding gurus, just get real will ya

I hesitate to reply to what is obviously meant to be a personal attack based on a misunderstanding. But I will say a few words because I am not ashamed of what I say (that's why I use my real name posting in forums).

You may think I was bashing OFP, or the developer. However, I actually just said the game was 'great' and defended the developers decision to limit future patches.

You may have thought I'd upset people by my original statement of lack of continued support by the developer. Placebo correctly identified this gripe which is very simple: I paid full price for two products, both of which are still for sale in the shops, but no small features, and no small bugs will be added or fixed in the future. Instead, the OFP franchise will continue and those kinds of things will appear in future products. I really thought that other forum members would be able to handle this without getting too upset.

Looking back at my original post, I appologise that my 'tone' sounded rough and critical. That wasn't intentional, just a side effect of quickly writing thoughts to text.

I do recall way back when the original OFP was still supported, I (and others) requested 'W-Buffer' support for our Geforce2s. Suma replied, and later added the feature, something equal or more complicated than the trilinear request.

Anyway, I've asked a simple question, and answered it myself. If no one has a reply relating to the topic title, then please consider this thread closed.

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Placebo correctly identified this gripe which is very simple: I paid full price for two products, both of which are still for sale in the shops, but no small features, and no small bugs will be added or fixed in the future.  Instead, the OFP franchise will continue and those kinds of things will appear in future products.

Actually it is pretty much impossible to get anything but the GOTY edition, which does contain patches.

Also BIS have announced they are working on a 1.92 Patch (which may or may not be "small" bugs or features...only they can say for sure).

And certainly you can't say for sure whether or not these things will continue with the OFP franchise, by which I presume you mean the X-Box release and OFP2. Maruk has mentioned in a couple of places his "interest" in Pixel Shaders/DX9 capabilities. One would assume that tri-linear would come into play as well....

Other than those points I understand your position (don't necessarily agree...but understand).

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See it's always good when issues can be "conversed" properly such as the case here, you'll always get people on both sides of the coin (if you forgive the mixed up metaphor), on the one hand I'm an unashamed Bis "whore" and am completely biased and overprotective when it comes to Opf, and then you will get someone like Greg who is capable of being a bit more objective about the game (faults and all) than I smile_o.gif

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See it's always good when issues can be "conversed" properly such as the case here, you'll always get people on both sides of the coin (if you forgive the mixed up metaphor), on the one hand I'm an unashamed Bis "whore" and am completely biased and overprotective when it comes to Opf, and then you will get someone like Greg who is capable of being a bit more objective about the game (faults and all) than I smile_o.gif

Group hug!

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