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Be a bird

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i played a server where i was a bird when i died and i could fly around like a hello. where can i get this

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i played a server where i was a bird when i died and i could fly around like a hello. where can i get this

get it? you have it smile_o.gif If you don't have any respawn in multiplayer you'll automaticly become a bird when you die (in mp only)

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I can't believe that for as long as you have had the game, you've never seen this before! wow_o.gif

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What I can't believe is that someone was actually happy to see that bird. I remember for the longest time trying to figure out how to get rid of that thing and respawn instead. OFP without a command reference and large forums is a pain in the ass. smile_o.gif Or sometimes with as well. wink_o.gif

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But if it wasnt for a lack of manuals we would not have this great community. What i wanna know is how to make a bird in a cutscene so i can do some John Woo trademark stuff. Yes i know he uses doves and these are seagulls, so what tounge_o.gif

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Check this out:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Seagull v.1.40

; Author: Petroizki.

; E-Mail: petroizki@suomi24.fi

; Requires OFP version: 1.40



; EXAMPLE: [seagulls, player, 20, 500, ""] exec "seagulls140.sqs"

; EXAMPLE: [seagulls, player, 20, 500, "FLYING"] exec "seagulls140.sqs"

; EXAMPLE: [seagulls, player, 20, 500, "LANDED", 30] exec "seagulls140.sqs"

; NOTE. SPECIAL_VARIABLE is only needed with "LANDED" special feature

; When you want seagulls to die, give value 'true' for global variable g_bExit (g_bExit = true).

; NOTE: This script changes g_bExit variable automatically to 'false' in beginning.


; TRIGGER_NAME: Make sure you use triggers name instead of 'this'.


; OBJECT: Object for middle point on rectangle. If you want invisible middle point, use 'Game Logic' which initialization is 'this SetDammage 1'

; player = DEFAULT


; NUMBER_OF_BIRDS: ...Well put at least 1...



; AREA_WIDTH: Width and height of the area, which in the seagulls are flying.

; 500 = DEFAULT



; "" = DEFAULT

; "FLYING" = Bird just fly, doesn't ever land

; "GROUP_FLY" = Birds fly around in group, won't land

; "LANDED" = Bird is landed, takes off only if human approaches and lands again if human is far enough, birds start randomly around

; uses SPECIAL_VARIABLE, to define the area were seagulls want always land.

; "SEA" = Bird doesn't land, flyis often very low


;DEBUGGER = false

requiredVersion "1.40"


; Global variables

g_oTrigger = _this select 0

g_oObject = _this select 1

g_nSeagull = _this select 2

g_nArea = _this select 3

g_nArea = abs(g_nArea)

g_strSpecial = _this select 4

g_nAltitude = 50

?g_strSpecial == "SEA" : g_nAltitude = 0

g_nAreaDiv2 = g_nArea / 2

g_nAreaMax = g_nArea * 2

g_bChaseMe = false

g_nChaseMe = 0

g_oChaseMe = player

g_bExit = false

g_nExitReport = 0

g_bGroupLand = false

g_oGroupLand = player

g_bHuman = false

g_nHumanTime = 0

g_xPosition = (getPos g_oObject) select 0

g_yPosition = (getPos g_oObject) select 1

g_aSeagull = []

g_nAreaSpecial = 0

g_nAreaSpecialDiv2 = 0

g_posSpecial = (getPos g_oObject)

; Check limits

?g_nArea < 0.1 : g_nArea = 500; hint format ["The area for seagulls can't be less than 0.1\nDEFAULT 500 set."

?isNull g_oObject : g_oObject = player; hint "The object for seagulls can't be NULL\nDEFAULT player set."

?g_nSeagull < 1 : g_nSeagull = 1; hint "0 seagulls can't be created\nDEFAULT 1 set."


; Seagull creation loop

_oNewSeagull = objNull

_xPosition = 0

_nAreaSpecialDiv2 = _nAreaSpecial / 2

?g_strSpecial == "LANDED" : g_nAreaSpecial = _this select 5; g_nAreaSpecial = abs(g_nAreaSpecial); g_nAreaSpecialDiv2 = g_nAreaSpecial / 2

_i = g_nSeagull


; Get seagulls starting position

?_i % 2 == 0 : _xPosition = g_xPosition + g_nAreaDiv2; goto "Creation1"

_xPosition = g_xPosition - g_nAreaDiv2


; Create seagull

?g_strSpecial != "LANDED" : _oNewSeagull = "SeaGull" camCreate [_xPosition, g_yPosition, 0]; goto "Creation2"

; We want to start landed, so let's put seagulls randomly around

_xPosition = g_xPosition + (random g_nAreaSpecial) - g_nAreaSpecialDiv2

_yPosition = g_yPosition + (random g_nAreaSpecial) - g_nAreaSpecialDiv2

_oNewSeagull = "SeaGull" camCreate [_xPosition, _yPosition, 0]

_oNewSeagull setDir (random 360)

_oNewSeagull camCommand "landed"


; Save seagull's array

g_aSeagull = g_aSeagull + [_oNewSeagull]

; Give brains for seagull

[_oNewSeagull] exec "seagull140.sqs"

_i = _i - 1


?_i > 0 : goto "Creation"

; We wanna fly in group!

?g_strSpecial == "GROUP_FLY" : g_oChaseMe = _oNewSeagull; g_bChaseMe = true

_i = nil

_xPosition = nil

_nAreaSpecialDiv2 = nil

?g_strSpecial != "LANDED" : goto "MainLoop"


goto "MainLoop"


; Main loop



?g_bExit : goto "Destruction"

; Timeout for human alarm

?g_nHumanTime < time : g_bHuman = false

; Timeout for chasing

?g_nChaseMe < time && g_strSpecial != "GROUP_FLY": g_bChaseMe = false

; Human present, stop group landing

?g_bHuman : g_bGroupLand = false

; Update object and triggers position

g_xPosition = (getPos g_oObject) select 0

g_yPosition = (getPos g_oObject) select 1

g_oTrigger setPos (getPos g_oObject)

goto "MainLoop"


; Destruction


; Games over

g_bChase = false

; Wait for seagulls to report

@(g_nExitReport == g_nSeagull)

; Destroy seagulls

_i = g_nSeagull - 1


camDestroy (g_aSeagull select _i)

_i = _i - 1

?_i > -1 : goto "DestructionLoop"

goto "Terminate"




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The reason i havent seen the bird is that i just got high speed internet and didnt like playing on 56k,by the way ty for script


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