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Rar instead of pbo

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i just downloaded some ww2 planes and istead of being pbo files they were rar and i put them in the addons folder anyways(they didnt work) so how do i use them

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lol bis made a New file extension for OFP .RAR no just kidding but most addon makers zip their addons in rar files because winrar gives more comrpession then Winzip. so juse winace or winrar tot open it  wink_o.gif

PS: Post this next time in the AM:D section because this is the "WRONG" section wink_o.gif

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When i zip files with -9 option (best compression) they always get as small as the rar version. OTOH there seem to be different versions of (at least) rar out there, some rar archives can be unpacked by my winace program and some only show an empty archive or only the first of many files in the archive. Therefor i would compress files with zip, but use best compression.

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When i zip files with -9 option (best compression) they always get as small as the rar version. OTOH there seem to be different versions of (at least) rar out there, some rar archives can be unpacked by my winace program and some only show an empty archive or only the first of many files in the archive. Therefor i would compress files with zip, but use best compression.

Best compression you can usally get with Winace, yeah your problems seem to be wrong versions of WinRar installed. Your WinAce clearly doesn't support the lates format of RAR so... smile_o.gif if you don't want any trouble, use latest WinRar for rar files and latest WinAce for ace files and so on.

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Very mature...How about giving the guy a hand instead of laughing at him like that...

I only use Winace for .ace archives and Winrar for .rars but IMHO the best compression program out there is Power Archiver.

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Winace cant show pw protected rar archieves but it can decompress the archieves. And i think the difference of the compression rate will you only see if you use bigger archives like 100 MB or higher.

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Well it is a bit surprising that people still ask about RAR (on gameinfo etc). RAR is one of the oldest formats around (at least 10 years old). It is also one of the better compression formats, hence the point of using it.


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It doesn't matter how old RAR is, some people may not have heard of it simply because they may have bought their PC two days ago smile_o.gif

Seriously, you should not laugh at people that ask questions, you should laugh at people that do NOT ask questions and thus do nothing to reduce their ignorance smile_o.gif

We all had to learn at some point and the only stupid question is the one which is never asked.

Besides which, such a question is not about a completed model, it is about installing an addon, hence Addons+Mods: "Discussion" smile_o.gif

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It doesn't matter how old RAR is, some people may not have heard of it simply because they may have bought their PC two days ago smile_o.gif

Seriously, you should not laugh at people that ask questions, you should laugh at people that do NOT ask questions and thus do nothing to reduce their ignorance smile_o.gif

We all had to learn at some point and the only stupid question is the one which is never asked.

Besides which, such a question is not about a completed model, it is about installing an addon, hence Addons+Mods: "Discussion" smile_o.gif

People say I'm ignorant all the time here.

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I don't need a hand, i was stating observations. I packed some archives of about 250mb and sometimes i repack rar or ace to zip, and the zip always get as small. Most stuff ends up on my linux ftp server at first anyway, so i can repack rar to zip, just in case, because my (older) version of winace really can't handle newer rar archives, it sometimes shows no files in them or only one and will only unpack this one file in that case.

As i said i have no problems with rar, ace or zip. BUT others may have as most people have zip but not all have (or even know of) rar or ace. And the "better" compression is not really worth it, i just packed 313mb of ofp missions with best compression for rar and zip and the sizes were 293mb (rar) and 298mb (zip). Wow, rar is only 98,5% the size of the zip, not even 1,5% smaller than the zip, what an improvement...

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Well, I think a lot of times people use rar for 56kers, but personally, it's a high-speed world, don't fall behind.

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Well not everyone had winzip either at the beginning. It's just as simple to download winrar as it is to download winzip. Same routine.

I have ADSL but having more bandwidth doesnt mean I love bloated files.

I'm personally surprised that ZIP has survived for so long, considering it has been surpassed by just about every compression technique.


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XP has zip integrated, so most people have zip. And when you read a little longer in this forum you will notice threads like that about someone putting rar files in his addons folder and wondering why the addon doesn't work or people asking what the matter with those "ace" files is. Zip is a standard of sorts, ace and rar are not.

AND rar doesn't make filesizes smaller. I have seen that time and again cause i repacked rar and ace to zip before i had unrar/unace on my linux server. The sizes were always the same after compression but compression (and deflating too, but especially compression) took only a tenth of the time (running zip and rar on highest compression level for the same set of files).

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Not everyone has XP for one(and no XP isn't free). It's certainly easier to download winrar than buy XP to get the prog. Not to forget, winzip is of course superior to the XP varaint since you have more options (like making an self extracting executable).

Arj was popular in the early 90:s but I havent seen many using it today.

My main point is that I have them all (in executables) so I don't have to worry about what format someone uses. Be it tar,ace,rar,zip or something else.


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The XP zipper, what a crap! I used UltimateZip to create the greece3 zip... and the XP-users complained that the archive is empty! But WinZip & Co. could extract the files...

Another kind of "Microsoft" standard? Like their internet standards? mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

Hmm, perhaps I should use tar for the next releases...


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I don't care, i should be able to unpack everything, even old or obscure formats. But i think not all users have all packer software and most will have zip, so i think it is best to use zip, as size of the packed file is not really an argument with rar not really being much smaller. And on most computers you buy there will be xp already installed and has been so since a year ago. People who build their boxes themselves should be able to unpack any of those formats anyway. My concern is more about the casual gamer and computer user....

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Well, I think a lot of times people use rar for 56kers, but personally, it's a high-speed world, don't fall behind.

1. I have a 56k, I prefer zip.

2. Not everyone can afford $50 a month for DSL, and not everyone lives where broadband is available.

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