MINIGUN 0 Posted July 16, 2003 visitor has ben made in 1998 so why it was publicatet month ago.translating is a week not must have oxygen when you make OFP so why you publicatet them year past europe premiere.don't tell me you must translate beucose 8 years children can translate them in week. please whith ofp 2 on the cd can be sdk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edc 0 Posted July 16, 2003 Be happy they released it at all. Â They never had to release O2 and Visitor, and they did it out kindness to help the community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NZXSHADOWS 0 Posted July 16, 2003 Be happy they released it at all. Â They never had to release O2 and Visitor, and they did it out kindness to help the community. I secound that.Never whine about free tools.If you have any problems with Visitor or O2 you dont have to use them.Try Wrpedit if you need something in english.And try editing .p3d file with the other tools provided.Im sure after you use them for a while (Im not saying you havent) you will come to realize that you can do with out the english.I hope Im not coming off as flameing.I just want you to realize it took use a long time to finally get these tools.And now that we have them most of use are very thankful,But people that have just bought the game acouple of months ago dont really know how to appreciate something like Visitor an O2.So please think about your come back on this topic,A remember Im a very sensitive person and you might make me cry a tear or two.But thats all.After those two tears.I could give a @*&K about what you are talking about.And about the SDK on cd.Anyway enjoy your day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted July 17, 2003 They didn't release it because they were afraid that other companies would steal their technology. They are hard at work on other things like OFP2 and they don't want to bother translating Visitor or O2. They also had to edit the software to make it user friendly. By the way, do you know czech? Do you know how to edit and/or translate files? If you did you would know how hard it was. It's taken me 4 weeks to get a nearly complete translation on visitor... excluding the dropdown boxes which are in hexadecimal code. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MINIGUN 0 Posted July 17, 2003 translating you hear something abaut res-hack this program is wery easy to use i translate wrpedit to polish in 3 hour's it's not a problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted July 17, 2003 I'm using ResHack. For the most part, I do not know czech, but I have a couple of czech friends who have been nice enough to provide me with translated documents I have sent to them. It is hard work for them and myself. There is, likely, a little under, or at, a THOUSAND dialogs, stringtables, strings, sentences, whatever you want to call them in Visitor. WRPEdit didn't have this many dialogs... it had a miniscule amount. I'm waiting for the last half of one DLL to be translated then it will be sent to BIS for final checking over. Here's some stats: WRP Edit • One executable • Around 70 lines Visitor • One executable • Easily, over 70 different lines to translate • Nine external DLL's • Easily, 250-500 lines to translate It's not an easy task to translate this stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MINIGUN 0 Posted July 18, 2003 NZXSHADOWS f\/(k off Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted July 18, 2003 NZXSHADOWS f\/(k off NZXSHADOWS did nothing... you just know that we're right and you are well, wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MINIGUN 0 Posted July 21, 2003 NZXSHADOWS sory i was wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACES_KEVIN 0 Posted July 21, 2003 I agree with them. Im still thanknig bis for even releasing this, and will you make a public version of the english translation? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soul_assassin 1750 Posted July 21, 2003 hexadecimal code OOhh blackdog knows big words Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MINIGUN 0 Posted July 22, 2003 i can make full english version of visitor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yamato 0 Posted July 29, 2003 blackdog, Quote[/b] ]Visitor• One executable • Easily, over 70 different lines to translate • Nine external DLL's • Easily, 250-500 lines to translate It's not an easy task to translate this stuff. I agree, but I did a Japanese translation of Visitor. Some DLLs have no strings at all, and if you have a Czech friends who were kind enough to translate the strings, be happy. It took me some half a day to do the translation, but it's do-able. Oh, is it possible to modify strings in dropdown boxes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psylnz 0 Posted August 14, 2004 I kinda share a similar opinion as Minigun. Sure its great we got free tools, but free tools really help Bohemia as much as they help any of us. Really, these tools should have been out sooner, made easier to use, and at least with English versions, if not other langauges. Most people who paid for and use this game only speak english. The release of these tools much sooner would have had an enormous increase in the success of OFP. I totally disagree with the idea of not releasing editting tools for fear of othe companies stealing your work. The guys at Battlefield (1942 and Vietnam), Valve (Half-Life, Counterstrike,etc) and ID software (DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstien, etc), released everything including the SDK pretty much right from the get go, fostering an editting community where any fool could create his own complete mod with easy to use tools. These games became very successful, as everyone is well aware. I mean this as constructive criticism. I was and still am very impressed with OFP. The fact that Bohemia put together a first person game with HUGE +100 sq kilometer maps, excellent graphics, completely usable land, air and sea, vehicles, an ingenious copy protection system, an unmatched level of realism in games, with believable forests, that plays well on a 16mb video card is truly incredible, and they deserve a lot of praise for it! Unfortunately it is equally incredible that a game of this quality plays horribly in online multiplayer, and that after being out for a couple of years, nobody at bohemia could take the time to translate a few lines of their editing software to english, or packaging it with an easy installer program. Like so many others I know, I see a missed opurtunity buy an awesome game engine. I believe the 2 big reasons behind the long term success of the games I mentioned above, which were and are successful and still played widely, long after their release date are: A) Excellent Multiplayer Capability, and B) Ease of Modiblility. Both these factors increase popularity of a game, which translates into Sales, which I would think, a software company would be interested in. I really feel if this game had have taken Multiplayer and Modibility seriously, OFP would be sitting where Battlefield 1942 is right now. Hopefully Bohemia has taken these things into consideration for OFP2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted August 5, 2005 Beggars can't be choosers Next version of tools will be released in Klingon, we'll see who wants to complain then, kapla! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites