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Do-it-yourself m4 pack

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How do I use the textures with the pack? Sorry bout all these questions.

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Imagine putting it on your back biggrin_o.gif , you wouldn't be able to get through doors, and when you're in cars it stick way out of the top,

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Wow Thanks, how do I preview it, or bring it in game? How do I turn the textures into Paa and stuff?

If your O2 is installed properly it should start Bulldozer automatically..in Bulldozer you can see your project in current progress (rotate view zoom +/- etc.), if it´s not installed by this nice setup tool that i found a few weeks ago i think you have to do some configurations on oxygen itself..but i dunno how important this is..

Although all tex´s seem to be predefined, it´s a bit tricky to make them show up in bulldozer (for me it is)

make a selection on the whole gun then click the button with a little triangle and an i in the upper left corner,

there i click ok and apply, everything.

does not work everytime but this is the way i get it (... also had to copy the whole M4 folder with all the .jpg´s INTO my o2 folder to get it work, also renaming the M4 folder affected the textures not to show up..)

good luck  smile_o.gif

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I read recently that some of the original authors of the models used in this pack, such as Ironclad and SixShooter, are getting very annoyed that people from other gaming communities are using their work without express permission.

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para from the deadlok forums?

No. I don't even know what deadlok is. wow_o.gif I came from Ghost Recon. I did alot of modding there with a team called =DRAG=, and I also did the ballistics work on War of Infamy 2.0, and I'm doing ballistics/audio for Canadian Ops 2.0

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Yeah,I seen the CH-47 from OPF in Ghost Recon,I git alittle upset about it.And the thing is I didnt even make the CH-47.So just think if I did make something for one game and someone took it to put it in another game with out my permission.I would get very pissed.

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Yeah,I seen the CH-47 from OPF in Ghost Recon,I git alittle upset about it.And the thing is I didnt even make the CH-47.So just think if I did make something for one game and someone took it to put it in another game with out my permission.I would get very pissed.

I always wondered where those guys got the model from.

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