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Big brother is watching.

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I'm probably just not looking at the broader picture of things. I'm thinking cameras covering street corners to bust rapists and drug dealers. Not cameras covering every inch of city.

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yes, I'd say so FS, this sort of surveillance ability has incredible reprecussions for a society...You should pick up that book smile_o.gif.

Quote[/b] ]Now playing: nothing

Cute biggrin_o.gif : tounge_o.gif

*edit* me write good

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Cameras on certain street corners and alleyways would be a great solution to all thes robberies we see. In Stockholm there are alot of these robberies, kids that have been out on the town at night get their cell phones and wallets stolen under death threats. One or two kids were stabbed and things like this. It might not prevent the crime but the perpetrators will most likely be caught since you know were to locate them. But cameras made for the sole purpose of suveiling the citizens of the coutry would make me wear foil hats and hide under metal ore.

*Goes back to making a huge foil cover for his house* They are reading my mind damnit!

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How many buses are there in London? Are there that many monitors and tons of people monitoring at any moment or is this a spot check sort of system that can also be used in emergenices?

If they are like the cameras on the trains here in Brisbane, Australia, what happens is that the driver can monitor the footage at any time, and they can broadcast it to a monitoring station when needed.

it is also recorded for later playback if there is an incident onboard.

So it might not allow for instant response to a crime, but the criminals will be photographed for later retrieval.

Also, with cameras installed along the streets those criminals could be tracked right back to their homes. Good stuff in my opinion.

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Excactly my point Frizbee, and in cases of the robberies i talked about you could arrest them on scene the following night. These criminals rarely leave their area of operations during the night (they know the area so they can outrun their victims) So cameras on some street corners would be a good solution to crime. The question is how safe one would feel.

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Quote[/b] ]Now playing: nothing

Cute biggrin_o.gif : tounge_o.gif

Yeah, lol. I replaced it with an age-old ego quote though. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]secure.jpg

Looks more like a movie poster of an Orson Welles movie than a poster for public security.

Interesting biggrin_o.gif

LOL i was thinking the exact same thing smile_o.gif It is a pretty poster though. Some good graphic work. I personally dont have objections to CCTV as long as it is regulated properly and isnt misused. We are getting them here in the netherlands too more and more, especially in the parts of cities with the most night clubs and bars. I think it is a good way of monitoring trouble spots where a hefty police presence would prove maybe more of a bad thing than a good thing.

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I don't really see why you people are so against camera's in public areas.  rock.gif If you aren't a terrorist or criminal mastermind what have you got to fear? I can't say it would bother me if good 'ol Anthony Blair knows I go out on Saturday night and usually stagger home blind drunk at 3am! tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Its technology. The fact that it may be misused horribly will not stop it from spreading (at least if history is anything to go by) . Maybe (likely in fact) some nasty little third world govenment will use such technology to terrorise their populace but i cant really see how that has much bearing realistically on bag snatchers in central London or unruly bus users. The important thing is to watch how the technology is used, whether there are sufficient measures to deter misuse etc

No doubt in the future toasters will report bread misuse to the government ,cars will arrest you for driving badly and people will have tiny cameras implanted in their eyes so that the authorities have near total knowledge and control. Ok so there is a little doubt about the toasters.

But i dont care. We'll all be dead by then tounge_o.gif

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I don't really see why you people are so against camera's in public areas.  rock.gif If you aren't a terrorist or criminal mastermind what have you got to fear?

See, that's the point. The cameras are strictly in the purview of the government, which means that things are fine so long as the government behaves itself. However, it's clear that government has a bad habit of perpetuating itself, and one of the ways it does this is by increasing its power over the citizens. Cameras provide knowledge, and knowledge is power. Sure, right now it's fine that only criminals have anything to fear from the system, but what if the government turns into something very unpleasent which everyone has cause to fear?

edit: we'd be fucked, that's what. Dissent would be impossible, because the students who met at Tiananmen Square would have been rounded up two weeks prior.

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thats funny because the old communists Lenin and George Orwell said something VERY smilar!

WTF!?! Orwell was a communist?  rock.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif. Man, that's like saying Hitler wrote Mein Kampf because he was Jewish.

I stand corrected smile_o.gif. turns out good old Orwell was a communist, but was against totalitarianism. Thanks reedkiller, for sorting me out.

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Mmmm ive always thought of him as more of a red blooded socialist than an all out communist. A little bit relaxed and hazy on the whole 'revolutionary' thing, sort of a 'small c' communist. Probably cos he was English (some of the least revolutionary of people)..

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I think you've just described the majority of the communists I've met in my life biggrin_o.gif, and after all, I used to be a true believer myself. Not all comunists favour violent revolution as a way to forward their cause.

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Probably cos he was English (some of the least revolutionary of people)..

A few hundreds of years ago catholics would have had a few choice words in reply of that wink_o.gif

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Yes but that was our forward thinking strategy see? To get all of our revolutionary stuff over with before the victorian era (gentle evolution) kicked in tounge_o.gif

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Its funny how we have big brother t he tv program over here now because its s ort of taken the edge off the original meaning rock.gif

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From now on the masses shall be reffered to as: "Sheeple" biggrin_o.gif

In my opinion, the countries of the world are on a slow path to totalitarianism. The warning signs are all around. By changing what people concieve as 'freedom' the rules can get more restrictive without people even knowing it. Who cares if you can't own certain things or say certain things, so long as we all have the right to go out pleasure oursleves on whatever activities we want, right? Anyone who opposes any new government restrictions based on the fact that our freedoms are being eroded will be labeled a nut-job by the powers that be and the sheeple will follow the government line. Wasn't there a 'COINTELPRO' (Counter Intelligence Program) in the U.S. to make any political dissenters look like fools to the mainstream?

Go here.

This was 30-40 years ago. Imagine the shit they have now. And this isn't limited to the U.S. either. If you think you're safe, don't.

State monitored video cameras (as said before) are a tool for government power. Should the wrong government get in power, or the limits as to what kind of intrusion the sheeple will allow change, we're all screwed. Plain and simple.


P.S. Maybe I should run and hide before the government minders bash down my door and drag me away to the Ministry of Love. wink_o.gif

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Well shouldn`t we all start making plans to be little dictators our selves,if u can`t beat em join em :P

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Well shouldn`t we all start  making  plans to be little dictators our selves,if u can`t beat em join  em  :P

I've got one of my dogs detained for 'crimes against the state's leather upholstery' as we speak smile_o.gif

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If you really don't want the government to know what you are doing buy a shotgun, pickup and go and live in the Rockies with Lassie in a log cabin! tounge_o.gif


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Which is scarier: The idea that the state will one day watch everything through ubiquitous cameras, or that the cameras are already there and we don't know about it...

But you'd have to be a conspiracy nut to think that, right? tounge_o.gif

Edit: me grammar uses good.

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