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Swedish or english

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SFP soon at the door, and like last time i have done all the names of the soldiers swedish ones. And wonder if i should keep those.

I know some was "pissed" last time but that was also since there was no readme in english (will do one this time ;).

Why i want to keep it in swedish.

1) they are called: skyttesoldat and not soldier.

2) mostly swedes will play it, test it and keep it.

And there is been like no concern like in dod were the classes has german names.

It isn't very hard even if its more classes and you maybe have to try. Will write a short translation. But it is really just the soldiers in the editor menu that this will be a problem. If any at all.

So what do you guys say.

And what about weapons name. Mostly i have names that works on both swedish and english ones. but for like the strf90 (cv90) it has kulspräng ammo. I could call it: Kulsprang or kulspreng so it works good on all languge versions or i could make some wired translation: FragmentedHeat.. or something.. hmm. Well time for vote people and i don't have much time

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well, swedish mod, soilder names in swedish..

i understand swedish alright so i dont care, AT LEAST english readme too tounge_o.gif

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I voted English because I am selfish and this would be easier for me!! But yeah, swedish mod, makes sense for it to be in swedish... I will still download, use and love it even if its swedish.

You need to do english readme tho!!!

How about a swedish blond vollyball team addon...

Love your work



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I vote English readme and Swedish ingame stuff, because I need to be able to understand the readme and with the swedish ingame text/voices it feels more authentic... smile_o.gif

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As long as there is an english readme that has any needed info or translations for soldier types...it shouldnt be a prob.

Although, if there was an english version, I know I'd be happier.


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Nice idea, alot of work to fix then. But should be possible. Will think about it. But don't want to delay the package and i am starting to feel i will and all pbo is done (smaller adjusting on some) but going away later today (probaly) and have all the readme and stuff left. Gonna talk to the rest of the team and see if they can work but since i am the coder i am the spider in the net kinda ;)

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Okey i started and almost done with all soldier names.

So they are called like:

SFP_CREW,Crew,Membre d'équipage,Carrista,Soldado de tropa,Besatzung,Posádka

instead of swedish name "besättning" but had some "problems"..

Blackop or SSG (SSG is like swedish SAS)

How to translate other specail uints that some doesn't have a really counter part in englisj (or my english sucks). Like norrlandsjägare.. Now called articjeager. And Jägare..

amfibie i translated to marine. (but no idea name in french, german and such so then they have to have english ones) but for all standard soldiers they are translated.

and a special thanks to cassie. What would I do without you?

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