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Common addon pack

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<span style='color:red'>Current discussion - Islands to use - proposals</span>

Hellden  1,26   meg


Trinity  1.2  and agent smith pack 8 meg




jelalhabat_isl   1 meg


bastler_greece3 1,5 meg


sebnam_ia_trang     4  meg

i44_sicily (althought a beta but gives us an idea)  4 meg

kegnoecain_snow   56 meg

drno_isl (dr. No) 0,5  meg


Edit: Benu request

Links and sizes (packed / unpacked):

STT Desert Malden 1.00                                 7.5mb / 8mb


<span style='color:red'>First post</span>

The idea is quite simple. To have a widely approved common addon pack by the community. From what i read on this forum before the topic has been discussed before but never got to anywhere. Why it could work this time then? Well to start, and before starting this post, several clans were contacted so they are willing to participate in this discussion alredy. Not all were contacted in a first phase, but they can and should join in this topic discussion.

The proposal, to start (cuz it can be changed), is something like this:

1. Create a addon pack by modules. Where a modules is for instance Sebnampack, another module Winter pack, another module WW2 (looks promising).

Why by modules? Well, lets say several things could be added or removed from "officia"l addon pack release.

2. Addon pack/ module size defined since start.

3. Updates to the pack in 4-6 months (that would provide a medium time life to the pack), and the updates would have to be by common agreement too.

4. Maps on servers could only use the addon pack content (so evryone could join to whatever server they want without having missing addons)

5. Evryone has to be willing to cut or extend their own packs they have now.

6. Each clan would discuss what they would want internally and then nominate only one speeker to discuss the pack.

7. Quality addons in the pack, therefore tested and apreciated by the majority.

8. Dont do any updgrade to your current clan addon pack untill we have finished to discuss this. (just a suggestion)

9. Deadline time to discuss this : 3 weeks from now  (is it too much?)

10. To finish, i want to announce that we got positive signs of "go for it" from REBEL, FGG, ZEUS, SES, LOL, and from the modmakers DKM.

Let the discussion begin...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lolsav @ 15 May 2003,13:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Let the discussion begin...<span id='postcolor'>

See this thread, from earlier today.

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Ill make the first suggestion if u guys dont mind.

Maximum Global size of the pack: 200 meg.

Modules to include: 1 general module that would be loaded with all the other modules, 1 nam pack module, 1 ww2 module, 1 winter module and 1 BAS Module.

Example of what should go in General module: Editorupgrage102, Blood addon, Signs, Dodge car, etc. (will make an extensive proposal later).

Suggestions to the name of the pack: "Common addon pack", "Universal Pack" or "Coalition Pack" wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ 15 May 2003,12:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Avon Lady @ 15 May 2003,13:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">See this thread, from earlier today.<span id='postcolor'>

I did see, but as i promised to the several clans i contacted before all this i wanted to start a new thread. I thought of replying to it, but... well since i said i was doing a new thread, so i did. Hope no harm is done. If so, i will request (and if that is possible) to move the thread to that one.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Avon Lady @ 15 May 2003,13:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">See this thread, from earlier today.<span id='postcolor'>

I think it should be mentioned that the two initiatives have a slightly different aim. Lolsav is aiming for a common addons pack for game servers, not a semi-official game update.

The goal is a harmonization between servers (like it was done for the naming convention) leading to a modular addons pack (basic/generic module, and thematical modules like 'nam, Winter, Desert, BAS Spec Ops, etc.). Map makers would have a wide choice of addons for their MP missions without being limited to 1-2 servers and players would be able to play with one set of addons on a wide variety of servers.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (joltan @ 15 May 2003,14:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Avon Lady @ 15 May 2003,13:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">See this thread, from earlier today.<span id='postcolor'>

I think it should be mentioned that the two initiatives have a slightly different aim. Lolsav is aiming for a common addons pack for game servers, not a semi-official game update.<span id='postcolor'>

Yep. I stand corrected.

So, addon packs? Why not just list the addons that are needed in their existing install file form, along with download links? confused.gif

If the addon maker comes out with a new version, you'll have to maintain your customized pack. Worse, what if you maintain it but some other host sites don't? Worse, what if you maintain it incorrectly?

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Why oh why are so many people SO hooked on the idea of HUGE addon packs?

They suck... Not only do you need to maintain them every day practically, as otherwise they will get out of date VERY quickly. They are huge, as you suggested 200meg... which is gonna kill the 56k'ers, and they will still just be the same addons stuffed into one big pbo or zip...

What you really want to do is standardise the cpp.

Set levels for the damage caused by standard ammo (such as NATO 5.56, 7.62, 12.7 and other calibres, and Eastern-Bloc 7.62, 12.7 and other calibres.)

Set levels for armour, for both soldiers, tanks, aircraft etc, that way no-ones accurate M1A2 becomes a moving fortress...

What we don't need is an "uber pbo" or zip, as that would just be pointless, what we DO need is some form of standardisation. Tie this in with Addons at Ease, and we've got the perfect package.

If someone gets together a list of definative values for ammo and armour, then we can get this show rolling, until then, this isnt going anywhere...

Get the reference written, get BIS and everyones endorsement, and then we can start making universal addons, that will be the same on all the servers and the same on everyones PC's.

The way I see it, untill AaE is sorted, and until someone gets this reference done, this project is stuck in the past.

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Lolsav, I think your heading into huge gigantic addons like NAM, and BAS, and Islands and stuff...

I am searching for "improvments" or "expansions" on what BIStudio originally created, Keg's sky textures, ofpec blood, 100 color smokeshells, editor upgrade, ETC. Simple stuff like this that should be used to expand every aspect of OFP editing/gameplay without the use of needing addons.

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Wrong forum

Guess what

Moving to A&M:D smile.gif

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haha  tounge.gif


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Get the reference written, get BIS and everyones endorsement, and then we can start making universal addons, that will be the same on all the servers and the same on everyones PC's.<span id='postcolor'>

Pretty much said it all right there...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DeadMeatXM2 @ 15 May 2003,14:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ARGH!!!!

Why oh why are so many people SO hooked on the idea of HUGE addon packs?

They suck... Not only do you need to maintain them every day practically, as otherwise they will get out of date VERY quickly. They are huge, as you suggested 200meg... which is gonna kill the 56k'ers, and they will still just be the same addons stuffed into one big pbo or zip...<span id='postcolor'>

No offense, but there are other addons out there with same quality as BAS ones.

As for 200 meg, i was one 56k not long ago, and i would download these if i really wanted them. And the way they are proposed is on Modules, wich makes it easyer to download and use in the game. Plus, as i said, there would be an update to the pack in the time of 4/6 months, wich would give the pack a certain period of time to live, and would give an oportunity to insert new addons.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What you really want to do is standardise the cpp.

Set levels for the damage caused by standard ammo (such as NATO 5.56, 7.62, 12.7 and other calibres, and Eastern-Bloc 7.62, 12.7 and other calibres.)

Set levels for armour, for both soldiers, tanks, aircraft etc, that way no-ones accurate M1A2 becomes a moving fortress...<span id='postcolor'>

I would leave this for addon makers to discuss. No way im getting involved in that. Im just discussion the final product pack.

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Thats my point,if you put the addons into one big pack, then thats it, they are stuck at that version until a newer version of the pack comes out...

Say if we [bAS] released an addon, and then discovered how to do somthing "uber leet" to it, which totally rocked the OFP world (hypothetical scenario here) then released the updated addon a few days/weeks later. Everyone using that pack would be stuck with the same old good, but not "uber leet" addon for 4-6 months... That would NOT be popular.

Also, if you just whack them into 1 zip (puting them all into 1 pbo would require huge cpp work, and permission from ALL the authors to use their addons) there is still the issue of the addons not being "common" (e.g. the moving fortress M1A2)

plus, how would you update it? Just update the 200 meg file each time? cos people are going to get pretty bored of d/ling the SAME 200 megs worth of addons over and over again...

Don't get me wrong, you've got great energy for this, which I think can be harnessed to be put towards better things - like standardising the cpp.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No offense, but there are other addons out there with same quality as BAS ones.<span id='postcolor'>

Whats that got to do with anything?

And, on that note, I would like to point out, that the only "official" place to get BAS addons is from the BAS site.

Whilst we welcome people mirrioring our addons (and we DO appreciate that - thanks guys smile.gif ) it is up to the people who manage the mirrors to keep them up-to date.

We do try our best to prevent bugs etc, but they are inevitable, so we update our addons to remove these bugs. For this reason, we will not be "endorsing" such an "uber pack" venture, as it will mean there will be older versions of our addons in circulation, causing version errors on servers etc.

So any BAS addons included in such a venture would not be "legitimate", and therefore not have our backing, I also believe that RSS will hold this stance too, as it means that there are too many old versions of the addons floating about...

What we at BAS are trying to do (by working closely with mods such as RSS, UK Forces, DKM and so on...) is to create "common" cpp's so that all the addon units are ballenced, and no one addon is more powerful in terms of configuration, than another (again, see the fortress M1A2 example)

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Before this thread was started several Large Clans and Servers Discussed it to check that there was some common Ground, and there was.

All the Servers that use addons would like to be able to have interchangeable maps with other servers, but addons have limited this.

Mods such as SEB-NAM2 and Winter Nogojev became so popular that map-exchange was possible as many map-makers made maps with the addons. So why not Group Addons together to make a basic addon pack, witrh extension modules. Most people will agree that there are some "Essentail" Addons, these may Include the editor update, russian weopons pack, bunker packs, Steerable parachute, BIS Camel ...

Basically this thread is for people who run ADDON SERVERS, if run a server and would agree to use the addon-module system so that your map-makers could make maps for many server, and our map-makers do the same will will all end-up with better Gameplay. Then if enough servers join it will be a common-addons system.

We have already Trialed this Idea with SES, REBEL, FGG .. ... .... and its working Fine. Representatives from Zues, DKM & CLR have also said they see potencial in this Idea.

I suspect it will be more appealing to servers who play predominately objective based missions, as these map-makers have more demand for addons.

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I think there is a bit of confusion in here. The goal is not to make an HUGE pbo, but a collection of addons (thats what i meant with pack). So the update of a single pbo file is not a issue. It could be easily patched if there was an hypothetical great addon. If not, it could wait for those 4/6 months.

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Ok, although I agree with deadmeat that there is a serious problem in the ballancing of addons (including BAS very own Delta-Rangers pack wink.gif ), the common practice is that this does not keep people from running addon-dedicated servers. As long as there's need to play with addons in MP games, Lolsavs initiative is a gift from heaven that all should appreciate (you, deadmeat, are responsible for the balancing-issue, if you whish...).

As of the "56k" argument, i do not agree. A commonly accepted addonpack guarantees a minimal amount of downloaded kb's (as you never have to download additional server-specific addons) and the maximal availability of playable servers. This criterium does not change with the type of connection. Pleading against the addon pack will not help modem-users. OK, if a person only wants to play, lets say, BAS addons downloading the pack is useless to him, i agree. But such a player already disqualified himself for playing on the big addon-servers that now might addopt a conventional addon-pack.

Also your complaints about wanting a centralized download spot for your addons in order to prevent lots of different versions to go around has no ground. All you need to do is to inform the compilers of the MP convention addon-pack (if they dont do that themselves), and the new addon will be included (as patch or in a new version) in the addon-pack. The way you want to keep things will PROMOTE the use of different version of your addons on different servers.

So, thumbs up for the general addon-pack as far as I am concerned!

What is not clear to me yet is whether a player is supposed to have ALL packs to play on a convention server, or that mapsshould be designed using only addons from within one pack? I you think about the latter option this restricts the freedom of mission makers significantly. This means that if we make a "winter pack" and a "BAS pack", the bas weapons are not available to winter missions. But thinking about the former option there is no need to make themed addon-packs as they are only there to facilitate downloading (separate downloaded files); you might just as well recommend using Getright or similar tools to do a download in different fragments.

Ok, lets start the discussion.



[ZEUS addon server]

P.S. I am not the official spokesperson for ZEUS server, so weight my comments with that in mind. Let's say at the moment I just participate in the discussion

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ 15 May 2003,12:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So, addon packs? Why not just list the addons that are needed in their existing install file form, along with download links? confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Well have a look of what we have been trailing on a limited basis with about 5 Clans.

Base Module

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SES AddonsPack 4.0 Module 1

This archive contains the first module of the new addonspack (version 4.0) needed to play on the Suicide Europe Squad Operation Flashpoint COOP-Server (http://www.suicidesquad.co.uk). Further modules are available at our website and more will be added with time. For now the following modules are available and nescessary to play on our server:

- SES Nam Pack installer - contains the SEB Nam Pack 2.0 and Jungle Everon

- Winter Island Installer - contains Winter Nogojev 1.1

- BAS Ranger/Delta Installer - contains the BAS Rangers & Littlebirds

- SES Addonspack Module 1 - addons collection part 1 (this module)

- SES Addonspack Module 2 - addons collection part 2

- BIS Camel Beta Addon (available at BIS website or in our download section)

The addons were collected, but not created by the SES team and all rights remain with their respective authors (listed below). Neither SES nor the authors of the addons allow for any comercial distribution of this pack. You may host and use this pack on your own server, but you are not entitled to charge any fee's for the download or use of the pack. For single addons taken from this pack please contact the author(s) of the respective addon.

Neither SES nor the authors take responsibility for any damages caused by these addons, Also do not blame BIS or Codemasters because these are UNOFFICIAL addons and BIS or CM have nothing to do with them. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

If you have problems installing the addons pack contact us in the SES forum at http://www.suicidesquad.co.uk

The pack contains:

New stuff added in pack 4.0 module 1:

- Joe Lemmonade's SES Street signs (contact author(s): sebastian@psycho-cowboy.net)

- BTR70 (author unknown - available at http://ofp.info)

- Project "Nashe Oruzhie"'s M2 Hoplite addon (contact author(s): http://ofp.ussr-online.net/nasheorujie)

- UCE's Infantry units and retextured weapons:




as modified by Norsu (contact author(s): http://flashpoint.xaos.ru/jjsoini)

- Trinity Island 1.1 (contact author(s): brent@hardy77.freeserve.co.uk)

- MF CTI 1.0 (contact author(s): http://mfcti.sourceforge.net)

- Vosku & Norsu's Groza weapons pack (available at: http://ofp.info)

old stuff from SES addonspack 3.0 (some updated/extended):

- Ramp (author unknown, available at http://www.ofp.info)

- Kegetys' Russian weapons pack 1.1 (contact author(s): http://ofp.kege.cjb.net)

- Kegetys' Editor addon 1.11 (contact author(s): http://ofp.kege.cjb.net)

- GFX' Bunker packs 1-5 (without trenches) (contact author(s): http://www.fortress-ofp.com)

- GFX' MG pack including Minigun and MK19GL (contact author: http://www.fortress-ofp.com)

- DKM' PSG1 silenced & MG3 (contact author(s): http://www.dkm-mod.mkdi.net)

- Col. Klink's Zodiak boats (only two models) (contact author(s): bawbwatt@hotmail.com)

- Baron's convertible Challenger (contact author(s): http://www.arcx.ar.cx)

- Joe Lemmonade's Starwars Speeder (contact author(s): sebastian@psycho-cowboy.net)

- Adammo's C130A (contact author(s): http://www.101st.org)

- SEB SpecOps Huey (contact author(s): w-chen@bigpond.net.au)

- Joe Lemmonade's Dragonfly (contact author(s): sebastian@psycho-cowboy.net)

- BAS Littlebirds (contact author(s): http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic)

- STT KLR motorbike (contact author(s): w-chen@bigpond.net.au)

- TJP Pavehawk Snow (contact author(s): tjp@concept-5.com )

- USMC Symbols pack (contact author(s): http://www.thechainofcommand.com)

- Kegetys' AGS17 (contact author(s): http://ofp.kege.cjb.net)

- Airwolf's Skidoo (contact author(s): http://airwolf.awnet.one.pl)

- Kylikki APILAS Rocket Launcher (contact author(s): http://kyllikki.tiimipeli.net/)

- Kylikki RPG29 (contact author(s): http://kyllikki.tiimipeli.net/)

- Gastovski's rope addon (contact author(s): Gastovski@v-fun.co.uk)

- AK-George's hemp addon (contact author(s): Tjarg@web.de)

- IGW Spotlight addon (contact author(s): ian_glen_walker@hotmail.com)

- Chain-of-Command mine & claymore addon (contact author(s): http://www.thechainofcommand.net)

- Dr. No's Island (contact author(s): http://umf.free.fr/drno)

- Hellden Island addon (contact author(s): http://www.hellden.ift.cx)

Scripts and demo missions for the spotlight and the mines/claymores are included as zip-archives in the mod folder, so mission makers using this pack can see how to use these addons.

Note: From some addons not all pbo's were included (like the trenches or the Desert Eagle from GFX' Bunker packs). We apologise to the authors. If you want to use the complete addons please download them from the creators site (see above).

How to install?

Just start the Installer and point it to your main Operation Flashpoint folder (NOT YOUR ADDONS FOLDER!!!wink.gif. The installer will create a seperate mod directory called ses-addons, so your current installation will not be affected in any way. To start Operation Flashpoint with the SES addons just click on the Desktop shortcut created by the installer or us the shortcut in the Start menu.

The Skidoo and the KLR mororbike will be copied to you Res\AddOns folder (they would cause error messages if placed in the mod directory or the regular addons folder) and the background animation for the islands will be copied to the standard addons folder.

<span id='postcolor'>

The Nam Module is SEB-NAM2 + Jungle Everon 1.2

The Winter module is Just Winter Nogojev

The BAS module is LittleBirds, Delta's ... ..

The WW2 Module is under Construction ...

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Must be a pain to maintain that thing, no?

How many MB of addons does that place in \SES\AddOns?

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whats the use of having a BAS module? The addons from BAS get updated almost every 2 months or so, you will stay busy updating the module all the time confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ 15 May 2003,15:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">whats the use of having a BAS module? The addons from BAS get updated almost every 2 months or so, you will stay busy updating the module all the time  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Often what happens is, players get Delta/Rangers and dont get Littlebird for instance, wich is crucial for some missions.

About update evry 2 months... they do, we dont. We will paciently wait for the next pack update to see what we are going insert/remove.

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I agree some problems could arise from different versions and so on. But every server owner has a crucial interest in keeping his stuff up-to-date and I think everybody participating in such an initiative would be willing to go with the flow here. Discipline and communication required.

I think this idea should not be easily dismissed, it's hard enough to keep an addon server running, it's even harder to keep it filled with players and new maps. Any possibility to expand the availability of new maps is most welcome and I am sure most players would agree...and in the end it's all about the players, without them any addon, any map and any server is worth nil. Hey we gotta keep the community going for at least 1.5 years from now, until OFP2 comes out!  crazy.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What you really want to do is standardise the cpp.

Set levels for the damage caused by standard ammo (such as NATO 5.56, 7.62, 12.7 and other calibres, and Eastern-Bloc 7.62, 12.7 and other calibres.)

Set levels for armour, for both soldiers, tanks, aircraft etc, that way no-ones accurate M1A2 becomes a moving fortress...<span id='postcolor'>

I totally agree with you here DeadMeat! As our emphasis is on PvP maps rather than Coop this is the single most important issue for us! Since I have no clue about the creation of addons I gotta leave this up to the pros.

I REALLY do hope the addon makers, or at least a large part of them, will be able to agree on this one.

Bottom line: I am for a unified addon pack and we will support Lolsav here. We are already very successful with our own addon pack and I don't see why this should change to the worse when more servers use a common pack.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ 15 May 2003,15:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How many MB of addons does that place in \SES\AddOns?<span id='postcolor'>

Tell you when i get home. But you can always check ours module 1 and 2 @ http://www.suicidesquad.co.uk on downloads section wink.gif

Edit: Uncompressed 180 meg, compressed 100 meg. Note that there are several islands, units, vehicles wich could be in diffrent module on the next pack. And on that folder we have 2 modules at present time.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shrike @ 15 May 2003,16:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I agree some problems could arise from different versions and so on. But every server owner has a crucial interest in keeping his stuff up-to-date and I think everybody participating in such an initiative would be willing to go with the flow here. Discipline and communication required.<span id='postcolor'>

So then why work hard? Instead of packing everything together and then repacking every time an addon gets updated, why not just host the individual files instead?

The exception to this would be packs of addons that are super stable and/or whose makers no longer are around or intend to update them.

This also makes it easier for players to update. Rather than downloading a corrected 200MB file, they can just download the separate 10MB updated addon file.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ 15 May 2003,16<!--emo&wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This also makes it easier for players to update. Rather than downloading a corrected 200MB file, they can just download the separate 10MB updated addon file.<span id='postcolor'>

There will be no 200 meg file pack... The idea is to create Modules where the maximum GLOBAL size is 200 meg

Example: Bas+Nam+Ww2 = 200 meg (This is not decided yet)

Where wich module is an individual download, so there is no need to redownload 200 meg again.

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We have modules, downloading 'modules' is the same as downloading the 200mb pack! You know why? You will use all the addons in missions, and if a person downloads a select few they will still get disconnected.

Some of the most popular servers don't have an addon pack, have an addon pack already (for themselves) OR they do not have addons at all, and/or do not plan on getting another server to do this type of stuff. Thats the truth, most addons likely will not be used in MP (no offense to any addon makers, because I think they are lovely, and I play games with friends with them all the time).

Examples of these types of servers:

Stoner's House of Pancakes (Obviously, one of the most popular servers in OFP)

• Doesn't use addons, doesn't plan to use addons, although I am pushing for a seperate addon server

MTCO Server

• Has it's own addon pack with a limit of 10-20 (maybe even 30mb)

Zeus Addons & Non Addons

• 1 Regular Server

• Addons server has its own addon pack already.

Obviously, most of you aren't even server owners - of course server owners want their servers to be popular - don't you think - thats why they don't use addons - most people simply won't download them... we need some comments from people like Suchey, SSG Plazmoid and other server admins (Shrike, even) (admins of the 3 servers listed)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ 15 May 2003,16:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">We have modules, downloading 'modules' is the same as downloading the 200mb pack! You know why? You will use all the addons in missions, and if a person downloads a select few they will still get disconnected.<span id='postcolor'>

The diffrence by using modules is quite simple. Mod-folders loaded with a shortcut on desktop


1. while a mapmaker is editing a mission for that particular module will not by mistake place a addon from another module. Example: no BAS in WW2 maps.

2. A standard module or pack will give map makers the chance to make maps to diffrent servers, not having the problem of checking all the time if they have a particular addon or not.

3. Players could easily move from server to server without having the to be worried if they had or not a specific addon.

4. We are trying to reach to a agreement in here. Thats why the topic was started.

5. Facts: Most servers use addons. Most players have downloaded addons. There is always a addon we miss for some reason. Many servers have learned from experiences from the past, so a global understanding seems to be needed.

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