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Ofp 1.91 and directx9 trouble

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Hey all, just wondering if my DX9 installation f-ed my OFP:R? It can't load, and the addons folder is empty.

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Installing DX9 shouldn't have done anything to the Addons folder -- something else must be responsible for that. If crucial files are missing (such as the World files), I suppose that you could wind up with just a plain green screen and no actual graphics.

OFP V1.91 will work quite nicely with DX9, I'm running it myself.

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Without more information I am afraid you will not get any usefull help:

Do you get any error messages? Is any error message recorded in your Flashpoint.rpt file? Any more details about your system configuration?

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I've been experimenting with moving addons around. It seems that the problem is being caused by CAT_SHIT_ONE's Afghan map, which isn't your fault/problem.

Thank you.

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...this is becoming a real problem, I'm getting a plain green screen on start up with different addons installed and I dont have Cat's Afgan Island installed. First I thought it was Delta/Ranger addons because it would start up correctly when I removed them but now its happening with TJP-UH60, and Vit's new F15, and the same problem with the HiSky addon .If I remove these addons everything goes back to normal. CoC mines are ok and BAS littlebirds are ok Sebnampack 2 is ok. I havent tried any others yet because this is a new install of ofp191 sence I replaced my Hard Drive. I will say this though sence I replaced my HD I upgraded to  a new GF5600 256mb from a GF Ti4200 64mb. I never had these problems before my hardware upgrades.

Heres the order that I used to install ofp...OFP CW CD, then RES. CD and the 191 patch. then I installed editor upgrade102. I cant remember if I was running DX8 or 9 before my HW upgrade though...........I'm just stumped now.

Heres my Specs now

XP pro

DX 9

ofp1.91 w/kegetys editorupgrade102

Gigabyte DDR333+ mother board

w/Intel P4 1.6ghz cpu



GF FX5600 AGP 256mb Driver

Audigy mp3 w/5.1

17' ViewSonic running at 60hz


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I get similar things on startup with my Radeon 9500, alt+tab and back and it's all fixed smile_o.gif

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Yup..I tried Alt/Tab too but no cigar...I can even hear the game running in the back ground and the mouse pointer passing over the links on screen.  Any other ideas anyone?

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Just want to clarify something, alt+tab takes you completely to the desktop, you then click Opf in the toolbar and it's still messed up?

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Yes..and reinstalled the game 3 different times but still have the same problem.

I just removed it again untill I can figure our whats going on.

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