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Can you modell soldiers?

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It's me again smile.gif=

Our Mod (don't forget) "Operation: N.A.M." needs some good modellers who know how to model good lookin' US (southVietnam) and NVA(VC) Soldiers. Please send us an email if you are the one we're searching for.


We can deliever you with many real photos of uniforms, equipment and more.

We also need texturers, too. So the same way for u:

Mail us as fast as u can an email smile.gif

best regards

Charon aka. Hawkmaster

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Ehhh why dont you just ask if you can use the NAMPACK 2?

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Hmmm nice option .... but impossible. Look, their soldiers don't look very nice (in my opinion, so please don't write replys with rude words in it smile.gif and if our mod would like to use or modify them they'll don't let us. It was hard enough to get the rights to work on their UH-1D "SpecOp".

So we want something new. Something better. Something that fits to our weapons wink.gif

best regards



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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HAWKmast3r @ 08 May 2003,21:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmmm nice option .... but impossible. Look, their soldiers don't look very nice<span id='postcolor'>

hmmm, i suppose the permission to use the UH-1H spec op can always be rescinded smile.gif

Why not try making the units we (SEB) didnt make, that people really want? (ie planes, armour)

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yeah we want to but our team is yet not so great (i hope it will change by now wink.gif. We have plans, we have the informations (my head is full of things which would be really realistic but i don't have the experience to get them into ofp by my own and our team don't have any animator at this time), we have the pictures but what we don't have enough are the people who can build those things for Ofp.

It would be a great help for us (and not only for us, even the community would have a greater advantage) if the seb guys (so your one of them, right?) and our team could work together or something like that.

best regards


P.S.: Ok the soldiers are lookin' good. But they could lookin' better. smile.gif

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Why should we? wink.gif

You should know that ofp2 is not only about the vietnam war biggrin.gif

And also i don't have enough time to wait for 2004. I want to have vietnam now ;D

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Where have all the modellers gone? (ok the most of them are gone to the mods ;)

But where are the others?

Nobody want to help us??


Charon aka. Hawkmaster

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Call yourself "NAS" - NAM ADDON STUDIOS

Then make single High Quality Addons from the Vietnam Era.

Like this:


or something like this:


(Ok, not the Bronco) wink_o.gif

I like to see ONE High Quality Addon instead of a big pack full of "no release dates".

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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good lookin' US (southVietnam) and NVA(VC) Soldiers.

I am sorry but don't you mean NVA and VC soldiers? Seems as though Vietcong (the game) confused people about them being separate.

Also are you sure you aren't looking at the SEBNAM pack one? I mean the soldiers in pack two are one of the best looking soldier addons I have seen. Exception the arms/chests on the marines, but we have an explanation for why they look that way, and I couldn't agree more with the people who made it that it was the best way to solve it. I hope you reconsider and use the NAM pack two soldiers, and spend your time on making more choppers and armour to use in your missions.

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First one: We are working on some vehicles like the mig 21 or a Phantom F-4 but as i said before "we need more modellers who help us to make more vehicles etc." We would like to make the Uh-34 too and all the other vehicles but we haven't got enough members.


Yeah sorry i mean the Nva and the VC soldiers. And in my opinion it's better to make the soldiers on our own because i don't think that the sebnam team would like to give there soldiers to another nam mod team because it's there great thing if you understand what i mean.

so please let me know if somebody want to work with us together.

Best regards,


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ok .... because i didn't get any mail i'll get on your nerves one more time smile_o.gif

First here are two pictures of a few projects we are doing at the moment:

A french bunker with textures from the game vietcong (yeah we need textures immediatly:)


And a Mig 21


Ok and here are some soldier pictures for those who want to help us so that you can imaging what it's all about with the theme "can you modell soldiers?"

1. 1stinfantrydivision.gif

2. 25infantrydivision.gif

3. 23dinfantrydivision.gif

I hope that i get some emails by now smile_o.gif

best regards,


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Eeep using textures from a commercial game! But the MIG-21 model looks really nice. But I hope when you get a texture artist you will change those Vietcong textures into self-made ones. Since textures/models from a commercial game is a no no.

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Yeah ... I hope that too because this "vietcong"-textures are only for presenting this bunker not to use it for ofp.

The Mig was made by AKW

But I think if there are models which were made for any game and you can use them in O²/ofp too why don't you do it (like the weapons of Inquistor)?

If not you have to make the models by yourself and this costs a lot of time which you had better used for modelling other useful things. <-- That's my opinion

best regards,


hawkmast3r@yahoo.de <-- i want mails ;)

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Well the models and textures Inquisitor is using are made by people who have "hacked" the CS weapons and thus replacing the original weapons of CS. They are much like the OFP addons non commercial. Vietcong however is a commercial game, which prohibits you to use the textures for other things you are doing (unless it is a mod for the game Vietcong)

It saves a lot of time, but it won't save you money.

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ok but this are not the real textures which are used in vietcong because i dunno how to hack this file .cbf. So i made screenshots of the bunkers in vietcong and used those screens for the textures (that's why the textures look so damn ugly smile_o.gif. So this is legal not illegal but i know what you are talking about and i think the same, too.


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Ok guys here iam again smile_o.gif=

Our mod (yeah we changed the name into this one) "Vietnam Warfare: Burned Battlefields" have done something new. Check out the to pics of the phantom and the tiger made by Aushilfe:





So the same as in every post of me:

Please join us if you are a addonmaker, a texture artist or a map creator. We need YOU.

-> mail me: hawkmast3r@yahoo.de



Please visit www.operation-nam.de

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Wow those look great Hawkmast3r smile_o.gif

But I suggest you take off the USAF emblem from the tail of the Tiger, doesn't seem right.Also maybe make a SE Asia camo scheme for it? Would be really nice wink_o.gif

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Yeah we still at work smile_o.gif .... but we need texture artist as i mention it in my last thread sad_o.gif

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very good work! finally a tiger!

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Okay Boys and girl we need for the Projekt:





is the community a bad boy club or can any help

all need addons not will help

is bad.

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