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Linux dedicated/ not loading all the missions

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I've recently found that my Linux box running the latest patches and before only ran half of the missions out there.

After doing some research I found that it was caused by Linux being Case Sensitive. The issue is if a mission has scripts that are called or addon PBOs that are called and the case is different then the actual files.

If the addon being called is spelled with all caps and the actual file is spelled with small letters then the mission will not load.

Because of inconsistancies of mission makers spelling their code with both Caps and Smalls, causes about half the misisons out there to not load on Linux dedicated server machines.

Capt Moore

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Tolower only changes the FILENAMES, not the interna of missions (variable names, script names, etc). I will try this out, as i have a few missions too on my linux server which do not work, changing script- and addonnames in the missionfiles shouldn't be too difficult with sed or perl. And unpbo.exe works well with winex wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (benu @ 06 May 2003,08:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tolower only changes the FILENAMES, not the interna of missions (variable names, script names, etc).<span id='postcolor'>

The internals of the mission (including filenames containeed in .pbo files] are not handled by OS, but by OFP itself. The only case sensitivity issues possible are with the actual files placed in the Linux file system, which should be always lowercase. Variable names etc. are not case sensitive even with Linux. There must be some other problem with the missions you mention (like requiredVersion mentioned in some other topic).

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This is the mission that I cannot get to run on Linux..  I would like to get it working.

MFCTI1.0  << click here

This is the capture the island senerio.

I add the addons to the server.  I then goto the server.cfg file and make the following:

class Mission01 // any mission name here


template = MFCTI 1.0 Everon.Eden; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet

param1 = 3600; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission

param2 = 1; // sets another mission specific paramter


then I run the linux box from a ssh command line... and this is the error i get:

Cannot open file 'addons/mfcti1.0.pbo': No such file or directory

I then change the addon MFCTI1.0.PBO to mfcti1.0.pbo and the error goes away...

but the mission still won't load, it just default to the next mission.

I would say that half of my collected missions will not run on Linux for some reason. They just default to the next mission.. I cannot find an error code to figure out the reason.

Capt Moore

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Not sure if this is the same mission (will try after work), but i have two mfcti missions running with linux.

Suma: It's kinda sad that Adammos idea is not the reason why some missions just won't work with linux dedis, cause fixing upper-/lowercase in missions is really simple, i could have automated that with a perlscript and i would have a solution now. Now i am as clueless as before why some missions just won't run with linux sad.gif

BTW: it's not nearly as bad for me as for Adammo, maybe one mission in twenty or even one in fifty will run fine on a win dedi but not an a linux dedi... i have some 300 missions on the server and can count the few ones not working at all. One thing i noticed, don't know if it's important: the 4 player coop bas ranger demo mission (covert op) crashes the server directly after the intro when using kegetys minimal data.pbo. But when i use the original data.pbo the mission crashes at a random time later in the mission. Maybe it's an addon problem after all?!?

Addendum: just checked with md5, two of the 4 missions from the zip (MFCTI 1.0 PS Everon.Eden.pbo, MFCTI 1.0 PS Nogova.Noe.pbo) are the ones running on my server, so they work with linux after all...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I then change the addon MFCTI1.0.PBO to mfcti1.0.pbo and the error goes away...<span id='postcolor'>

This sound logical. All files that OFP should access in the the Linux file system should be lowercase.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but the mission still won't load, it just default to the next mission.<span id='postcolor'>

Is any requiredVersion used in the addon? If not, I think the best way would be to send me the mission and the addon, so that I can check if there is anything unusual with it.

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If I can add something, do not forget that preloading of addons via requiredAddons[] section of an addon is not effective in MP.

That means that if you have an addon A depending on another addon B (even official, M2A2, BMP2, etc...), and even if the requiredAddons[] section is complete, you can have some issues when you add a vehicle of the A addon, but none of the B one.

The editor will add A in the requiredAddons section of the mission.sqm, but it won't add B. You have to manually edit mission.sqm to add reference to B in the requiredAddons section, otherwise dedi might not be able to run the mission.


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Is this true for ALL dedicated servers, even for windows ones? Cause the problems i have are with missions that run on win 1.91 dedicated servers but not on linux 1.91 dedicated servers...

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I think me and a few others had similar problems such as this. Some of my missions wouldnt load on the linux server that were compressed using the mission editor. Something caused compression errors in the pbo when it was built. I think pbo tool worked fine. Please see this thread:

Linux Issue

Heres another thread:

Maps Not Loading on Linux

Hope it helps

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I went to the above link and tried some of the suggestions:

respawn=3; in description.ext  = already there

requiredVersion "1.90" from init.sqs  = didn't exist

Copy your O_wp.pbo to the server's addon  = tried this

I tried it uncompressed just in a folder  = tried this

I also tried the PBOTOOL  = tried this

I tried compressing it with ingame editor = didn't help

So that we are all on the same page, the file that I am trying to get to load is:   MFCTI 1.0 Everon.Eden

Capt Moore

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Are you copying to 'addons/mfcti1.0.pbo' or 'res/addons/mfcti1.0.pbo'?  Try placing it in the res/addons folder and see if that changes anything.  Another thing, are you just trying to get the mission to load from the server.cfg file?  Does the mission load when you manually select it?  Do any of the other 3 CTI missions load?

Suma, there is a 'requiredVersion = 1.75' in the the CfgPatches class for the CTI addon.  I remember there was a bug in a past release for linux that had issues with 'requiredVersion', but in not sure if this is the case.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgPatches


class MFCTI10


units[] =

{ //Buildings

















weapons[] = {MFCTI10Browning,MFCTI10G36a,MFCTI10Steyr};

requiredVersion = 1.75;



<span id='postcolor'>

We run the the linux dedicated server at radishville.  There is no doubt, it definitely runs differently from the Windows version.  To name a few: Scud launch action crashes server everytime (Explained here), grouping and joining seems to behave differently on Linux, and for some reasons certain missions wont load.  

Anyways, hope you get it working.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another thing, are you just trying to get the mission to load from the server.cfg file? Does the mission load when you manually select it? Do any of the other 3 CTI missions load?

<span id='postcolor'>

I have tried to load it from the server.cfg and also manually selecting it. Same issue both ways.

I have not tried it in the RES/addons but from what I understand OFP looks in both folders and either way it shouldn't matter which addons directory it is placed in... I currently have it in the main ADDONS folder.

I tried loading the EVERON PS mission and it doesn't load either. I haven't tried the other missions yet.. I will do this later today.

All of these mission work fine on Windows platforms.

Capt Moore

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As i said, both PS missions work great at my linux server and they are the same (i checked the md5sums)... maybe you are missing an addon or something for those? It seems strange that it should run on one linux box but not on another. Does the covert op mission work on your server (as it doesn't work on mine)?

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I can't get any of the CTi v1 missions to load.

I also stripped out the "requireversion = 1.75" from the addons and still no go...

Suma, any chance we can get better error reporting then just the server defaulting to the next mission?

Anyone else have any ideas?


The addons and files and located in the first post of this thread. Just click on it to download.


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i got it to work on linux heres what i had to do

remove the requireversion = 1.75 from config cpp in the mfcti1.0 addon

then i had to move it from one addon folder to the other as it seems to conflict with other addons

ive had this with a couple off addons like sounddkk if i have that in the res addons server reports it cant find it and if i put it in the normal addons everythings ok same with the mfcti one

hope this helps

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you put the "mfcti1.0 addon" in the RES folder or you put it in the main folder?

Also do you know a way to create a NEW mod folder and just put it in there?  then kick off the server in linux so that it reads it?

I tried placing it in the RED addons and no go.. also removed the versionrequired from the addon and recompiled..

Also removed all of the unofficial addons from the directory..

What version of Linux are you running, Im wondering if that might be an issue?

I have REDHAT 8 here

What tool are you using to compile the addon?

I'm using PBOTool   version 1.01a

What I think I'm finding is that this still might be an issue with the addons but I'm not sure.. I used Lady A FAQ site and removed ALL unoffical addons (she has a current list there)

Then check security on the mfcti1.0 addon and removed the required version info..

What we really need is some sort of DEBUG mode so that OFP server reports to a text file when an error occures that stops a mission from loading.. we dont have this and it would solve a lot of issues.

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************ ISSUE RESOLVED **************

************ ISSUE RESOLVED **************

madtomo is da MAN! He helped me resolve these issues.

Ok I need to post this to help others with the same issues.

If you read above the file name MFCTI1.0.pbo

needs to be renamed in small letters to : mfcti1.0.pbo

(make sure you are ROOT access)

The next step, got the OFP directory using a terminal telnet or SSH and in the root folder of OFP

Mine was called OFP type: ./tolower

this will convert any folders to files to lower case in that directory. when I ran it, it told me that 5 files where converted.

Then type: chmod 777 *

this will allow all files to be run/read/updated/executed and everything else in that directory.

that is it.. now just run your server


to run it in the background type:

nohup ./server -config=server.cfg

then x to exit to the ssh session

then you can close the session.

or to run in the forground type:

./server -config=server.cfg

to kill it in the background type:

killall -9 from the OFP directory

to kill it in the forground just type:



I hope this helps anyone else having this issue.

and thank you very much MADTOMO

************ ISSUE RESOLVED **************

************ ISSUE RESOLVED **************

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