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Fa-18 pack version 1.0 completed

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Yes Sir !

I got it ... works very good. Here´s a working Betascript. No sounds no smoke and with the reverse must something happen also the brakedistance is far to low. The Plane stops emidietly and after a while it rolls back a bit but spins the nose up. Need to work on it. But the most important things work so far.

_Plane = _this select 0


_Speed = speed _Plane

?getpos _Plane select 2 <= 1 and _Speed >= 200 and _Plane animationPhase "hookanim" > 0.5: goto "landon"

?getpos _Plane select 2 >= 1 or _Speed <= 200 or _Plane animationPhase "hookanim" < 0.5: goto "loop"

goto "loop"


_Plane setvelocity [+0.1,0,0]


_Speed = speed _Plane

?_Speed == 0:goto "reverse"

goto "land"



_Plane setvelocity [-5,0,0]


Well ... dunno any technical stuff of landing on a aircraftcarrier, but I geuss they have a speed about more than 200 Km/H. So when u land like a granny the plane wont stop and u must takeoff again. More than 300 will not work cause OFP thinks that the plane rolls 300 Km/H at the ground and don´t see that the palne already stoped and set the dammage at 1.

I try to put all in Variables to make it work for all types of arrestohook-supportet-addons but i cant put hookanim in a variable. Dunno why, normaly u can put anything in there _anim = _this select 1 and start with [player, hookanim] exec "sript.sqs" won´t work ... tss ... nevermind. To start the script type where u want (init.sqs, units-init, trigger, waypoints etc.) ....

[NAME_of_the_PLANE] exec "the_script_above.sqs"

Well ... hehe ... get this thing airborne soldiers

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I have tried almost everything triggers waypoints but I can't let the AI units use the cluster bombs need help confused.gif

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Try this

PLANENAME fire ["Rad_CBU87_Launcher","Rad_CBU87_Launcher"]

But to let the AI hit a target, its not the best way. When u want realy to destroy something special, use the createunit command.

Recomendet testingtime ... Night biggrin.gif


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i never got the createunit command working.. can someone give me an example of creating an f18 on the map somewhere once i give the radio code in the trigger?? i want to make an airstrike.

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This should create the plane where you place your trigger:

"Rad_Hornet_AMRAAMB" createVehicle getPos yourTrigger

You may also use Game Logic or your player's position where you want the F18 to respawn. Here are the class names for other F18s:










Have fun!

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Do somebody know if theres a upcoming or maybe finished aircraftcarrier-addon somewhere ?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (J_J @ April 03 2003,02:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do somebody know if theres a upcoming or maybe finished aircraftcarrier-addon somewhere ?<span id='postcolor'>

yhe im getting impatient just like you J_J, my top wanted things are (LISTED IN ORDER)

MH-60 Blackhawk

New F16 or that F15 with outside sounds and Resistance Version (Odd using a Navy Fighter with Army Troops.)

Air Craft Carrier for "F/A 18"

Suchey's Marines (TOW's r outdated)

BAS Navy Seals / TOW Navy Seals (TOW'S LOOK KICK AZZ)

Marine Mh-53

Plzz someone complete an full pack (example below:)

people make these addons, like tow's marines, but the mh53 didnt get released on time.. the bas rangers are out and the mh60 aint done.. cmon.... complete something.. using BIS's Uh60's with rangers is gay and boring. Rangers do use the littlebirds but keep in mind (They only hold 4 guys).

Hudson... how about a HEAVY Laser Guided Bomb? like the ones their using in Iraq now that the tomcats and hornets are dropping.

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He he ... if u saw the BAS Delats you never had sayed they need to be somehow better then they´re in any way.

They´re perfect and much more realistic then the BI Soldiers. Incredible that normal users are able to develop better addons then BI. The Blackhawks from BAS where out for few days but its long ago and the download is canceld for some time. Don´t know what´s the problem but I´m sure they stop the download cause they want to release some missions or a campaign.

There´re 3 aircraftcarriers in development and it looks like one of them will be finished soon. When you saw some screenies ... it´s the one half "painted" in red.

New Tomcats confused.gif ... dude I guess nobody will be able to top the work of Hudson & Pennywise. Never saw something like that in OFP, even wasn´t sure if something like that is possible till i fly around with that hellmaschine.

More heavy missiles will be nice to crack some bunkers, but it wont break trough OFP Walls, even when you give the missile more power. When you want to break trough walls, I guess you must use a Script. Check the firing vehicle permanent and when it fires a weapon "catch" the missile in the script, give it a name and when it hits the ground, camcreate a fire at the impactposition.

A trigger must be there to. X/Y Axis at 9999 , Activation : Anybody , Repeatly and the trigger must get a name

_Vehicle = _this select 0

_Launcher = _this select 1

_FireCenter = _this select 2


?!(alive _Vehicle) : exit

_ammocheck = _Vehicle ammo _Launcher

@ _ammocheck != _Vehicle ammo _Launcher

_pos = getPos _Vehicle

_Vehicle setPos [1,1,1]

_bomb = nearestObject _pos

_Vehicle setPos _pos


_bpos = getPos _bomb


? (getPos _bomb select 2) < 1 : goto "StopLoop"

goto "LoopStart"


_pommi = "Your-Burning-Fire" camCreate _bpos

[_FireCenter, _pommi] exec "burn.sqs"

goto "Start"

[Vehiclename, "Weaponname", Triggername] exec "Your-Script.sqs"

will start the Script above and the burn.sqs is the impactplace of the missile. As long as your fire you choose to camcrate is burning, as long the killzone will be aktivatet.

The burn.sqs (will be startet automaticly)

_trigger = _this select 0

_pommi = _this select 1

_j = 0


? IsNull _pommi : exit

_Lista = list _trigger

_zoneCount = count _Lista

? _j > _zoneCount : _j = 0

_deadman = _Lista select _j

? (_deadman distance _pommi) < 55  : _deadman setDammage 1.0

_j = _j + 1


goto "Loop"


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Thats fine, but be aware that 'camCreate' only works in single player. You will have to use 'createVehicle' for the object to spawn correctly on all clients. biggrin.gif

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oh yes ... sorry ... only createvehicle works in MP

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My version is 1.0. Has 1.1 been released. Chaff and flare don't work. Hudson don't you have a webpage?

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