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1.91 me bug?

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If anyone could help me out on this it'd be great.

I've been messing around in the mission editor and whenever AI pilots a chopper, it's nearly impossble for them to trigger triggers when in a chopper and flying above 50 feet.

I'm making a paradrop mission so you know it's not going to be some air battle. (Just so you on't say OFP is not a flight sim!wink.gif

If a chopper is high the AI can't activate the trigger. They just make a small circle going around and above the waypoint.

I've got 1.91 and if you guys could help me out with this it would be great. Is it a bug or is it just me?

I had to make the chopper go lower with flyinheight (I already used it to make it fly at 200 feet) then go over the waypoint. And here's the other thing. It will just say "Wait for others"

So I had to have a trigger before teh waypoint that did "Chopepr flyinheight 50; A1 = True". Then in the move waypoint Condition "A1".

That's the only way I can get them going past a waypoint for some reason!

Then other times if I have it activate a script even after it exits the chopper still seems confused confused.gif

What the hell is going on!?

PS. I know it's a beta patch so it's going to be buggy. But I want to know if it is a bug or just crap with my machine/OFP.

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The concept of AI not completing waypoints and triggers at some height is not new to 1.91.

Are you triggering the trigger by checking for chopper presence, or by waypoint activation? Anyway, increase the size of the trigger, see if that helps.

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I can't increase the size of the waypoint. confused.gif

I want the AI to complete a course w/o triggers. I had never noticed this until now.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyway, increase the size of the trigger, see if that helps.<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I can't increase the size of the waypoint.<span id='postcolor'>

You see the difference?

Another solution could be: instead of a trigger use a reference

point (gamelogic, object or marker).

Then just check the distance of the chopper to the reference

point to activate your trigger.

~S~ CD

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I just assumed he meant waypoint because that's what I'm asking here. Im not talking about activating triggers. I'm talking about activating waypoints. I can't get the AI to go from one waytpoint to another in a chopper unless they're at about 50 feet.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If a chopper is high the AI can't activate the trigger. They just make a small circle going around and above the waypoint.

<span id='postcolor'>

Then it seem i understood that above text wrong wink.gif

But the chopper AI won't pass a wayoint no matter which

height, i haven't heard yet.

What type of waypoint are you using?

Is the wayoint syncronized to anything?

What is the text in the condition field: ?

~S~ CD

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EDIT: ok never mind, my mistake

I'm thinking you may have to place a trigger at the waypoint, and synchronize the trigger with the next waypoint. (If I remember how waypoints get triggered), so that when the chopper enters the area, the next waypoint activates without this one actually completing.

DV, sorry for reading the message wrong before, I thought you were being strangely agressive. smile.gif

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Something`s wrong with waypoints and AI in 1.91 in general. Since 1.91 AI is not able to drive a straight line on a street from one town to another. For some reason the AI drives zickzack like being drunk, giving throttle, braking, giving throttle, braking, etc. ...

It`s weird and surely not fun when you see that for example in the Cold War Crisis campaign. Now that I have a highend computer and can play with 2500m visual range and 6xAA and 2xAA so that it looks totally awesome, nearly photorealistic, OFP:R destroys that amazement with that stupid vehicle-movement sad.gif

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Hi FallenPaladin

Zig zagiing vehicles is down to what waypoint behaviour they are set to and this has been the case since I the first OFP.

Set the waypoint to Safe or Careless and they drive straight.

Bit off the thread topic confused.gif

Harnu I noticed this back before OFP 1.46 I was trying to put an air strike in the first version of Sainte Marie Hill I gave up in the end.

I think it may be down the aircraft not completing waypoints as they are a kind of trigger if you think about it. So the aircraft perhaps circles a waypoint that is too small for it to pass through with any accuracy or passes through too quick to be detected in the check cycle (Depends on Processor speed I think).

There is a possible solution though: waypoint size can also be altered so try increasing the size of the waypoints see if that works.  wink.gif

Hope this helps

Kind Regards walker

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It's sad, but true...  sad.gif  The AI somewhat seems to screw up on the WP's. I am working on a campaign and I guess that I'll have to rework it after a new patch comes out, cuz I adjusted the triggers to the swaying way the AI drives/pilots. I have noticed however that the AI screws up only on long distance WP's. On short range it does everything corectly. Also, I have noticed that the AI in helis doesn't land at WP's, but goes a long way after the WP. I have adjusted my campain to this bug... and will have to rework it later...  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif

Example (would be grateful if someone could tell me whether it's my scripting problem or is it the patch):

I place a WP that's activated when b= true. B is true when the player uses the radio. The WP has this in its Init field:

h1 (the chopper) land "getin"

Even though the heli has its speed set to limited, it speeds past the WP, makes a long loop, then comes back and starts to hover about 5 meters over the ground, which is too high to get in... Tried putting h1 land "land", but the same thing happens...   confused.gif Is it my mistake or the patch is screwed up?

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Hi Frugo_PL

Your heli landing problem is solved by putting an invisible H at the spot you want the heli to land (the waypoint). You may have to adjust height of the H for slopes to land on top of buildingsd etc.

There is a Boarding/Disembarking Helicopters Tutorial on this page at OFPEC. There are several other tutorials that may interest you all there as well.

Kind Regards walker

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