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Hello I am new to editing and scripting so I need a little help i would like to make a trigger spawn with only modded units. I dont want to play some ww2 mod and find  out that enemy has modern weapons. For example i would like to spawn enemy wermacht and one tank a couple light armoured vehicles how can i do it please ? I was searching almost everywhere steam and even here could not find it. 

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I think the first step would be to specify exactly which units you DO want to spawn, or the opposite, the specific units you DO NOT want to spawn. For that, you will need to know their class names: put one in editor, then right click and select "Log -> copy class to clipboard". One by one, you can paste them in an external txt editor to save your starting list.

There are lists of vehicles here as well, but those do not include DLCs, as far as I know:

Also, are you planing to do that for a mission you are building from start, right? Or you are downloading it from Steam Workshop and want to change an existing mission? Because I don't think you can easily perform such changes in case you are playing one of the missions which come inside the game - regardless DLCs.

Besides, a similar thing will be required whether you decide to authorize/block hand weapons for human units as well.
You can have a list for weapons here:


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12 hours ago, Marcus Arturius said:

Hello I am new to editing and scripting so I need a little help i would like to make a trigger spawn with only modded units. I dont want to play some ww2 mod and find  out that enemy has modern weapons. For example i would like to spawn enemy wermacht and one tank a couple light armoured vehicles how can i do it please ? I was searching almost everywhere steam and even here could not find it. 


I did modules for that. Follow links (don't forget documentation), subscribe, choose what you need.

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You could accomplish this with CfgGroups as well. Then use BIS_fnc_spawnGroup or the spawnAI module to spawn said groups.

If the provided mod/dlc does not provide custom CfgGroups for their assets I made a post here about how to setup your own.


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On 10/5/2023 at 9:00 PM, TeTeT said:

If you want to automate this somewhat, you probably want to check out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/configSourceMod to see which 'mod' a unit belongs to. 

Yes please this is exactly what i want to do randomly and automate it will be much easier for me as a newbie in arma 3 scripting i believe. 

Is there any video or tutorial as I said i am new in arma 3 scripting and i dont quite understand those examples. 

Thank you 

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