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I'm making a mission where the player can't leave a specified area or they'll get killed. Sounds simple, right? It is, however, I want the player to clear out a specific street without getting sidetracked and trying to clear a street not intended for gameplay, where there's obviously nothing, and a trigger that can be either a square or an elipse makes my goal unachievable.. That's exactly why I'm asking if there's a way to make a trigger has a deformed shape, so that there can be multiple different shapes of different sizes within a single trigger.

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you can place several triggers and wait for all triggers activated (one trigger more, with a condition like : {triggerActivated _x} count [trig1,trig2,trig3] == 3 )


If you draw a polygon, use inPolygon as a condition for a unique trigger (instead of the trigger area);


first, run in init.sqf, or even in another trigger activation (condition set to TRUE) :

yourPolygon = ["marker_0","marker_1","marker_2","marker_3","marker_4","marker_5","marker_6"] apply {getMarkerPos _x};
findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", {
  params ["_control"];
  _control drawPolygon [yourPolygon,[1,0,0,1]];
}];  // not mandatory, just for check on map

and, place a trigger none, none, repeatable (you don't care about the area, so the PRESET condition like OPFOR present)
condition:  !isNil "yourPolygon" && {getpos _x inPolygon yourPolygon} count units EAST == 0


Note: It's important that yourPolygon is defined before checking this condition (the !isNil check).

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57 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

use inPolygon


D'oh! Fixed in my post, thanks Pierre.

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