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remoteExect not working with commandChat

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I'm trying to print something in the command chat (I'm quite new to Arma 3 scripting). This works 100% for the player character, but not so much for the playable characters.

I have a squad of 4: one player and three remaining playables.

1. In Eden -> Attributes -> General -> Init:

[] spawn UTIL_fnc_handleMissionStart;

2. I've setup a function library in Description.ext:

// some CfgSounds
// ...

// Function library
class CfgFunctions
	class UTIL
		class Print
			file = "fnc";
			class issueRadioCommand {};
			class handleMissionStart {};

3. fnc/fn_handleMissionStart.sqf:

private _taskAssignmentDelay = 3;

private _radioCommand = missionNamespace getVariable "missionStartRadioCommand";
private _groupName = groupId group player;
private _message = _radioCommand select 0;
private _duration = _radioCommand select 1;
private _radioCommandDelay = 0;

private _displayIntroText = 
	private _introTextDelay = 3;

	sleep _introTextDelay;
		["Somewhere on Altis", 1, 1],
		[format ["Year %1", date select 0], 1, 1],
		[format ["Grid %1", mapGridPosition player], 1, 5, 3]
	] spawn BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THESE 2 WORK FINE:
// [west, "HQ"] commandChat "hello world!";
// [[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], "Hello world!"] remoteExec ["commandChat"];

_message = format [_message, _groupName];

[] spawn _displayIntroText;

sleep _radioCommandDelay;

[_message, _duration] call UTIL_fnc_issueRadioCommand;

sleep _taskAssignmentDelay;

["retrieveIntelTask", "ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

4. fnc/fn_issueRadioCommand.sqf:

params ["_message", ["_duration", 0]];

private _radioBeepDelay = missionNamespace getVariable ["radioBeepDelay", 0.5];

["radio_beep"] remoteExec ["playSound"];
sleep _radioBeepDelay;
[[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], _message] remoteExec ["commandChat"];
if (_duration > 0) then {
	sleep _duration;

I haven't included the snippet for the missionNamespace variables, they are set in the init.sqf file.


When I play as the player, everything works as expected: at some point I get a message in the command chat ([[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], _message] remoteExec ["commandChat"];). When I select a playable however, this doesn't work anymore. I do hear the ["radio_beep"] remoteExec ["playSound"]; but the command message never shows up.


If I place the remoteExec directly into the fn_handleMissionStart.sqf file, it works for playables too, I can see the message. I didn't really understand how this remote execution works. Could someone please help me understand why is this working like this?

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I think I might have not understood the differences between the chats. It seems that commandChat only displays the message to the squad leader. I've fixed it by using sideChat. The message now shows up to all of the squad members.

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