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A-10 cockpit views

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Yes, it's kind of a very simple question and I did search the forum and looked in the manual. BUT, while I was flying the A-10 in editor, viewing the standard cockpit view, I bumped my keyboard and a different cockpit view appeared. I started hitting all the keys trying to find "hopefully" a view with no cockpit at all, is there one? If there is, that would be nice and much more enjoyable flying the A-10.

thanks, Kdog-

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I wish there we're, I could see the runway then so I can land manually. As far as I know there is no such thing (yet).

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Its merely a bug, sometimes when you fly at a proper elevation and tilt, the cockpit vanishes or turns completely transparent.. There is no key command for this..

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You probably hit * and looked to your left or right. BUt then again maybe not.

mr. Duck, you can see the cockpit when you land, you just need to learn how to land.

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does the view go back to normal when you restart ofp ?

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I know what you did. You just went into "command" view.

That allows you to see the craft that you are flying.

I never EVER use anything else than first person view because all others are UNREALISTIC.

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