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Xaphan Misanthrop

Health and Healing?????

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Am I the only one who can't heal myself when I've been hit? Neither antibiotics nor bandages nor anything else I can use to normalize my energy Don't really work... It is these things where the fun of the game becomes more and more

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Right, I was shot yesterday right after getting in and when I wanted to heal myself with antibiotics nothing happened no cure I tried it with bandage and it did not work

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I'm sure it will be addressed. My buddy was playing and he couldn't heal or switch his weapons. Just some bugs that need to worked out.



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Hmm in all my years I’ve never had a heal glitch before, I have in the past haf issues equipping my weapons or sprinting etc or guns unloading, there’s quite a few random bugs I’ve experienced but that’s a new one on me! Fingers crossed it’s a quick fix! Meanwhile consider clearing stale cache data or a full reinstall if all else fails see if that helps?

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12 hours ago, Andrew Gallway said:

I'm sure it will be addressed. My buddy was playing and he couldn't heal or switch his weapons. Just some bugs that need to worked out.



Like the bugs haven't existed for last 3/4 years and still haven't been fixed 🤦

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Hei, we are very sorry that this issue is still prevalent. We are trying our hardest to solve it, but it is quite complex and seems to be happening only under very specific conditions, which makes the reproduction difficult. We've noticed that vaulting over something. We understand it's not an ideal solution, but we are working on it 🙏🍅

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