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Suicide Bomber Script

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For lots of reasons old suicide bomber scripts do not work for me so I made a simple and working one: 

snackgrp = createGroup [east, true];
snackgrp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; 
snackgrp setSpeedMode "FULL"; //change speed mode if you want the bomber to be slower
snackpos = [player, 30, 100, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //change 2nd and 3rd value in the array to add distance the bomber have to travel
bomber = snackgrp createUnit ["LOP_Tak_Civ_Random",snackpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //you can change the classname of bomber to fit your scenario
{_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"} forEach units snackgrp;
{_x setSpeedMode "FULL"} forEach units snackgrp;
explosives = selectRandom ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"]; //change expl classname for weaker/stronger effect or add more expl classnames for randomness 
charge = explosives createVehicle (position bomber);
charge attachTo [bomber, [0,0.15,0.15],"Pelvis"];
charge setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,1,0]];
bombtrg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",(getPos bomber),true];
bombtrg setTriggerType "NONE";
bombtrg setTriggerArea [10, 10, -1,false];
bombtrg setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];
bombtrg setTriggerStatements ["this", "detach charge; charge setDamage 1;", "hint'Death by explosives'"];
bombtrg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; //change numbers if you want to give some time for the player to run away after the bomber gets in radius
bombtrg attachto [bomber];
private _stalking = [snackgrp, group player,5,0,{false},1] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;

Run as needed - trigger, execVM. I name it "snackbar.sqf", declare is as function in description.ext and then in a trigger I just type 

call KIB_fnc_snackbar;

This way, in a big scenario, you have to change only "snackbar.sqf" once and it automatically changes every trigger on the map.   
Enjoy. Everything in one place. Tested in SP. 

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Now the next task is the "Aloha Snackbar" chanting. 😃

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Hey dude
Just a suggestion to refine it a bit

The bomb will explode in any case even if the suicide bomber is dead. Once the player gets into the radius, kaboom.
Maybe you should make the bomb go off if he's dead or not go off at all.

Also this shouldn't work on dedicated server as `player` is not defined. 
Last thing - the classname of the unit is from a mod or DLC, maybe change it to vanilla one, should be easier for people to use it 🙂


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The bomb will explode in any case even if the suicide bomber is dead. Once the player gets into the radius, kaboom.


This was intentional, its "ingimasi" suicide bomber with dead man switch, they swore to not return from the battle. 😀 
You can make it less hardcore if you change the classname of the explosive to something with less deadly radius. Or add some time before the smelly snackbar activates the bomb, giving time for the player to leave the zone of the blast:  

bombtrg setTriggerTimeout [5, 10, 7, false];

Very nice suggestion, thanks!       
I really don't know how to make it dedicated-proof, yet.


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