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Supports For When Switching Soldiers In Editor

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Can anyone please assist me with a script for the following...

I have 2 teams on the same side, both team leaders are playable and have supports linked to them.


However only the first team I start with gets the Supports Feature. When I switch to the other team leader, the supports are not available even tho I linked the supports to Both Team Leaders. This is not a multiplayer mission, Its just a single mission Im trying to create.

 Many Thanks


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My first thought was "Try syncing all units you want to switch to".

How have you set up the Supports?
By script or editor sync?


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Don't spill too much time for that. Team switching is poorly implemented.

Open ticket here.

Not recent!



Good luck for those trying something with MEH "teamSwitch" and BIS_fnc_addSupportLink or any related command.



Finally found a step to umpteenth workaround (not yet workable):

in init.sqf, or in act field of a trigger set to TRUE as condition:


addMissionEventHandler ["TeamSwitch", {
  params ["_previousUnit", "_newUnit"];
  private _requester = synchronizedObjects _newUnit select {!isNil {_x getVariable "bis_supp_limit_uav"}} select 0;
  private _supportModules = _previousUnit getVariable "bis_supp_allprovidermodules";
  if (isNil {_newUnit getVariable "bis_supp_allprovidermodules"}) then {
    _newUnit synchronizeObjectsAdd _supportModules;
    BIS_requesterFSM = nil;
    [_requester] execVM "A3\modules_f\supports\init_requester.sqf";
    call BIS_SUPP_refreshMainWindow;


EDITED: Doesn't work as is.

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This post may provide some information on how to hand over supports and also keep usage stats.


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@Larrow  and @pierremgi WOW this has been a issue for so many years so many old threads never with a real solution.  This seems to really work. Thank you MR.pierremgi.  There was a workaround but it allowed for the support modules to be used in any unit the player switched into not only just the  syn units to the support modules. I have been using JTACTTAB mod for air support and Drongo's Artillery for my second group JTAC unit. Now but groups can use the vanilla support modules all in its simple glory.

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The Only issues there is a error massage in the editor when test play but it does not have any impact that I can see during a mission so far with performance.   `...BIS_fnc_logformat;];   waituntil {player |#|in ( synchronizeObjects   _module)];  file A3\modules_f\supports\init_requester.sqf…, line 40 error undefined behavior: waituntil returned nil. true or false expected.

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LOL I should no better  SMH after testing it. the support does not really work. yes you get the support module assets icons but it does not work for both units that  it is syn to the modules but before you could not get the modules working on a second unit at all. Step forward.

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