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Season challenges Are bugged for me

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My Seasonal challenges are bugged I Finished the Elimination challenge  where your whole team survives went to go accept it and it kicks me back to title screen everytime and all the rest of my challenges won't progress at all things I've tried so far reset xbox full shut down uninstalled reinstalled and nothing works can't progress any thing What can I do

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I believe their aware of the issue and are “working on it” though this was days ago and still no hot fix. A few people had also put crowns in to reroll them which will likely not be returned. Be patient the fix will come im sure but I hope we get at least something for compensation, crowns ideally but otherwise a bonus exp event? Perhaps a triple exp? That would make amends for me as triple exp would be far more valuable than the exp value of the challenges I can’t finish. 

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At the very least everyone should get the first 3 seasonal challenge rewards that are given when completing all seasonal challenges then begin them again for anyone wishing to go through the grind again then everyone gets something though the loss of time, crowns, weapons & items etc & how to compensate players if another story, Then again by the devs own actions season after season they don't really seem to care what the players go through.

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Well I know they washed their hands of the matter of survey rewards probably not enough resources to devote to fixing that so sadly I may be inclined to agree we won’t get compensated for this either. I did a stream covering the latest season changes not long after it launched and it was not a glowing review I’m afraid. Hence why I shall never be a partner. Not even any collectible’s this season they had some for the last 2-3 seasons but not this time? Very disappointing despite the week long extension in time.  

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You'd have to think the Devs that commit so much time to the game do actually want to fix things but it's more than likely the circle jerk corporates that just want maximum profit from minimum input...

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Server update atm so hoping everything is fixed when it's done

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So the hotfix hasn't resolved Shelter issues & all Season Challenge glitches (I know what a shocker) as while some of the basic ones are working, some I will list below that have just noticed ARE NOT WORKING!


Hall of Mirrors (Get your transmitter detected 20 times by other hostile signal detectors)


Counterintelligence (Block 30 signal detections)


First of all why wasn't the entire player base gifted the initial Seasonal Special Rewards for the disastrious lacklustre debut of these challenges & secondly why has the seasonal challenges been reset when many of us has spent endless hours grinding these now with nothing but the reward of doing them over for the devs mistakes.


Stop giving us daily/seasonal challenges for game modes we don't want to play & give us the choice would be appreciated.


On top of that these incompentant greedy devs still want to charge the player base 15 crowns to reroll seasonal challenges! Seriously wtf Vigor?

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