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Formatting a Multiline Hint

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Hi Folks,


Working on a routine to display a unit's health and ammo status for the player group - so potentially a 20-line report of text for the largest player groups. I've tested [hint] and it works with 20 lines of text and does support carriage returns - [format] doesn't seem to. So - I've got a loop running to gather all the required information for each unit and I was thinking of putting each line into an array - then outputting in some yet undefined manner.


Question: I need to make a 20-line formatted text report with carriage returns for a [hint] - based on the gathered information. Any thoughts on how I can do this?


I tried the [sideChat] but that only displays half a dozen lines or so max.


Where I'm at:

private _unitArr = units player;
_unitArr deleteAt 0;
private _hintArr = [];

if (isnil "kiaCnt") then 
	kiaCnt = 0;

	private _unit = _x;
	private _health = round ((1 - damage _unit) * 100); // health in % from 0 to 100
	private _kiaCnt = kiaCnt;
	//If Dead - Remove From Group - Increment Kill Counter
	if (_health == 0) then 
		kiaCnt = _kiaCnt + 1;
		private _grpDOA = createGroup [west, true];
		[_unit] join _grpDOA;	
	//Unit Info
	private _priWeap = primaryWeapon _unit;
	private _unitMagArr = magazines _unit;
	private _compMagArr = compatibleMagazines _priWeap;
	private _cntMag = 0;
	// Count Primary Weapon Magazines
		private _compMag = _x;
			private _unitMag = _x;
			if (_compMag == _unitMag) then {_cntMag = _cntMag + 1};	
		} foreach _unitMagArr;
	} foreach _compMagArr;
	private _logger = format ["%1 || %2 || %3 || Mags: %4", _unit, _health, _priWeap, _cntMag];
	_hintArr pushback _logger;
	_unit groupChat _logger;
} foreach _unitArr;
_logger = format ["KIA: %1", kiaCnt];
player groupChat _logger;





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System chat is a bad idea for you. Use the usual hint + parseText as already stated instead:

private _unitArr = units player;
_unitArr deleteAt 0;
private _hintStr = "";

if (isnil "kiaCnt") then 
	kiaCnt = 0;

	private _unit = _x;
	private _health = round ((1 - damage _unit) * 100); // health in % from 0 to 100
	private _kiaCnt = kiaCnt;
	//If Dead - Remove From Group - Increment Kill Counter
	if (_health == 0) then 
		kiaCnt = _kiaCnt + 1;
		private _grpDOA = createGroup [west, true];
		[_unit] join _grpDOA;	
	//Unit Info
	private _priWeap = primaryWeapon _unit;
	private _unitMagArr = magazines _unit;
	private _compMagArr = compatibleMagazines _priWeap;
	private _cntMag = 0;
	// Count Primary Weapon Magazines
		private _compMag = _x;
			private _unitMag = _x;
			if (_compMag == _unitMag) then {_cntMag = _cntMag + 1};	
		} foreach _unitMagArr;
	} foreach _compMagArr;
	private _logger = format ["<t align='center'>%1 || H: %2<br/>W: %3 || Mags: %4</t><br/><br/>", _unit, _health, _priWeap, _cntMag]; 
	_hintStr = _hintStr + _logger;	
} foreach _unitArr;

_logger = format ["<t align='center'>KIA: %1</t><br/>", kiaCnt];
_hintStr = _hintStr + _logger;

hint parseText _hintStr;


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You also need to fix the block that counts the magazines suitable for the primary weapon. Your block counts the same magazine several times.
Do it like this:

	// Count Primary Weapon Magazines

			if (_x in _compMagArr) then {_cntMag = _cntMag + 1};	
		} foreach _unitMagArr;


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  On 9/16/2022 at 5:04 PM, Ibragim A said:

You also need to fix the block that counts the magazines suitable for the primary weapon. Your block counts the same magazine several times.
Do it like this:

	// Count Primary Weapon Magazines

			if (_x in _compMagArr) then {_cntMag = _cntMag + 1};	
		} foreach _unitMagArr;



Hi Folks,


Thanks so much as well. I'm a novice - so corrections and critical feedback is ALWAYS most welcome. It's how I learn. Let me go over your posts in detail. I'll see if I can figure out my mistake. I'll have to correct it elsewhere - as I've used that block before.




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  On 9/16/2022 at 12:23 PM, scottb613 said:

I've tested [hint] and it works with 20 lines of text and does support carriage returns - [format] doesn't seem to.

hint format[ "%1\n%2", "first line", "second line" ];


_hint = "";
	_hint = format[ "%1%2\n", _hint, _x ];
}forEach ( primaryWeapon player call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines );
hint _hint;


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Hi Folks,


Thanks again @Larrow - hmm - I must have bungled my test of [format] - I'll go over that again.





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  On 9/17/2022 at 7:01 PM, Harzach said:

*edit* - back pocket post 🙃


Hi Folks,


Hah - now that’s hardcore ArmA…






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Hi Folks,


I've updated my script based on the help I've gotten here. It's working pretty well from my perspective.


Two more questions come to mind.


Question: Is there a way to get the unit number assigned to a unit in the HUD (1,2,3,4 for F1, F2, F3, F4 respectively)? 


Question: I split the "weapon" variable via [splitString] as most of the info I didn't feel was needed in the display. For SOG - I just needed field 1 as their weapon syntax made it pretty easy. The issue is that [splitString] introduced a trailing quote on my status display and I don't know how to remove it. It's not impacting the output very much - just irksome.


Updated Script

  Reveal hidden contents





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  On 9/22/2022 at 1:33 PM, scottb613 said:

Question: Is there a way to get the unit number assigned to a unit in the HUD (1,2,3,4 for F1, F2, F3, F4 respectively)? 

Try by this way:

getUnitPositionId = 
	private ["_vvn", "_str"];
	_vvn = vehicleVarName _this;
	_this setVehicleVarName "";
	_str = str _this;
	_this setVehicleVarName _vvn;
	parseNumber (_str select [(_str find ":") + 1])

_id = _unit call getUnitPositionId;


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Hi Folks,


Thanks - I'll give that a shot. I've found that when using "heal and revive" scripts the unit numbers and team assignments are lost on occasion - needing me to reevaluate the number assignments periodically.


  On 9/22/2022 at 4:45 PM, Ibragim A said:

Try by this way:

getUnitPositionId = 
	private ["_vvn", "_str"];
	_vvn = vehicleVarName _this;
	_this setVehicleVarName "";
	_str = str _this;
	_this setVehicleVarName _vvn;
	parseNumber (_str select [(_str find ":") + 1])

_id = _unit call getUnitPositionId;




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  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 9/22/2022 at 7:10 PM, Larrow said:
  Reveal hidden contents



Hi Folks,


Thank you again as well. Hah - I know I'm not much of a coder and my solutions aren't very elegant. Seeing better ways of coding is very helpful and appreciated. Let me play with this as well and see if I can grasp all of what you're doing.




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Changed the previous post, Moved the string padding format into the function. Might make it a little more readable.

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Hi Folks,


Works like a champ - I had to make one small edit though and remove my tag line from the header - as that would be pure plagiarism on my part - LOL. 



I did split the weapon string (different source) and that worked without the annoying extra quote - odd.


Nicely done - sir. I'll try to put it to good use and use your fine example in my other projects.


Thank you and everyone that helped me here.




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