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Press "V" with grenade out to toggle underhand throw, "F" to cook grende, "ScrollWheel" for throw strength adjustment

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Grenades are much improved in Reforger over ArmA3 which is great news, much thanks for that!
However it could be improved a bit to get it to a level of ACE3 grenade system.

Suggestion is pretty simple:
-Add grende trajectory indicator
-With greande in hand or in the throwing stance "FIre Button Key (Mouse1)" pressed, press the "Cycle firemode key (V)" to cycle between regular throw and underand throw modes
-With "FIre Button Key (Mouse1)" pressed trajectory indicator is displayed, scrolling the mousewheel will increase or decrase the throw strength and change trajectory indicator
-With "FIre Button Key (Mouse1)" pressed, pressing "Perform Action Key (F)" will cook the grenade


Here is an excellent video from Dslyexci on the ACE grenades: 

Hope something like this makes it to Reforger or Arma4


-Thank you for reading!

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how about they do it like in Insurgency Sandstorm? left click to throw and right click to underhand throw. Hold longer to cook. Aim where you want the grenade to land, the engine takes care of the rest (no need to adjust throwing power manually).

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- Problem with right click is that is used for zoom, and i think makes sense for it to remain so, "V" (Firemode key) is independent of that functionallity

- Problem with holding down mouse 1 is that In reforger you can re-pin greandes with R, what if your target changes (AKA Friendly running into that room or something), than the player is forced to chuck it somewhere anyway. Fuses on greandes are 4-5 seconds, why force the player to hold grenade in in hand for another 5+ seconds? In high intensity situations this is can be death sentence, player should have the ability to immediatley cook the greanade if that is the intent.

- There is no reason to dumb-down functionallity while there are more than enough buttons available on keyboard/controller to make contextual actions possible and give player the controls over basic grenade functionallity such as deciding on when to cook it off

- The reason the throw strength needs to be adjustable, and we need a trajectory indicator is because we do not always want to YEET the grenade as far as it goes while the target is too far for an under-hand throw. For example there is an enemy on the other side of an obstacle across the street, YEETING a greande full strength to clear an obstacle will force a massive overshoot. We want to aim high and adjust scrollwheel to give it just enough power to make a parabolic arc and have it land flat on the other side. It is simply giving player controlls over something our brain does naturally when we throw things

Try the Arma 3 ACE3 mod IMHO best system in any video game that has grenades, Reforger / ArmA 4 has an opportunity to top that in a vanilla game

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