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i noticed reforger saves mod under mydocuments in my windows folder. Feeding up my drive and online backup space. is there any way to change it?

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4 hours ago, Joshua Gullion said:

Where do you enter that at though? Command Prompt? or something in the game?

It's a startup parameter. Couple of options here but setting it in Steam should be the easiest for you. See Set Launch Options section of this article:


and put -addonsDir D:\DownloadedMods in the field. Obviously, make sure the path you enter there actually exists on your hard drive.


Alternatively, you can make a shortcut of ArmaReforgerSteam.exe, right-click on it >> properties and add that to the end of Target field. You may need to put the path or both in quotes.


Finally, you could also use a batch script to run the game with startup parameters. I made a post about it not that long ago for Arma 3, you can try to adopt that for your needs.

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FYI for clarification because it's not quite clear for some and perhaps someone might have mistaken the two parameters....
You need to use the switch -addonDownloadDir not -addonsDir.
The first will force the location of Download and Detection of mods and Workshop content in a custom directory.

Here I will use my D:\ drive. You may not have the same drive letter. It also implies you are using an installed drive and not a detachable drive. 

-addonDownloadDir D:\DownloadedMods

You do not need to add an "addons" folder in the line above -addonDownloadDir will create one.
As stated before, make sure the location exists and your mods are copied over.

Note on this as I had 20GB of mods to move. Go ahead and copy the addons folder in .\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\ to your destination and it will then have an addons location in the new directory. 
As an example when copying .\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons to (using example destination) D:\DownloadedMods, it should now have an addons folder there. This is key in detecting the mods you already downloaded.

Fire up the game, then it will state it needs to sync the mods in the directory. Then after sync you will be good to go!

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On 2/7/2024 at 2:15 PM, NutzMcKracken said:

FYI for clarification because it's not quite clear for some and perhaps someone might have meant one over the other in this post.
You need to use the switch -addonDownloadDir not -addonsDir.
The first will force the location of Download and Detection of mods and Workshop content in a custom directory.

-addonDownloadDir D:\DownloadedMods

You do not need to add an "addons" folder in the line above -addonDownloadDir will create one.
As stated before, make sure the location exists and your mods are copied over.

Note on this as I had 20GB of mods to move. Go ahead and copy the addons folder in .\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\ to your destination and it will then have an addons location in the new directory. 
As an example when copying .\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons to (using example destination) D:\DownloadedMods, it should now have an addons folder there. This is key in detecting the mods you already downloaded.

Fire up the game, then it will state it needs to sync the mods in the directory. Then after sync you will be good to go!

This doesnt work. My game is still redownloading the same mods over and over and over. This actually seems to break the mod directory entirely for whatever reason. I can leave them in C and they work but cause a memory leak after around 15 minutes of play. With this method I get about 45 minutes before a memory leak but once I restart the game it wants to redownload all mods again. Im not sure whats going on with this program but it seems clear at this point the code behind it is entirely broken to the point of inconsistency.

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Have you allow listed the program with any AV products and excluded common directories? It sounds more like your AV is blocking things. Also allow the program through your firewall.

Mods work fine for me and many others. Sounds like you have something local going on.


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4 hours ago, NutzMcKracken said:

Have you allow listed the program with any AV products and excluded common directories? It sounds more like your AV is blocking things. Also allow the program through your firewall.

Mods work fine for me and many others. Sounds like you have something local going on.


Yes. After allowing in firewall and antivirus, everything started working fine.

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On 2/7/2024 at 7:15 PM, NutzMcKracken said:

FYI for clarification because it's not quite clear for some and perhaps someone might have meant one over the other in this post.
You need to use the switch -addonDownloadDir not -addonsDir.
The first will force the location of Download and Detection of mods and Workshop content in a custom directory.

-addonDownloadDir D:\DownloadedMods

You do not need to add an "addons" folder in the line above -addonDownloadDir will create one.
As stated before, make sure the location exists and your mods are copied over.

Note on this as I had 20GB of mods to move. Go ahead and copy the addons folder in .\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\ to your destination and it will then have an addons location in the new directory. 
As an example when copying .\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons to (using example destination) D:\DownloadedMods, it should now have an addons folder there. This is key in detecting the mods you already downloaded.

Fire up the game, then it will state it needs to sync the mods in the directory. Then after sync you will be good to go!

i did this, and now whenever i try downloading mods, it says "the response from the server took to long. check your network connection and try again.

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On 4/28/2024 at 6:48 PM, RucaQQQQQQ said:

i did this, and now whenever i try downloading mods, it says "the response from the server took to long. check your network connection and try again.

Hello. Did you solve the problem? Because I have the same error when trying to download any mod

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19 hours ago, voks32 said:

Hello. Did you solve the problem? Because I have the same error when trying to download any mod

Hi there,

I just went through this this morning, my problem was a space in the folder names, in my example it was E:\Game Mods\ArmaReforger, then i changed it to E:\GameMods\ArmaReforger, and it now works.

In steam the launch options looks like this:

-addondownloaddir E:\GameMods\ArmaReforger


Hope this helps someone.

Cheers Timmo

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4 hours ago, timmo said:

Hi there,

I just went through this this morning, my problem was a space in the folder names, in my example it was E:\Game Mods\ArmaReforger, then i changed it to E:\GameMods\ArmaReforger, and it now works.

In steam the launch options looks like this:

-addondownloaddir E:\GameMods\ArmaReforger


Hope this helps someone.

Cheers Timmo

Thank you very much! Because I wanted the mods to be in the game folder itself, but the name of the game itself already has a space

I created a separate folder "ArmaReforgerMods" as well as the game and entered in the parameters:

-addonDownloadDir E:\ArmaReforgerMods

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18 minutes ago, voks32 said:

Thank you very much! Because I wanted the mods to be in the game folder itself, but the name of the game itself already has a space

I created a separate folder "ArmaReforgerMods" as well as the game and entered in the parameters:

-addonDownloadDir E:\ArmaReforgerMods

Great! I hope it worked for you.

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Hey I've been having issues with my storage on my c drive and iv been trying to move the mod folder directory to my f drive using the addon on dir thing but it is not working when i put it in parameters and start the game it doesn't work and still downloads them to my c drive.

This is what i have in parameters right now:-addonsDir F:\ARma monkey 

This isn't working and idk why.


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11 hours ago, Mud... said:

Hey I've been having issues with my storage on my c drive and iv been trying to move the mod folder directory to my f drive using the addon on dir thing but it is not working when i put it in parameters and start the game it doesn't work and still downloads them to my c drive.

This is what i have in parameters right now:-addonsDir F:\ARma monkey 

This isn't working and idk why.


Try renaming your new folder to "ARmamonkey" then use this in the steam parameters: -addonDownloadDir F😕ARmamonkey

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On 4/28/2024 at 11:48 AM, RucaQQQQQQ said:

i did this, and now whenever i try downloading mods, it says "the response from the server took to long. check your network connection and try again.

That's your connection, firewall, or antivirus. If you don't know, get someone that can help you.
Check your bandwidth with speedtest.net . If you can't figure this out, get someone that can help.

Also as stated prior, either add exceptions or remove layers of Anti-virus products or "Internet Protection bundles you did not buy, install, or intentionally use.
I don't know how many times I found with helping people that had "connection problems", "download problems", "Battleye problems", or "connection drops or kicks", all attributed to "Internet Protection".
Usually they had 2 anti-viruses bundled with other software because they were just too impatient and just HIT YES on everything even when not even researching what they are installing. Only because some guy on Discord told them to do it. 

Check for bundled software like "anti-virus" products that bundle with the PC or with other software. Check "Apps" and see if you added junk on your PC or if it came with junk.

97+% of the time this is the problem.

On 5/3/2024 at 10:40 PM, timmo said:

Hi there,

I just went through this this morning, my problem was a space in the folder names, in my example it was E:\Game Mods\ArmaReforger, then i changed it to E:\GameMods\ArmaReforger, and it now works.

In steam the launch options looks like this:

-addondownloaddir E:\GameMods\ArmaReforger


Hope this helps someone.

Cheers Timmo

My Post was implying that you would use your own Drive letter. I've edited this for the people who just don't know.
Check if you have a D:\ drive or if you have an E:\ drive....or for that matter an X:\ Drive first


On 5/5/2024 at 5:04 PM, Mud... said:

Hey I've been having issues with my storage on my c drive and iv been trying to move the mod folder directory to my f drive using the addon on dir thing but it is not working when i put it in parameters and start the game it doesn't work and still downloads them to my c drive.

This is what i have in parameters right now:-addonsDir F:\ARma monkey 

This isn't working and idk why.


Use simplified paths. If you use a "path" that has spaces you need to use Quotes, but as @timmo Points out, don't use paths with spaces. You can use - or _ in paths.


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14 hours ago, NutzMcKracken said:

THIS!!! My Post was implying that you would use your own Drive letter. I've edited this for the people who just don't know.
Check if you have a D:\ drive or if you have an E:\ drive....or for that matter an X:\ Drive first people.

You need to know how to use your PC before using suggestions like this. Blindly mapping things never works in the PC world.

Your post does not give you the right to be condescending to other users. You don't need to make a super intelligent person out of yourself here. Because the fact that you didn't write anything about the space in the title shows that you don't know everything either. So let's respect each other!

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On 5/7/2024 at 8:42 AM, voks32 said:

Your post does not give you the right to be condescending to other users. You don't need to make a super intelligent person out of yourself here. Because the fact that you didn't write anything about the space in the title shows that you don't know everything either. So let's respect each other!

That was not the intention.
It's not meant to be condescending, it's meant to make you think before acting. Don't implement instructions, install things, etc without knowing its effectsOr ask.

I don't use spaces to complicate data paths. You can use quotes in cmdline operations but why complicate the path. This also comes from experience.


Edited by NutzMcKracken
Update and clarification

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Guys, there's one thong worth noting.
If you are changing the mod directory location using this parameter (exemplary drive and exemplary folder name):

And you have any mods previously downloaded into default folder (C:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons),

you need to clear that old default directory, either by deleting its contents or moving it to new add-ons directory, in this case D:\DownloadedMods

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