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1st Force Reconnaissance Company

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Who are we?

1st FORECON consists of a strong core group of MilSim gamers that have been together since 2015.


What do we offer?

The mission of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company (1st FORECON) is to provide an authentic portrayal of its real life counterpart.
We may cut a corner here or there to keep the health of the unit in the best state possible in regards to realistic portrayal, these circumstances are far and few in occurance, but take place with heavy deliberation by the Company Staff. We are a Military Simulation unit, and with that comes discipline, integrity, honor, and respect for the armed forces around the world, as well as the virtual projects that have made ArmA such an enjoyable community to be involved in.

There are a few different specialties to choose from:

0307 - Expeditionary Ground Reconnaissance (EGR) Officer

0317 - Scout Sniper

0321 - Reconnaissance Marine

L11A - Fleet Marine Force Reconnaissance Corpsman

L02A - Fleet Marine Force Reconnaissance Independent Duty Corpsman

7513 - Pilot, Helicopter, AH-1Z/UH-1Y

7523 - Pilot VMFA, F/A-18 Qualified

Our missions include, but are not limited to:

Conduct Post-Strike Reconnaissance to Determine and Report Battle Damage to a Specific Target or Area.

Conduct Limited Scale Raids. These Operations include, but are not limited to, the following:

Seize, Damage, or Destroy Critical Enemy Targets.

Static Maritime Platform and Maritime Interdiction Operations.

Capture Selected Enemy Personnel.

Recovery of Sensitive Items or Personnel.

Conduct Other Operations as Directed by the MEF or Supported Commander.


When do we play?
Saturday 3 PM EST / 20:00 London Time - Weekly Event

Sunday 2 PM EST / 19:00 London Time - Weekly Event

How to join?

Submit Interest Form
In order to become a member of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company you must contact a Recruiter. This is most easily done by joining our Discord Server https://discord.gg/QdBTEZf and reacting with the “Candidate” Role or contacting a member through our Teamspeak Server:

A Recruiter will then contact you and set up an interview where you will be inducted into the unit. You will receive all the necessary information and all your questions about the unit will be answered.

After your interview, you will be assigned a Supervisor. Your Supervisor is your contact person within the unit. Your Supervisor is responsible for making sure that you get inducted into the unit and will answer any questions, or solve any problems that you may have.

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