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I'm getting in to modding recently and tried to make a faction. Most of the info I need is available on the Arma 3 wiki, but I can't really find how to add items to uniforms/vests. I know you can add items to persons with:

items[] = {}

and you can add items to a backpack with:

class TransportMagazines
		class TransportItems

Is there a also a way to do this for uniforms/vests?

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Thanks for your quick reply. I think i have to clarify my question a bit 😁. What I ment is how to add items to the inventory of a vest or uniform specificly, to organize your loadout a bit more. I don't know if its even possible but you can do it with backpacks so why not on vests/uniforms.

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6 minutes ago, Daniel_H_ said:

 What I ment is how to add items to the inventory of a vest or uniform specificly, to organize your loadout a bit more.

Isn't that what Character Configuration describes?

If your creating your own faction by way of a mod, which is what you said in the OP, then this is how you would specify what each new unit will carry.


Alternatively you can export loadouts to SQF using the Arma 3:Arsenal   

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28 minutes ago, EO said:

Isn't that what Character Configuration describes?

If your creating your own faction by way of a mod, which is what you said in the OP, then this is how you would specify what each new unit will carry.


Alternatively you can export loadouts to SQF using the Arma 3:Arsenal   

Thanks for that last link. Thats really helpfull.


The question I tried to ask is: Is there a way you can control where a item ends up (in your vest or uniform)?

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Not Sure From Config but from script there's a few command; addItemToVest , addItemToUniform , addItemToBackpack. I think you can define Init into the EH of the unit will check my old eods EOD suit to send you the basic setup to call script from init.

class DefaultEventhandlers;
class CfgPatches
	class EOD_SUIT
		author="Mr Ewok, NorX Aengell,Burnes15th";
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F", "A3_Characters_F_Heads", "A3_Data_F", "A3_Weapons_F"};
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers
	EOD_SUIT_Init="if (hasInterface) then {[] execVM '\EOD_SUIT\XENO_Init_Script_EOD_SUIT.sqf'}";
class EODS_SoundRegulation_settings
	 #include "\userconfig\EODS\EODS_config.hpp"

class CfgVehicleClasses
	class EWK_veh_class
		displayName = "$STR_EODS_EOD_units";
class UniformSlotInfo;
class CfgVehicles
	class Man;
	class B_AssaultPack_Base;
	class NATO_Box_Base;
	class CAManBase: Man
		class HitPoints
			class HitHead;
			class HitBody;
			class HitHands;
			class HitLegs;
	class SoldierWB: CAManBase
		threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.1};
	class B_Soldier_base_F: SoldierWB
	class B_engineer_F: B_Soldier_base_F

	class EOD_engineer: B_engineer_F
	scope= 2;
	author = "MrEwok";
	displayName= "$STR_EOD_engineer";
	vehicleClass= "EWK_veh_class";
	engineer = 1;
	attendant = 0;
	uniformAccessories[]= {};
	nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
	uniformClass= "EOD_Uniform";
	model= "\EOD_SUIT\Models\EOD_Uniform.p3d";
	hiddenSelections[]={"camo", "camo2", "insignia" };
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\EOD_SUIT\TexturesWIP\suitGreen_co.paa", "\EOD_SUIT\TexturesWIP\Green_Tex_co2.paa"};
	weapons[]= {"Throw","Put"};
	respawnWeapons[]= {"Throw","Put"};
	Items[]= {"FirstAidKit"};
	RespawnItems[]= {"FirstAidKit"};
	magazines[]= {};
	respawnMagazines[]= {};
	linkedItems[] = {"EOD9_HELMET","EOD_SUIT_vest","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"EOD9_HELMET","EOD_SUIT_vest","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
	backpack = "";
	// class Eventhandlers
	// {
		// init= "_this call EOD_Suit_fnc_Check_Helmet";
	// };
	class Wounds
			tex[] = {};
			mat[] = {
				"eod_suit\textureswip\green_tex2.rvmat", 			/// what material is changed
				"eod_suit\textureswip\Green_Tex_wound.rvmat",	/// how does the material look like in damage 0.5 and more
				"eod_suit\textureswip\Green_Tex_wound.rvmat",	/// how does the material look like while the part has damage 1

				"A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat",			/// next materials are used through personality of the soldier




}; // I've closed the bracket but you probably want to define other things...	Also keep in mind it's a really old config so some stuff may have changed...


Edited by mrewok
Added Config.cpp

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22 hours ago, mrewok said:

Not Sure From Config but from script there's a few command; addItemToVest , addItemToUniform , addItemToBackpack. I think you can define Init into the EH of the unit will check my old eods EOD suit to send you the basic setup to call script from init.

Thanks for you're reply. Will look into it.


Edited by Daniel_H_
Removed config.ccp from quote

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You're welcome, by the way i have forgot to say you may want to use 

	class Eventhandlers
		init= "_this execVM '\YourAddonPbo\path\to\your\script.sqf'";

Instead of the Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers wich (if i remember correctly) is related to cba.

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