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Hey guys new to Arma 3, always wanted to play it and this year I bought my first gaming rig - RTX 3070. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz, 16 gb Ram and 2tb SSD. I installed the game yesterday, ran it and it was horrible 4-7 fps, saw some videos, changed settings, did benchmark tests but nothing is working. Auto detect is telling me to play it on ultra while I get the same 4-7 fps on the lowest settings. Please help me out I don't want to uninstall the game I've been waiting to play all these years of my life. 

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Hello, welcome on forum.

First of all, test Arma without mod. Your config is enough and should run 60 FPS on any vanilla (no mod) scenario like official campaigns.

Setting to lowest video is not a good idea. your GPU will not work and your CPU is busy for nut. The first thing to do is to let Arma autodetect your settings. Do not attempt to set RAM. The simpler, the better. (I just skip logo on start, no splash, and let Arma launcher work with all parameters).

If you need more help, try to describe what you set and what you run (mods, scenarios)...

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply

I've been running vanilla without any mods(I dont even know how to do that right now) and I'm only testing the campaign because that's what I want to play first. 

Initially it was running on auto detect without me touching anything and it was horrible. after being disappointed I started playing with the settings and testing the campaign again and again 

 and as I mentioned no difference same result. Later I subscribed to 'Yet another arma benchmark' hoping I could figure the problem through it but it just shows FPS and nothing else. 


I am not setting any mods or scenarios right now its vanilla. 

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What kind of motherboard and RAM do you have? You need to setup your CPU to turbo at least one or two cores to the max and tune your RAM settings. 


Your RAM SHOULD be set to 3733 MHZ with the lowest latency and 1:1  Infinity Fabric lock if possible. It will boost your CPU to RAM performance tremendously in ARMA and other applications.


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  On 12/11/2021 at 12:42 PM, Valken said:

What kind of motherboard and RAM do you have? You need to setup your CPU to turbo at least one or two cores to the max and tune your RAM settings. 


Your RAM SHOULD be set to 3733 MHZ with the lowest latency and 1:1  Infinity Fabric lock if possible. It will boost your CPU to RAM performance tremendously in ARMA and other applications.


I have a MSI B550 motherboard and 8x2 Gskill ripjaws 3200mhz Ram

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I am unsure if your RAM is Samsung B-Die or Hynix. So what you can do is download the Ryzen DRAM calculator https://www.techpowerup.com/download/ryzen-dram-calculator/ and run it to advise you some better RAM performance settings and try it to see if it works.


If it does, then re-run ARMA 3 with the new RAM settings.


If stable, then try to set your CPU to turbo at least one core up to 5 GHZ if possible using this guide on Ryzen Curve Optimizer:




Try to get your system stable at the highest speeds.


It should help boost your ARMA performance tremendously.

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Thanks I would do that and let you know the results, I would also like to mention Im getting 15 fps on main menu and I've read about the 3-4 fps bug I hope its not that. 😞

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And what about your disk? Arma works far better once installed on a SSD. If you are using a HDD without too much space on it, that doesn't help for performance.

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  On 12/11/2021 at 2:04 PM, pierremgi said:

And what about your disk? Arma works far better once installed on a SSD. If you are using a HDD without too much space on it, that doesn't help for performance.


I have a 2TB SSD nvme 2 no HDD 

Edited by mrchaosmaker

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  On 12/11/2021 at 5:30 AM, mrchaosmaker said:

Hey guys new to Arma 3

Welcome to BI forums!

Off subject here sorry hope you dont mind but i got to say i admire new guys to this game, how lucky you are ....

 i say this because your playing one of the best games imo you can play, and in its current state (version, mods, community, gameplay overall) you have come in at a good time.


      A game like this is fresh to you, an unknown ground, controls, missions, mods, oh the wonders, oh how i could be in your place to reexperience this game like you are.

Dude you have no idea the insane depth of ......... content, features, and what you can do in this milsim sandbox!


    After being in the series since it started my first exposure to this game actually (OFP 2001) first game in the series then all the games after then Arma 3 when it released

dealing with all the things we had to learn and overcome, not bad just theres hurdles and bugs or features and what have you that have been solved and come over the years

one wishes to have experienced it when it is in its latest state but because of that it makes you appreciate the game/s all the more.


If you like creating your own scenarios or even just messing around, the Eden editor in Arma 3 will take you far, oh so many things you can do in the editor will blow your mind.

The community and most especially on the forums are the best, there are alot of helpful folk here and alot of members dedicated to their craft for the game, ya

when i say craft thats saying alot considering what you can do, alot of great people who have amazing creative abilities and have released and are working on

some really fantastic content and new features.  


Please dont be fooled by just the bare view of singleplayer, multiplayer and some misc aspects you've seen so far on the menu

it goes deep, vvvvvverrrry deep, Arma is an abyss of content and features.

    Not what i normally do but if you need resources for anything in Arma i spent some years on theses as did others but my Master list of all the compilation lists

at your disposal, so if you need guides, tutorials, references for whatever catches your interest

this list of many compilation lists will get you there:

     I hope you get your issue sorted here with the low fps, Vulkin knows his stuff. Cheers man!

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  On 12/11/2021 at 1:04 PM, mrchaosmaker said:

Thanks I would do that and let you know the results, I would also like to mention Im getting 15 fps on main menu and I've read about the 3-4 fps bug I hope its not that. 😞


In Vanilla ARMA, I get about 90 FPS in the main menu with these settings on my old system (I7-4790K + 1060 GTX)


Set graphics to Ultra

Set the SHADOW distance to 50m or less <I have 1060 GTX that is why>


Set Vsync to OFF


After you have set up your CPU and RAM settings, you should get something crazy like 100+ with your old setup. 


You can adjust the SHADOW quality and distance to see how it affects you. I would max out shadow at 200m at best to keep  FPS high yet look nice. My 1060 GTX gets killed on shadows.


If you want even MORE FPS

Set the TERRAIN to LOW or STANDARD - it will basically limit all the objects

Set the OBJECTS quality to STANDARD 

But keep textures to ULTRA so it looks sharp


I do this sometimes on Livonia or a PVPVE server such as ARMA 3 Survivor <basically a Dayz clone> as the entire game is PVP. 


For coop or SP games, I set all the graphics to Ultra except for shadows quality to low and distance to 50 m or less.


Lastly, if you OC or tune up your RAM, set a fan to blow air over it. My RAM is DDR2400 CL10 and I have to keep a fan on it as it gets HOT during ARMA. 


ARMA eats the CPU and RAM performance all day.




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