Crito 30 Posted October 24, 2021 (edited) Awhile back I threw together an AI system for this and was not to happy with the outcome. So I spent quite some time reworking the entire AI portion of this and finally came up with something I was happy with. Ketanna also added some of his features for water depth and distance to the shipwrecks that was a nice addition to this. I have provided a video demonstating the AI events when driver gets killed and when player reaches the crate. so you can see some of this in action. Thank you to Bigfoot for allowing his initial version 1.0.3 to be added onto. Github link to the server files . The following is the readme that includes all the features ect. # BigFootShipWrecks with Critos AI Guards # bigfoots-shipwrecks #Changelog: * 4/17/2022 v1.0.3 - Crito release with AI boat Guards credit goes to Bigfoot for v1.0.2 to work off of. * 8/5/2016 v1.0.2 - fixed undefined log call in preinit * 8/5/2016 v1.0.1 - fixed filename typo * 8/5/2016 v1.0.0 - initial release #Author: *Bigfoot #Credits: * Earliest known script variation: Darth_Rogue, Chisel, deadeye, and Robio. * Based on modified script by Tuna. * TaylorSwift for very helpful mod template. * Second_Coming for Occupation mod from which I learned techniques. * Thank you to all previous scriptors listed above and and Bigfoot for previous versions. - Crito #Summary: Exile forum thread: This addon spawns shipwrecks with loot crates and markers in random water locations on server restart with AI boats guarding each location. Each wreck now has its own cleanup. Clean up of the wreck only happens when both the crate and player make it farther than distance defined in config settings. Default is 1,000 meters. New ship wrecks sites respawn when all of the initial spawned shipwrecks have been cleared. Dead driver event - If driver gets shot out of a boat than the rest of the AI in that boat will jump out and swim to wreck to guard it under water while the other Boats with drivers remain driving around fighting above water until their driver is killed. Player at crate event - If a player skips fighting the AI on the surface and goes straight under water to crate the AI will jump out of the boats and swim down to attack the player. This happens when the notification about player taking crate is triggered. configs settings added for setting water how deep of water you want the crates to spawn in. These are a minimum and maximum depth so if you don't want to swim forever to the crate than have them spawn in shallow waters. config settings added for distance between each wreck. This is so wrecks do not spawn close to one another if you do not want them to. Inventory can NOT be taken from crates while the crate is underwater, due to Arma mechanics. Use R3F, Igiload, or built-in Exile crate mounting to load crates onto SDVs to be transported to shore. Feel free to extend this however you like. I encourage you to post your edits on so others can enjoy your improvements and contribute with further enhancements. Most settings can be configured to your preference in config.sqf. #Features: * Configurable crate loot, with loot spawn percentages, guaranteed items, additional random items, random poptab count, and random classname selection for loot items. * Spawns up to a certain configurable number of shipwrecks in the ocean, at a configurable distance from a configurable center point. * Displays marker on shipwreck. * Players within a configurable distance of the shipwreck will cause the marker to disappear and an Exile Toast as well as chat message to be displayed to all players with the shipwreck's/player's coordinates. This can be turned on or off. * Cleans up completed shipwrecks. * Shipwrecks Respawn. * AI boats guard the shipwrecks. * spawns shipwrecks a configurable distance away from each other. * spawns shipwrecks at a configurable water depth. * AI event when player reaches crate if AI are still alive. * AI event if driver is killed and crew is still in the boat. #Roadmap: * Add optional AI spawns around crates. //done by Crito * Allow shipwrecks to cluster in certain areas - e.g 2/3 of ships would spawn in Altis central bay, and 1/3 of shipwrecks would spawn in deep water surrounding altis. * Increased chance for certain loot #License: This work is license under the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA). Full license text can be found in /src/BigfootsShipwrecks_Server/APL SA.txt. Essentially you must not charge for, or to use, this addon. If you make modifications to this addon, it can only be distributed with the same APL-SA license. This is so others in the Exile Mod community can benefit from collaborative efforts. #Installation: Drop the BigfootsShipwrecks_Server.pbo file in your @ExileServer/addons/ folder. #Configuration: Edit values in config.sqf to your liking. Edited April 17, 2022 by Crito Replacing original post with Newly updated Rework 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OdinCZ 8 Posted October 24, 2021 Hi, I have a small problem with the boats only standing still and not patrolling. Any advice please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crito 30 Posted October 25, 2021 I will look into this I also noticed sometimes they do patrol around and sometimes they just sit still. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OdinCZ 8 Posted October 25, 2021 On 10/25/2021 at 1:46 AM, Crito said: I will look into this I also noticed sometimes they do patrol around and sometimes they just sit still. Thank you sir. Is there any chance to implement ai xp kill code? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crito 30 Posted October 27, 2021 I will improve upon this whole thing and add that in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crito 30 Posted April 17, 2022 This AI system has been completley reworked with alot of new features!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
El' Rabito 164 Posted April 17, 2022 Nice one, never bothered to try because i heard it's not working properly (AI underwater) guess i was wrong 😆 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crito 30 Posted April 17, 2022 Just updated congi.sqf with a warning about depth settings. I just found that if you set both to the same number than for some reason it breaks it. ///////!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING DO NOT SET THESE TWO SETTINGS EXACTLY THE SAME OR THINGS WILL BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BS_locations_WaterDepth_max = 50; /// the max water depth you want your crates to spawn in BS_locations_WaterDepth_MIN = 25; /// the min water depth you want your crates to spawn in ///////!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING DO NOT SET THESE TWO SETTINGS EXACTLY THE SAME OR THINGS WILL BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites