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I am trying to keep this simple. In my mission, I want one or two fighter jets to simply enter fly overhead and out of sight. This I can already do. I set the jets up far away, have them fly over the AO and when they are far enough away I simply delete them upon reaching the waypoint. 


Now my question is however; is there a way I can set this up to repeat after a certain amount of time? Instead of creating many multiple instances and triggers, I just want this one event to passively repeat itself after so many minutes. Is this possible? I've been finding a lot of information on waypoint cycles, but that isn't exactly what I am looking for.

Thank you.

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Just put that in a loop:

nul = [] spawn {
	while {true} do {
		[getPosATL player, getPosATL opforUnit, 400, "FULL", "B_Heli_Light_01_Armed_F", west] call BIS_fnc_ambientFlyby;
		sleep 300;

Put that in an init.sqf (or even in a unit's init field) and that's about as simple as you can go. Adjust the sleep time if you need, and obviously the other params that you feed into the function. You can go a lot deeper into things, but yeah that's about it at it's most basic.

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