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Question About Official Modded Keybinding Setup (since v.2.06)

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Hello guys,


I've tried the new Modded Keybinding, but it's not working for me. Even if using the examples:


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  • in the keybinding settings there will be a new category "Mods" with three entries:
    • "Camera"
    • "Editor Camera"
    • "Mod Section" (the one created by the example)
  • but the keybind option "My test action" (Mod_MyActionName ) will be under "Editor Camera". The created entry "Mod Section" is empty


Everything else working fine. You can set the keybind and scripts are executed.


Any idea what I'm missing, to push the created entry into "Mod Section"?

EDIT: The "Camera" and "Editor Camera" settings are default settings. They just appear under "MODS" after adding the custom keybind. The default settings for "Editor Camera" are all gone and replaced by the custom keybind (Mod_MyActionName).


Thanks for throwing your brain cells into it 🙂



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Might not be the problem but get rid of the , (comma) at the end of the keybind array

			Mod_MyActionName[] = {
				"0x00010000 + 2"

I know it was in the example on the biki, but it shouldn't be there because it creates an array with a missing 4th bind instead of a completed array with the 3 listed ones.

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  On 10/6/2021 at 11:08 AM, da12thMonkey said:

Might not be the problem but get rid of the , (comma) at the end of the keybind array

			Mod_MyActionName[] = {
				"0x00010000 + 2"

I know it was in the example on the biki, but it shouldn't be there because it creates an array with a missing 4th bind instead of a completed array with the 3 listed ones.


I've totally missed that. Thanks!


As you considered, it doesn't solve the problem. The mapping works fine.


Also in config viewer everything looks fine, compared to the default configs. I don't see why it gets confused with existing keybind categories. 😕 And my created user action is the only one in CfgUserActions. The editor and editor camera categories shouldn't be in the mods-section. I haven't touched those with my three configurations.

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class UserActionGroups
	class ModSection // Unique classname of your category.
		name = "Mod Section"; // Display name of your category.
		isAddon = 1;
		group[] = {"TAG_MyActionName"}; // List of all actions inside this category.

Using the above, presented me with similar issues. I had to set isAddon to 0, and then the control section of "===Mod===" went away, and my group was properly populated.

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  On 1/18/2022 at 10:38 PM, Ploo said:
class UserActionGroups
	class ModSection // Unique classname of your category.
		name = "Mod Section"; // Display name of your category.
		isAddon = 1;
		group[] = {"TAG_MyActionName"}; // List of all actions inside this category.

Using the above, presented me with similar issues. I had to set isAddon to 0, and then the control section of "===Mod===" went away, and my group was properly populated.


I've used this as a temporary solution...

...and set the requiredAddons in CfgPatches to A3_Data_F_AoW_Loadorder, e.g.:

requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F_AoW_Loadorder", "A3_Modules_F", "A3_Functions_F", "A3_UI_F"};

Sorry that I forgot to update this post.

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