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cool little script to make ai units join you in-game:


  1. Place your player on the map
  2. Place as many AI units you desire
  3. Name each the AI unit a specific Variable Name. Example: AIsoldier_1, AIsoldier_2, AIsoldier_3, etc. The Variable Name should be unique and placed in each ai attribute (under Variable Name)
  4. Place a no space trigger 

under "Trigger: Expression"

player distance AIsoldier_1 <2

        On Activation:

[AIsoldier_1] join player;


You will have to walk up to the ai unit (within 2 meters according to this script) to have it join your squad.


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Check this out,


player spawn { "auto recruit nearby units";
	waitUntil {sleep 1;
		if ( (_this nearEntities ["Man", 3]) - [_this] isEqualTo []) then {false} else {
			private _recruit= ((_this nearEntities ["Man", 3])- [_this]) select 0;
			if (	side _recruit == side _this && group _recruit !=group _this	) then {
				[_recruit] join _this;

Simple recruit addAction,

[player, "Recruit Unit",
    "side cursorTarget == side _this && cursorTarget distance _this < 3 && group cursorTarget != group _this", "alive cursorTarget",{},{},{

    params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"];
    [cursorTarget] join _target;

},{},[],2,0,false,true] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;


Have fun!


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Into init field of each AI which should join if player gets near:

this setVariable ["saro_joinable", true];


set the trigger to:  none, none, repeatable



not ( (units side player) findIf { _x getVariable ["saro_joinable", false] and { _x distance player < 2 } } < 0 )


On Activation:

[] spawn
 private _near_men = player nearEntities ["Man", 2];
 private _marked_men = _near_men select { _x getVariable ["saro_joinable", false] };
 private _man = _marked_men select 0;
 _man setVariable ["saro_joinable", false];
 [_man] join player;


Now if you reach any of the AI which was marked with the init field enrtry it will join players group.

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12 hours ago, Dyeg0 said:

Name each the AI unit a specific Variable Name. Example: AIsoldier_1, AIsoldier_2, AIsoldier_3, etc. The Variable Name should be unique and placed in each ai attribute (under Variable Name)

Why naming multiple units? Your code let AISoldier_1 join players group if player is near. nothing else. no reason to name the other AI.

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8 hours ago, sarogahtyp said:

Why naming multiple units? Your code let AISoldier_1 join players group if player is near. nothing else. no reason to name the other AI.

I guess he means that you have to make a trigger for all Ai units (AIsoldier_1, AIsoldier_2, AIsoldier_3)



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6 hours ago, Play3r said:

I guess he means that you have to make a trigger for all Ai units (AIsoldier_1, AIsoldier_2, AIsoldier_3)



Exactly what I meant. TY.

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On 7/18/2021 at 9:59 AM, sarogahtyp said:

Into init field of each AI which should join if player gets near:

this setVariable ["saro_joinable", true];


set the trigger to:  none, none, repeatable



not ( (units side player) findIf { _x getVariable ["saro_joinable", false] and { _x distance player < 2 } } < 0 )


On Activation:

[] spawn
 private _near_men = player nearEntities ["Man", 2];
 private _marked_men = _near_men select { _x getVariable ["saro_joinable", false] };
 private _man = _marked_men select 0;
 _man setVariable ["saro_joinable", false];
 [_man] join player;


Now if you reach any of the AI which was marked with the init field enrtry it will join players group.


Hi Sarogahtyp


The Condition text give me a error : invalid number in expression.


I have take the text and copied it in to notepad ++ 

before taking it to the trigger.


can you guide me about what there could be wrong in what i do.



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Check the copied condition text for invisible characters or rewrite it manually.


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On 7/17/2021 at 3:20 PM, wogz187 said:


Check this out,

  Hide contents

player spawn { "auto recruit nearby units";
	waitUntil {sleep 1;
		if ( (_this nearEntities ["Man", 3]) - [_this] isEqualTo []) then {false} else {
			private _recruit= ((_this nearEntities ["Man", 3])- [_this]) select 0;
			if (	side _recruit == side _this && group _recruit !=group _this	) then {
				[_recruit] join _this;

Simple recruit addAction,

[player, "Recruit Unit",
    "side cursorTarget == side _this && cursorTarget distance _this < 3 && group cursorTarget != group _this", "alive cursorTarget",{},{},{

    params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"];
    [cursorTarget] join _target;

},{},[],2,0,false,true] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;


Have fun!




   How could I make Join Group  vs  Unit?  and join on Group Leader ?    btw awesome work.



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