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Check if unit in getMissionLayerEntities

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    if ( ( alive _x ) && ( [ _x ] call BIS_fnc_isCuratorEditable isEqualTo false ) && ( ( side _x ) == east ) && !( _x in getMissionLayerEntities "CampZeloran_Units" ) ) then {

        [ ZeusEast1_1_Curator, [ [ _x ], true ] ] remoteExec [ "addCuratorEditableObjects", 0, true ];


} forEach thisList;

I have a trigger that adds all OPFOR units to the OPFOR Curator (basically reinforcements) when the units enter an area. However, I already have some units in the area that I don't want automatically added to the OPFOR Curator.


I have them all grouped in the "MissionLayerEntities" called CampZeloran_Units, however, I am not sure how to tell the computer to check if the unit is in the "getMissionLayerEntities".


Please help!

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2 hours ago, rkemsley said:
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    if ( ( alive _x ) && ( [ _x ] call BIS_fnc_isCuratorEditable isEqualTo false ) && ( ( side _x ) == east ) && !( _x in getMissionLayerEntities "CampZeloran_Units" ) ) then {

        [ ZeusEast1_1_Curator, [ [ _x ], true ] ] remoteExec [ "addCuratorEditableObjects", 0, true ];


} forEach thisList;

I am not sure how to tell the computer to check if the unit is in the "getMissionLayerEntities".




So, depending on how you're defining the units/arrays:

_layerUnits = (getMissionLayerEntities "CampZeloran_Units") select 0;
	if !(_x in _layerUnits) then {
		//add the units to curator
} forEach _opForUnits;


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