Sergeant.Roland. 1 Posted May 28, 2021 Hey everyone. First of all, I'm pretty noob about scripting, so I'm sorry if I sound like an ignorant lol. I'm trying to add a script to a specific unit (in my case to the engineer unit with classname "B_engineer_F"). I want to add the code into the init unit without using the editor (because I'm using a KP Liberation mission). Is this possible? Thanks for reading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe98 92 Posted May 29, 2021 You need to do it via the editor. . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted May 29, 2021 @Sergeant.Roland. Yes, and you're right, the editor is not the right choice here because units are, for the most part, spawned in via scripts. So you would need to locate the file that does the spawning for that unit (I know KP Lib has a few different script files where units are spawned, depending on what they're being spawned for). You might be better off jumping to the version linked below, and asking on that thread. pSiKO and others are pretty active there. Just go in with a clear idea of what you're after, for example are you talking about players spawning/respawning as engineers or spawning in AI teammates, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4934 Posted May 29, 2021 4 hours ago, Sergeant.Roland. said: I'm trying to add a script to a specific unit (in my case to the engineer unit with classname "B_engineer_F"). I want to add the code into the init unit without using the editor (because I'm using a KP Liberation mission). In theory, adding a code in an init field of a unit is no more possible by script. The setVehicleInit command is disabled. But, you can try with remoteExec as mentioned in the link. Anyway, you can script a code for units with "B_engineer_F" class name. If you don't need to treat spawned units, it's a one shot script: { _x enableStamina FALSE} forEach (units select {_x isKindOf "B_engineer_f"}); // exemple In MP, you can have some adjustments to do along with locality of these units (which can change with players). If you must treat spawned units, make a loop on server: 0 = [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 1; { _x setVariable ["engTreat",TRUE]; _x enableStamina FALSE; // or your code . Just mind for MP locality as you run on server only } forEach (allUnits select {_x isKindOf "B_engineer_F" && isNil {_x getVariable "engTreat"} }); }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergeant.Roland. 1 Posted June 9, 2021 Thank you guys. Sorry for the late (late) reply. I have recently discovered that you can add code to specific init objects (using the classnames from objects) in the file "kp_objectInits.sqf" inside the KP Liberation mission folder. This is the comment in the header of that file on how to use it. /* Specific object init codes depending on classnames. format: [ Array of classnames as strings <ARRAY>, Code to apply <CODE>, Allow inheritance <BOOL> (default false) ] _this is the reference to the object with the classname Example: KPLIB_objectinits = [ [ ["O_soldierU_F"], { systemChat "CSAT urban soldier was spawned!" } ], [ ["CAManBase"], { systemChat format ["Some human named '%1' was spawned!", name _this] }, true ] ]; Now, my issue here is that I'm trying to add a "say3d" to a unit (infantry) which I can build in the KP menu: [ ["rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader"], { [_this, ["radiochatter", 23, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D", 0, true]; } ], But it doesn't work when I build a unit (infantry classname) only works when I build a vehicle (using a vehicle classname). Thanks for reading, everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Texeiro 15 Posted June 9, 2021 10 hours ago, Sergeant.Roland. said: in the file "kp_objectInits.sqf" could you share this please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergeant.Roland. 1 Posted June 9, 2021 2 hours ago, Texeiro said: could you share this please? Sure, here is the kp_objectInits.sqf that I referenced. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Texeiro 15 Posted June 9, 2021 thanks mate! I m having probles setting an addAction to an init in a car spawned trough script. I ll try this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4934 Posted June 9, 2021 10 minutes ago, Texeiro said: thanks mate! I m having probles setting an addAction to an init in a car spawned trough script. I ll try this. You'll fail. How do you spawn this car? With one of your script? from a kp script? Is this a specific car? a respawning one? Anyway, there is no reason to work with the init field of a (spawned) object when you can work on it! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Texeiro 15 Posted June 9, 2021 I m trying to spawn an specific vehicle type Spawning from a "buy vehicle script" (modified from Adler shop or similar, can t remember) so I guess it s a resáwning. The script that i tried to exe is the CH mmobile hq script. : Quote CHHQ_fnc_deploy = { _veh = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _side = _this select 3 select 0; _cargoInfo = _this select 3 select 1; _composition = _this select 3 select 2; _cargo = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_cargo", objNull]; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_compositionRadius", -1] < 0) then { _sortedByDist = [_composition,[],{ _frstNum = abs (_x select 1 select 0); _secNum = abs (_x select 1 select 1); if (_frstNum > _secNum) then {_frstNum} else {_secNum} },"DESCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; _biggestOffset = (_sortedByDist select 0) select 1; _biggestOffsetAbs = if (abs (_biggestOffset select 0) > abs (_biggestOffset select 1)) then {abs (_biggestOffset select 0)} else {abs (_biggestOffset select 1)}; _boundingSize = [_sortedByDist select 0 select 0] call CHHQ_fnc_boundingSize; _radius = _biggestOffsetAbs + _boundingSize; _sortedBySize = [_composition,[],{sizeOf (_x select 0)},"DESCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; _boundingSize = [_sortedBySize select 0 select 0] call CHHQ_fnc_boundingSize; if (_boundingSize > _radius) then { _radius = _boundingSize; }; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_compositionRadius", _radius, true]; }; _radius = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_compositionRadius", -1]; _flatPos = (getPosASL _veh) isFlatEmpty [ _radius, //--- Minimal distance from another object 0, //--- If 0, just check position. If >0, select new one 0.4, //--- Max gradient _radius max 5, //--- Gradient area 0, //--- 0 for restricted water, 2 for required water, false, //--- Has to have shore nearby! objNull //--- Ignored object ]; if (count _flatPos isEqualTo 0) exitWith {systemChat format ["You can't deploy HQ here! Find a flat position without any objects nearby (%1m).", round _radius]}; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_inProgress", false]) exitWith {}; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_inProgress", true, true]; [[_veh], "CHHQ_fnc_removeAction", _side] call BIS_fnc_MP; _nearestPlayers = []; { if (isPlayer _x && _x distance _veh < 25) then { _nearestPlayers pushBack _x }; } forEach (playableUnits + switchableUnits); [["CHHQ_deployBlackout"],"BIS_fnc_blackOut",_nearestPlayers,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [["DEPLOYING HQ"],"BIS_fnc_dynamicText",_nearestPlayers] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 3; {moveOut _x} forEach crew _veh; {_x allowDamage false; _x enableSimulationGlobal false} forEach _nearestPlayers; deleteVehicle _cargo; _veh enableSimulationGlobal false; _veh allowDamage false; [[_veh, _side, "HQ"],"CHHQ_fnc_drawMarker",_side] call BIS_fnc_MP; _objArray = []; { _type = _x select 0; _offset = _x select 1; _newdir = _x select 2; _code = [_x, 3, "", ["", {}]] call BIS_fnc_param; _obj = createVehicle [_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _obj allowDamage false; [_veh,_obj,_offset,_newdir, true, true] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject; _objArray pushBack _obj; if !(_code isEqualTo "") then { _code = [_code] call CHHQ_fnc_compileCode; [[[_obj,_veh], _code],"BIS_fnc_spawn",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; } forEach _composition; /* _grp = createGroup _side; _unitType = switch _side do { case east: {"O_soldier_F"}; case west: {"B_soldier_F"}; case resistance: {"I_soldier_F"}; default {"C_man_1"}; }; _unit = _grp createUnit [_unitType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; [[_unit,{hideObject _this}],"BIS_fnc_spawn",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _unit moveInCargo _veh; _veh setPilotLight false; _veh setCollisionLight false; _veh engineOn false; _grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; {_unit disableAI _x} forEach ["MOVE","TARGET","AUTOTARGET","ANIM","FSM"]; _objArray pushBack _unit; */ [[_veh, 2],"lock",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _veh enableSimulationGlobal true; _veh allowDamage true; {_x allowDamage true} forEach _objArray; {_x setPos ((getPosASL _x) findEmptyPosition [0, 25, "CAManBase"]); _x allowDamage true; _x enableSimulationGlobal true} forEach _nearestPlayers; sleep 3; [["CHHQ_deployBlackout"],"BIS_fnc_blackIn",_nearestPlayers,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [[_veh, ["Undeploy HQ", "_this spawn CHHQ_fnc_undeploy", [_side, _cargoInfo, _composition], 0, false, true, "", "[_target, _this] call CHHQ_fnc_actionConditions"]], "CHHQ_fnc_addAction", _side] call BIS_fnc_MP; [["RespawnAdded",["DEPLOYMENT POINT",format ["HQ deployed at grid %1", mapGridPosition (getPos _veh)],"\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_hq.paa"]],"BIS_fnc_showNotification",_side] call BIS_fnc_MP; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_inProgress", false, true]; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_deployed", true, true]; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_objArray", _objArray, true]; [[_veh], "CHHQ_fnc_deleteVehicleEH", false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; CHHQ_fnc_undeploy = { _veh = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _side = _this select 3 select 0; _cargoInfo = _this select 3 select 1; _cargoType = _cargoInfo select 0; _cargoOffset = _cargoInfo select 1; _cargoDir = _cargoInfo select 2; _cargoCode = [_cargoInfo, 3, "", ["", {}]] call BIS_fnc_param; _composition = _this select 3 select 2; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_inProgress", false]) exitWith {}; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_inProgress", true, true]; [[_veh], "CHHQ_fnc_removeAction", _side] call BIS_fnc_MP; _nearestPlayers = []; { if (isPlayer _x && _x distance _veh < 25) then { _nearestPlayers pushBack _x }; } forEach (playableUnits + switchableUnits); [["CHHQ_deployBlackout"],"BIS_fnc_blackOut",_nearestPlayers,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [["UNDEPLOYING HQ"],"BIS_fnc_dynamicText",_nearestPlayers] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 3; {_x allowDamage false; _x enableSimulationGlobal false} forEach _nearestPlayers; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_objArray", []]); _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_deployed", false, true]; [[_veh, _side, "MHQ"],"CHHQ_fnc_drawMarker",_side] call BIS_fnc_MP; [[_veh, false],"lock",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [[_veh, true],"lockCargo",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [[_veh, [0,false]],"lockCargo",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _cargo = createVehicle [_cargoType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _cargo attachTo [_veh, _cargoOffset]; _veh setPos (getPos _veh); _veh setDir (getDir _veh); _cargo setDir _cargoDir; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_cargo", _cargo, true]; if !(_cargoCode isEqualTo "") then { _cargoCode = [_cargoCode] call CHHQ_fnc_compileCode; [[[_cargo,_veh], _cargoCode],"BIS_fnc_spawn",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; sleep 3; _veh enableSimulationGlobal true; _veh allowDamage true; {_x setPos ((getPosASL _x) findEmptyPosition [0, 25, "CAManBase"]); _x allowDamage true; _x enableSimulationGlobal true} forEach _nearestPlayers; [["CHHQ_deployBlackout"],"BIS_fnc_blackIn",_nearestPlayers,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [[_veh,["Deploy HQ", "_this spawn CHHQ_fnc_deploy", [_side, _cargoInfo, _composition], 0, false, true, "", "[_target, _this] call CHHQ_fnc_actionConditions"]], "CHHQ_fnc_addAction", _side] call BIS_fnc_MP; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_inProgress", false, true]; [[_veh, "cargo"], "CHHQ_fnc_deleteVehicleEH", false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; CHHQ_fnc_boundingSize = { _type = _this select 0; _bbdummy = _type createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _boundingBox = (boundingBox _bbdummy) select 1; deleteVehicle _bbdummy; _boundingSize = if (_boundingBox select 0 > _boundingBox select 1) then {_boundingBox select 0} else {_boundingBox select 1}; _boundingSize }; CHHQ_fnc_compileCode = { _code = [_this, 0, "", ["", {}]] call BIS_fnc_param; if (toLower typeName _code == "code") then { _array = toArray str _code; _array deleteAt 0; _array deleteAt count _array - 1; _code = toString _array; }; if !(_code isEqualTo "") then { _prefix = "_target = _this select 1; _this = _this select 0; "; _code = _prefix + _code; }; compile _code }; CHHQ_fnc_deleteVehicleEH = { _veh = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _type = [_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; _objArray = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_objArray", []]; _cargo = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_cargo", objNull]; waitUntil {isNull _veh}; if (_type isEqualTo "cargo") then { deleteVehicle _cargo; } else { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _objArray; }; }; CHHQ_fnc_arrayUpdateEH = { _array = _this select 0; _code = _this select 1; for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { _countArray = count _array; waitUntil {count _array != _countArray}; call _code; }; }; CHHQ_fnc_drawMarker = { if !(CHHQ_showMarkers) exitWith {}; private ["_color","_icon","_mrkName"]; _veh = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; _text = _this select 2; terminate (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_drawMarkerHandle", scriptNull]); switch _side do { case west: { _color = "ColorWEST"; _icon = "b_hq"; }; case east: { _color = "ColorEAST"; _icon = "o_hq"; }; case resistance: { _color = "ColorGUER"; _icon = "n_hq"; }; default { _color = "ColorUNKNOWN"; _icon = "n_hq"; }; }; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_mrkName", ""] isEqualTo "") then { _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_mrkName", format ["CHHQ_%1", [str _veh] call BIS_fnc_filterString]]; }; _mrkName = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_mrkName", format ["CHHQ_%1", [str _veh] call BIS_fnc_filterString]]; if (getMarkerPos _mrkName isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { createMarkerLocal [_mrkName, getPos _veh]; } else { _mrkName setMarkerPosLocal (getPos _veh); }; _mrkName setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mrkName setMarkerTypeLocal _icon; //_mrkName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.7,0.7]; _mrkName setMarkerColorLocal _color; _handle = [_veh, _mrkName, _text] spawn { _veh = _this select 0; _mrkName = _this select 1; while {alive _veh} do { _text = if (count CHHQ_HQarray > 1) then {format ["%1-%2", _this select 2, _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_index", -1]]} else {_this select 2}; _mrkName setMarkerTextLocal _text; _mrkName setMarkerPosLocal (getPos _veh); sleep 1; }; deleteMarkerLocal _mrkName; }; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_drawMarkerHandle", _handle]; }; CHHQ_fnc_addAction = { _veh = _this select 0; _settings = _this select 1; _id = _veh addAction _settings; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_actionID",_id]; }; CHHQ_fnc_removeAction = { _obj = _this select 0; _obj removeAction (_obj getVariable ["CHHQ_actionID",-1]); }; CHHQ_fnc_actionConditions = { _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; (speed _target isEqualTo 0 && {alive _target} && {_caller distance _target < 8} && {vehicle _caller isEqualTo _caller}) }; CHHQ_fnc_teleportActionConditions = { _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _veh = _this select 2; (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_deployed", false] && {!isNil "_veh"} && {alive _veh} && {_caller distance _target < 8} && {vehicle _caller isEqualTo _caller}) }; CHHQ_fnc_teleportToHQ = { _obj = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _veh = _this select 3 select 0; ["CH_teleportToHQblackout"] call BIS_fnc_blackOut; sleep 3; _caller setPos ((getPosASL _veh) findEmptyPosition [0, 25, "CAManBase"]); ["CH_teleportToHQblackout"] call BIS_fnc_blackIn; [] call CHHQ_fnc_BISshowOSD; }; CHHQ_fnc_BISshowOSD = { /* Author: Jiri Wainar Description: Display OSD with location, time and possibly some other campaign related info. Parameter(s): _this select 0: array (optional) - position (default: player's position) _this select 1: array (optional) - date in format [_year,_month,_day,_hour,_min] (default: current date) Example: [] call BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD; Returns: - nothing - */ if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD__running",false]) exitWith {}; BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD__running = true; private["_fn_getSector"]; _fn_getSector = { private["_map","_posX","_posY","_gridX","_gridY","_secWidth","_secHeight"]; private["_bottomLeftX","_bottomLeftY","_topRightX","_topRightY"]; _map = toLower worldName; if !(_map in ["altis","stratis"]) exitWith { -1 }; if (_map == "stratis") then { _bottomLeftX = 1302; _bottomLeftY = 230; _topRightX = 6825; _topRightY = 7810; } else { _bottomLeftX = 1765; _bottomLeftY = 4639; _topRightX = 28624; _topRightY = 26008; }; _posX = _this select 0; _posY = _this select 1; //check if player is outside the map grid if !(_posX > _bottomLeftX && _posX < _topRightX && _posY > _bottomLeftY && _posY < _topRightY) exitWith { 0 }; //offset player pos to [0,0] _posX = _posX - _bottomLeftX; _posY = _posY - _bottomLeftY; _secWidth = (_topRightX - _bottomLeftX)/3; _secHeight = (_topRightY - _bottomLeftY)/3; _gridX = floor (_posX/_secWidth); _gridY = floor (_posY/_secHeight); ((_gridY * 3) + _gridX + 1) }; private["_position","_date","_output","_showDate","_showLocation","_showMap"]; private["_tLoc","_tMap","_tDate","_tTime","_tTimeH","_tTimeM","_tDay","_tMonth","_tYear"]; _showDate = true; _position = [_this, 0, getPos player, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _date = [_this, 1, date, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _tMap = [_this, 2, "auto", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; _tLoc = [_this, 3, "auto", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; //safecheck _date to make sure no values are out of boundries _date = _date call BIS_fnc_fixDate; if (_tMap != "") then { _showMap = true; } else { _showMap = false; }; if (_tLoc != "") then { _showLocation = true; } else { _showLocation = false; }; //get map text if (_showMap && _tMap == "auto") then { private["_sector","_map","_template"]; _sector = _position call _fn_getSector; if (_sector == -1) then { ["Map not recognized! Only 'Altis' and 'Stratis' are supported."] call BIS_fnc_error; _showMap = false; _showLocation = false; }; _map = gettext (configfile >> "cfgworlds" >> worldname >> "description"); _template = switch (_sector) do { case 7: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthWest"}; case 8: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorth"}; case 9: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthEast"}; case 4: {localize "STR_A3_SectorWest"}; case 5: {localize "STR_A3_SectorCentral"}; case 6: {localize "STR_A3_SectorEast"}; case 1: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouthWest"}; case 2: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouth"}; case 3: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouthEast"}; default { _showLocation = false; //hardcoded for Stratis and Altis only if (worldname == "Stratis") then { localize "STR_A3_NearStratis" } else { localize "STR_A3_NearAltis" }; }; }; _tMap = format[_template,_map]; }; //get current location text if (_showLocation && _tLoc == "auto") then { private["_locations","_loc"]; _locations = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal","NameMarine","NameVillage"], 500]; //filter-out locations without names { if (text _x == "") then { locations set [_forEachIndex, objNull]; }; } forEach _locations; _locations = _locations - [objNull]; if (count _locations > 0) then { _loc = _locations select 0; if ((getPos player) in _loc) then { _tLoc = text _loc; } else { _tLoc = format[localize "STR_A3_NearLocation", text _loc]; //tolocalize: "Pobl? lokace %1" }; } else { _tLoc = ""; _showLocation = false; }; }; //get daytime data _tYear = _date select 0; _tMonth = _date select 1; _tDay = _date select 2; if (_tMonth < 10) then {_tMonth = format["0%1",_tMonth]}; if (_tDay < 10) then {_tDay = format["0%1",_tDay]}; //get date text _tDate = format["%1-%2-%3 ",_tYear,_tMonth,_tDay]; //get time text _tTimeH = _date select 3; _tTimeM = _date select 4; if (_tTimeH < 10) then {_tTimeH = format["0%1",_tTimeH]}; if (_tTimeM < 10) then {_tTimeM = format["0%1",_tTimeM]}; _tTime = format["%1:%2",_tTimeH,_tTimeM]; /* A3 fonts: PuristaLight PuristaMedium PuristaSemiBold PuristaBold */ //sum the output params & print it _output = [ [_tDate,""], [_tTime,"font='PuristaMedium'"],["","<br/>"] ]; if (_showLocation) then { _output = _output + [[toUpper _tLoc,""],["","<br/>"]]; }; if (_showMap) then { _output = _output + [[_tMap,""],["","<br/>"]]; }; private["_handle"]; //vertically align to cinematic border _handle = [_output,safezoneX - 0.01,safeZoneY + (1 - 0.125) * safeZoneH,true,"<t align='right' size='1.0' font='PuristaLight'>%1</t>"] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2; waitUntil { scriptDone _handle; }; BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD__running = false; }; CHHQ_fnc_startingSetup = { private ["_cargo"]; _veh = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; _cargoInfo = _this select 2; _cargoType = _cargoInfo select 0; _cargoOffset = _cargoInfo select 1; _cargoDir = _cargoInfo select 2; _cargoCode = [_cargoInfo, 3, "", ["", {}]] call BIS_fnc_param; _composition = _this select 3; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_deployed",false]) then { _veh lock 2; if (playerSide isEqualTo _side) then { { _obj = (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_objArray", []]) select _forEachIndex; _code = [_x, 3, "", ["", {}]] call BIS_fnc_param; if !(_code isEqualTo "") then { _code = [_code] call CHHQ_fnc_compileCode; [_obj, _veh] spawn _code; }; } forEach _composition; [_veh, _side, "HQ"] call CHHQ_fnc_drawMarker; if (isNil "CHHQ_HQarray") then { CHHQ_HQarray = []; }; CHHQ_HQarray pushBack _veh; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_index", -1] < 0) then { _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_index", (CHHQ_HQarray find _veh) + 1, true]; }; _id = _veh addAction ["Undeploy HQ", "_this spawn CHHQ_fnc_undeploy", [_side, _cargoInfo, _composition], 0, false, true, "", "[_target, _this] call CHHQ_fnc_actionConditions"]; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_actionID",_id]; }; } else { _veh lock false; _veh lockCargo true; _veh lockCargo [0, false]; if (isServer) then { _cargo = createVehicle [_cargoType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; {_x enableSimulation true} forEach [_veh, _cargo]; _cargo attachTo [_veh, _cargoOffset]; _veh setPos (getPos _veh); _veh setDir (getDir _veh); _cargo setDir _cargoDir; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_cargo", _cargo, true]; }; _cargo = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_cargo", objNull]; if (playerSide isEqualTo _side) then { [_veh, _side, "MHQ"] call CHHQ_fnc_drawMarker; if (isNil "CHHQ_HQarray") then { CHHQ_HQarray = []; }; CHHQ_HQarray pushBack _veh; if (_veh getVariable ["CHHQ_index", -1] < 0) then { _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_index", (CHHQ_HQarray find _veh) + 1, true]; }; _id = _veh addAction ["Deploy HQ", "_this spawn CHHQ_fnc_deploy", [_side, _cargoInfo, _composition], 0, false, true, "", "[_target, _this] call CHHQ_fnc_actionConditions"]; _veh setVariable ["CHHQ_actionID",_id]; [[_veh, "cargo"], "CHHQ_fnc_deleteVehicleEH", false] call BIS_fnc_MP; if !(_cargoCode isEqualTo "") then { _cargoCode = [_cargoCode] call CHHQ_fnc_compileCode; [_cargo, _veh] spawn _cargoCode; }; }; }; }; CHHQ_fnc_updateTeleportActions = { _obj = _this select 0; { _obj removeAction _x; } forEach (_obj getVariable ["CHHQ_actionIDarray",[]]); _actionIDarray = []; { _vehString = "CHHQ_HQarray select " + str _forEachIndex; _actionText = if (count CHHQ_HQarray > 1) then {format ["Move to HQ-%1", _x getVariable ["CHHQ_index", -1]]} else {"Move to HQ"}; _id = _obj addAction [_actionText, "_this spawn CHHQ_fnc_teleportToHQ", [_x], 6, true, true, "", format ["[_target, _this, %1] call CHHQ_fnc_teleportActionConditions", _vehString]]; _actionIDarray pushBack _id; } forEach CHHQ_HQarray; _obj setVariable ["CHHQ_actionIDarray", _actionIDarray]; }; CHHQ_fnc_clearNullFromArray = { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil "CHHQ_HQarray"}; for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { waitUntil {{isNull _x} count CHHQ_HQarray > 0}; CHHQ_HQarray = CHHQ_HQarray - [objNull]; }; }; }; waitUntil {time > 1}; _obj = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _side = [_this, 1, sideUnknown, [sideUnknown]] call BIS_fnc_param; CHHQ_showMarkers = if (isNil "CHHQ_showMarkers") then {true} else {CHHQ_showMarkers}; if (_side isEqualTo sideUnknown && toLower typeOf _obj != toLower "MapBoard_altis_F") then { _sideNum = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _obj >> "side"); _side = switch _sideNum do { case 0: {east}; case 1: {west}; case 2: {resistance}; default {sideUnknown}; }; }; [] call CHHQ_fnc_clearNullFromArray; switch (toLower typeOf _obj) do { case (toLower "B_Truck_01_transport_F"): { _composition = [["Land_PowerGenerator_F",[-2.99756,2.07959,0.0971174],180.556],["CamoNet_BLUFOR_big_F",[0.013916,-0.0551758,0.0971174],337.248],["Land_ToiletBox_F",[3.71655,3.98242,0.097096],181.571],["MapBoard_altis_F",[4.04272,1.50049,0.0449162],359.984],["Land_CampingTable_F",[-3.40649,-1.95361,0.0971169],252.548],["Land_CampingChair_V1_F",[-4.34302,-1.66504,0.100242],253.27],["Land_Cargo20_grey_F",[4.11963,-0.677246,0.0971179],271.612,{_this animate ["Door_1_rot",1]; _this animate ["Door_2_rot",1]}]]; _cargoInfo = ["Land_Cargo20_grey_F",[0.045,-2.31,1.15],270,{_this setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1]; _this setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1]}]; [_obj, _side, _cargoInfo, _composition] call CHHQ_fnc_startingSetup; }; case (toLower "O_Truck_02_transport_F"): { _composition = [["CamoNet_OPFOR_big_F",[0.0947266,-0.0610352,0.0315285],345.578],["Land_PowerGenerator_F",[-2.4873,2.33643,0.0315285],182.122],["Land_WaterTank_F",[3.85596,0.42627,0.0315242],4.92499],["Land_CampingTable_F",[-2.77075,-1.10254,0.031528],276.314],["Land_CampingChair_V1_F",[-3.8562,-0.631348,0.0346532],288.003],["Land_Cargo10_sand_F",[3.70703,-2.79932,0.0315285],274.286]]; _cargoInfo = ["Land_Cargo10_sand_F",[0.07,-2,0.5],270]; [_obj, _side, _cargoInfo, _composition] call CHHQ_fnc_startingSetup; }; case (toLower "I_Truck_02_transport_F"): { _composition = [["CamoNet_INDP_big_F",[0.0947266,-0.0610352,0.0315285],345.578],["Land_PowerGenerator_F",[-2.4873,2.33643,0.0315285],182.122],["Land_WaterTank_F",[3.85596,0.42627,0.0315242],4.92499],["Land_CampingTable_F",[-2.77075,-1.10254,0.031528],276.314],["Land_CampingChair_V1_F",[-3.8562,-0.631348,0.0346532],288.003],["Land_Cargo10_military_green_F",[3.70703,-2.79932,0.0315285],274.286]]; _cargoInfo = ["Land_Cargo10_military_green_F",[0.07,-2,0.5],270]; [_obj, _side, _cargoInfo, _composition] call CHHQ_fnc_startingSetup; }; case (toLower "O_Truck_03_transport_F"): { _composition = [["Land_PowerGenerator_F",[-2.74097,0.837891,0.0376329],182.12],["Land_CampingTable_F",[-3.02441,-2.60107,0.0376248],276.309],["Land_CampingChair_V1_F",[-4.10986,-2.13037,0.0407581],288.114],["Land_FieldToilet_F",[4.37451,-0.489258,0.0376129],195.192],["Land_Cargo10_sand_F",[3.79224,-3.17822,0.0376348],285.205],["CamoNet_OPFOR_big_F",[0,-0.568848,0.119837],350.522]]; _cargoInfo = ["Land_Cargo10_sand_F",[0.07,-3.46,0.8],270]; [_obj, _side, _cargoInfo, _composition] call CHHQ_fnc_startingSetup; }; case (toLower "B_G_Van_01_transport_F"): { _composition = [["CamoNet_BLUFOR_big_F",[0.0947266,-0.0610352,0.0315285],345.578],["Land_Portable_generator_F",[-2.4873,2.33643,0.0315285],182.122],["Land_WaterBarrel_F",[3.85596,0.42627,0.0315242],4.92499],["Land_CampingTable_F",[-2.77075,-1.10254,0.031528],276.314],["Land_CampingChair_V1_F",[-3.8562,-0.631348,0.0346532],288.003],["CargoNet_01_box_F",[3.70703,-2.79932,0.0315285],274.286]]; _cargoInfo = ["CargoNet_01_box_F",[0,-1.2,0],0]; [_obj, _side, _cargoInfo, _composition] call CHHQ_fnc_startingSetup; }; default { waitUntil {!isNil "CHHQ_HQarray"}; [_obj] call CHHQ_fnc_updateTeleportActions; [CHHQ_HQarray, {[[_obj], "CHHQ_fnc_updateTeleportActions", _side] call BIS_fnc_MP}] call CHHQ_fnc_arrayUpdateEH; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4934 Posted June 9, 2021 19 minutes ago, Texeiro said: I m trying to spawn an specific vehicle type Spawning from a "buy vehicle script" (modified from Adler shop or similar, can t remember) so I guess it s a resáwning. The script that i tried to exe is the CH mmobile hq script. : So, first thing is to know how do you spawn a vehicle. Script? mod? when? where? Second thing is to understand the parameters of the script you want to apply. Here: _veh = _this select 0; // OK _caller = _this select 1; // say the player _side = _this select 3 select 0; // ?? _cargoInfo = _this select 3 select 1; // ?? _composition = _this select 3 select 2; //?? _cargo = _veh getVariable ["CHHQ_cargo", objNull]; // ?? In other words, "your" script will not run, whatever the context, if you don't have any clue about how it works. Use spoiler: Spoiler this is a spoiler. I selected it and clicked on the eye at right of the emoticon, in tool bar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Texeiro 15 Posted June 9, 2021 Thank you pierremgi, indeed, that is not "my" script! It is CH´s. Don t want to hickjack Sargeant Roland thread, Ill open a new one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Texeiro 15 Posted June 10, 2021 20 hours ago, pierremgi said: In other words, "your" script will not run, whatever the context, if you don't have any clue about how it works. Pierremgi, the script works flawlesly, btw. I suggest to those interested to download it, since in the original post the link to dropbox is down and armaholic is also down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4934 Posted June 10, 2021 2 hours ago, Texeiro said: Pierremgi, the script works flawlesly, btw. I suggest to those interested to download it, since in the original post the link to dropbox is down and armaholic is also down How are you calling it? Which parameters? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites