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Activate Trigger with Specific Helmit or Uniform

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Any ideas on some simple code in the triggers conditions field that checks if a player in my case named "dude" has a specific helmit or uniform on? or both..


Ive got the code to change your side to CSAT, but i want the condition if you are wearing the enemy uniform and helmit of my choice.


I have code for checking for a specific inventory item in player, but cant seem to figure out how to adapt to check for uniform or and helmit.


Code i have for checking for inventory item, in this example checks for a map in player dudes inventory     "ItemMap" in (items dude + assignedItems dude)


I tried changing itemMap to Headgear_the full name of my helmit but that doesnt work.. I suppose because the +assignedItems part is still trying to assign an item. I want to assign a headgear, and another one for uniform.


Any ideas? 🙂

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Place the specific helmet on a table.

Give the helmet a name.

The player starts the mission by walking up to the table and putting on that helmet.

Create a trigger that will only fire when the helmet is present.

I have not tested this.


To test this theory give a truck a name. Drive the truck into the trigger and see if the trigger fires.






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Easy: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/headgear and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/uniform


The headgear or uniform is just a string, and probably the easiest was to get it is to go into the loadout editor, put the helmet/uniform on unit and copy it to clipboard. It'll give you the string for those items. 



((headgear player == _enemyHeadgear) || (uniform player == _enemyUniform))


Where the _enemy variables are the strings of those items. That'll trigger if you are wearing the helmet or uniform. 


Sorry if there's any confusion, I've written this from my phone. 

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1 hour ago, beno_83au said:

Easy: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/headgear and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/uniform


The headgear or uniform is just a string, and probably the easiest was to get it is to go into the loadout editor, put the helmet/uniform on unit and copy it to clipboard. It'll give you the string for those items. 



((headgear player == _enemyHeadgear) || (uniform player == _enemyUniform))


Where the _enemy variables are the strings of those items. That'll trigger if you are wearing the helmet or uniform. 


Sorry if there's any confusion, I've written this from my phone. 


mmm i cant seem to get it right.


do i replace _enemyHeadgear with the full string of the helmet?


which in my case would be Headgear_H_Helmet0_ViperSP_ghex_F


Ill mess about more with it after work..

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2 hours ago, chrisbaker1981 said:

do i replace _enemyHeadgear

Yes, but a string is surrounded by " ":




edit: Not on my PC at the moment, but from looking at one of the online config references the classname you're looking for might be:


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Oh Dear, i forgot you cant put enemy uniforms on from dead players, how annoying..


Any way round that?

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1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

or the MGI advanced module


The Legend has spoken!


Thanks MGI.. When are you going to make Arma4 for us?

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