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Matthew Aiken

Season 7 first impressions

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So first off I should point out that the patch-notes for this season are still missing from the website, hopefully that gets fixed soon. As for what I’ve noticed I do like the closed exit strategy makes things more tense can’t just hide, collect the drop and sprint for the exit as you’ll likely need resources too. I do also like the in game challenge tracker been wanting that for ages! Only thing I would suggest for challenges like for instance looting ammo. Consolidate that into one notification rather than have that scrolling across the screen? Minor detail but one area for improvement. 

On to more negative things not loving the loss of the barred house, and container makes the map feel more empty like there’s less to go for. Not yet seen or tested the anti camping feature so I’ll update this post once I get a chance to later. As for other update feedback need to wait and see what was actually changed in the patch notes before I can comment further. So far it’s a 50/50 rating from me anyone else have a chance to play since the update?

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Hi developers, what have you done. You are killing your own creation. Leaving one point of interest (container, boarded up, timer) instead of three. Variation was very important, and now there is only one option - to fight in ONE place. On the contrary, they try to add content to the game and make it wider and more varied, but you do the opposite. Now the first delight from the new season will subside and people will simply get bored, because there is simply nothing to do on the map.

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Well I mean I’m level 39 on the battlepass already so I won’t be doing too much other than rebuild my hundreds of crates stash for next season thankfully i don’t need to grind as much this season but yeah in game combat is way more focused now. I did observe something weird at fiske though in which a red circle appeared with a guy I was on phone call with. If I didn’t know better I’d say the devs tried to do the signal jammer suggestion I mentioned earlier only I could still work out exactly where he was. Again need them patch notes so I can assess the changes  

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I agree with this, only played a handful of games tonight and feel a bit let down and bored by the lack of points in the maps now. Was really looking forward to the new update too so this a shame. 

Finding shootout a bit of a pain too, the new weapons aren't great in my opinion and I seem to just get the same couple everytime I spawn, like same gun 4 times in a row. Still haven't fixed the issue with not getting food/xp in shootout either so unless you come top 3 there's no reward. 

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Lack of points of interest to loot is going to kill this season. You set up an anti camping system but you only give people one point of interest to loot so what do people do? They camp. The rewards in the battle pass seem lackluster compared to last season as well. I see myself playing a lot less this season compared to last season, if I even continue to play at all. This season looks to be A HUGE disappointment.

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Having only one point of interest, throws strategy out of the window. If you spawn to far away, people immediately leave or camp an exit. The anti camping bombardment is ridiculous. There are situations where it just doesn't work to anyone's advantage. Seems like this is being done to strong arm people into spending crowns in pre game lobby. There should be at least 2 Point of interest on every map, simply because of the size of the maps. Getting people to buy crowns should be a result of an effort on the developers end. (Updates to shelters, outfits and weapons) simple things like that, is what will generate revenue. Going this route, will surely generate a spike in inactivity. 

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Not liking the lack of objectives,and been exit camped more than before, i dont think new players have much chance with with this update it feels better overall for me but i worry that the player base will get smaller with less options of escape 

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I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve noticed all of a sudden that all the exits are open again can anyone confirm if this is just Rng game bug or possibly a reverted decision? As for the one point of interest it’s absolutely crazy! I do sort of like the anti camping mortars if scaled down just a smidge, it does help to root out inactive players and genuine scummy camping. For an example if see people hiding in the corners of buildings for literally a whole game no loot etc, those people are the ones the game should target as opposed to people who are simply setting up legit ambushes. Another prime example is when a player sits for 20 mins on the airdrop coming rather than doing anything else in the match. Again I need to see them patch notes to find out exactly how this works so I know what the specifics of the mechanic are. Just for the record ambushing is cool camping isn’t there’s a difference before anyone thinks I’m moaning lol 😛

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I just found the opposite matt, played 2 games on batterie all exits closed but one so of course got exit camed twice, im pretty sure by an unoficial team aswell,usual story killed 1 then got killed by other. I think any player near an exit should be marked within a certain vacinity,either get out or get shot


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  On 2/4/2021 at 4:27 PM, Matthew Aiken said:

I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve noticed all of a sudden that all the exits are open again can anyone confirm if this is just Rng game bug or possibly a reverted decision? As for the one point of interest it’s absolutely crazy! I do sort of like the anti camping mortars if scaled down just a smidge, it does help to root out inactive players and genuine scummy camping. For an example if see people hiding in the corners of buildings for literally a whole game no loot etc, those people are the ones the game should target as opposed to people who are simply setting up legit ambushes. Another prime example is when a player sits for 20 mins on the airdrop coming rather than doing anything else in the match. Again I need to see them patch notes to find out exactly how this works so I know what the specifics of the mechanic are. Just for the record ambushing is cool camping isn’t there’s a difference before anyone thinks I’m moaning lol 😛

I've just played a couple more games there and I also noticed that there weren't any lockable exits anymore. But as with you no idea why 🤔

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Absolutely ruined it with this new season.

In a lobby with 500% loot the other day, and still picking up 2 glass from a whole town, with no other loot.  Sometimes there is less loot than pre-update.


Not entirely sure on the whole 1 lootable area listed on the map, locked container, safe, timed safe etc as just means people camp around the area and just get killed soon as you try and access them.    It would be much better to have all of them back in, but UNLISTED on the map, so people had to run around and try to find them rather than sitting camping and picking people off when they access the command to unlock any of them.   Of course, this would have to be made completely random so more than the usual buildings/locations where the main loot is normally pre-update.


At the minute, the most fun is doing the phone duels or running round looking for people to try and kill,  the whole loot aspect of the game is completely near enough gone.


So very quickly becoming boring to play the game now

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  On 2/6/2021 at 2:12 PM, carsey90 said:

Absolutely ruined it with this new season.

In a lobby with 500% loot the other day, and still picking up 2 glass from a whole town, with no other loot.  Sometimes there is less loot than pre-update.


Not entirely sure on the whole 1 lootable area listed on the map, locked container, safe, timed safe etc as just means people camp around the area and just get killed soon as you try and access them.    It would be much better to have all of them back in, but UNLISTED on the map, so people had to run around and try to find them rather than sitting camping and picking people off when they access the command to unlock any of them.   Of course, this would have to be made completely random so more than the usual buildings/locations where the main loot is normally pre-update.


At the minute, the most fun is doing the phone duels or running round looking for people to try and kill,  the whole loot aspect of the game is completely near enough gone.


So very quickly becoming boring to play the game now

Couldn't agree more, well said 😁

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Thank you all for your discussion on Season 7 so far 🙂


The loot events or loot POIs have always been just 1 in Encounters, but in December, as the holidays were approaching, we thought it would be great to have an event for 3 loot events. 


Though now it has been reverted to its original 1 loot event per Encounter, we are discussing the best way forward in order to meet our players halfway when it comes to the amount of loot events 💪 Thank you once more for the discussion, and see you in the Outlands. 🍅

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  On 2/7/2021 at 9:26 AM, fOrsythiaa said:

Thank you all for your discussion on Season 7 so far 🙂


Though now it has been reverted to its original 1 loot event per Encounter, we are discussing the best way forward in order to meet our players halfway when it comes to the amount of loot events 💪 

Couple of ideas some more realistic than others, 1: a surface to air missile to shoot down the plane mid transit to drop the crate relative to where it was shot with a callout “the plane has been shot down, find the crash site to collect the airdrop”  again ambitious but a cool idea for future seasons 🙂


As for the here and now I would say at least 2 points of interest should be on offer per match. I would actually also like to see new modifiers on the drop too so it’s not so stale. So here are a few suggestions I have:

deadweight— drop falls more rapidly (positive) 

Live fire zone—airdrop lands with mortar barrage (negative) 

scanner—airdrop lands and reveals any nearby outlanders initially (negative)

jammer— airdrop lands and temporarily hides nearby outlanders (positive) 


Those are my thoughts albeit ambitious 🙂 thoughts anyone?

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I think that those ideas are not bad and are worth considering! My favourite one is with the scanner on airdrop and proximity alarm!

But I would suggest if you apply such a big thing for an airdrop, you could actually need to pay with resources to apply!Nothing big maybe 2 electronics or 2 wire!What do you think?!

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It’s doable in my opinion hence why I’m nudging our pr dev here to pass it along 😉 the mechanics exist just have to integrate it somehow! Perhaps the coms like map rotation also rotated modifiers to keep things fresh, or like you suggest a new point of interest to further modify the drop to create the “middle ground” the devs spoke about. Or integrate it with the signal detector. A few possibilities exist though I prefer the former here 

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