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Need a BIS already defined RSC, like "Display3DENCopy"

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Hello Arma Developers, Coders and Fans,


I finished a script to test each arguments and expected result for functions and its diagnostic results in very easy way. e.g:

// ---- PROCESS ----
        "Test Datatypes",

            // ---- TEST NIL
                "MB_IS_NIL( VAR )",
                        "should be nil",
                        { true },
                        { nil }
                        "should not be nil",
                        { false },
                        { _typeBoolNull }
                        "should not be nil",
                        { false },
                        { _typeBoolContent }
                { MB_IS_NIL( _this ) }

            // ---- TEST BOOL
                "MB_IS_BOOL( VAR )",
                        "should be boolean",
                        { true },
                        { _typeBoolNull }
                        "should not be boolean",
                        { false },
                        { _typeSclNull }
                        "should not be boolean",
                        { false },
                        { _typeSclContent }
                { MB_IS_BOOL( _this ) }
] call MB_fnc_testFunctions;

All worked fine. Now I need a simple way to display in RSC format

the output array is like this


"Display3DENCopy" I like to use, but I realy do not know how to use the BIS defined RSC and could I use it anyway???

I look forward for asweres :

Edited by bi_mg

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I copied in 3den Editor this code snippet and changed a bit.

#include "\a3\3DEN\UI\resincl.inc"

// Code ...

if ( !is3den ) then {
	"The function can run only in Eden Editor workspace!" breakOut "#all";

uiNameSpace setVariable [ "Display3DENCopy_data", [ "Test Functions", str __results ] ];
( finddisplay IDD_DISPLAY3DEN ) createdisplay "Display3DENCopy";

// Code ...

It worked in 3DEN Editor only.


Thank ou anyway 🙂👍



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Ihe definet scalar IDD_DISPLAY3DEN is unknown without including "\a3\3DEN\UI\resincl.inc" in UIs from 3DEN Addon I guess, but I do not know. I'm, not familiar with RSCs, yet. Sry.

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